Is this a true statement?

Started by 45flint, October-10-10 19:10

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my dad always told me, never point a gun at anything or anyone you don't intend to shoot. I think this is good advice. hoping to scare a bg is gonna be a bad bet.


...Dad's right..Any other game plan will put You on the wrong side of the "curve"..Whilst You are waving  Your trusty "Peacemaker" around like a latter day Marshal Matt Dillon, The B/G is busey dispatching You to meet Your maker...Don't point it, 'till You're ready to use it...


Did he tell you that twice?


...Yep, He was always big, on over stating stuff...


sorry about the double post, had a brain fart. :-)


This seems to be being made into a Black and White issue, eg: If you draw your gun it is only to use it, never to wave around and frighten, etc.


   Honestly I never thought of it that way. To me most CCW holders really are extremely responsible gun handlers and already realize you don't reach for a deadly weapon unless you are in fear for your life and ready to use it.


   I think that statistic (which I agree with) is simply what occurs during the process I just described: sometime between reaching for, up until "point, aim, fire!" the vast majority of cowards, umm, I mean, criminals, will vacate the premises. Nothing to do with gun waving or the like. Simply a very logical reaction on the part of the perpetrator that they picked on the wrong person.


Very well put Guadman. My feelings exactly...


If I draw it is with the intent to fire until you quit being a threat or I run out of ammo.  It is regrettable if the perp dies, I have no desire to take a life but I will if I have no option.  It is regrettable if the perp is injured.  That being said I am prepared to pull the trigger until you stop being a threat or until I have to seek another form of combat due to running out of ammo.


   I would prefer they quit being a threat, hit the ground and cower as they see the gun but they better be quick, because I am not pulling it just for show.  I would prefer if I pull the trigger that it not kill them that they hit the ground and quit being a threat.  That being said, I understand shooting someone center of mass may kill them, and I accept that chance.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


92% of the time someone is looking for the easiest available target.  Drawing a gun means they mistook you.  I think you will avoid being a target of "non targetted" crime simply by appearing that you could resist, walking with your head up and alert, and using your head (no flashing wealth, no going into the wrong places for no reason, etc.).  I would be willing to bet that when I go to Detroit and am forced to be unarmed walking from the stadium to the hotel and back that I present a less desireable target to those who might be looking than when I am armed with the idea that when I am armed its well concealed.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


If I draw and point, the chances of someone getting shot is EXTREMELY high. I have no control over them living or dieing. I will never shoot to kill, only shoot to stay alive. It is my opinion God decides who lives and who dies. I do however, have a degree of influence on how long they may stay in surgery.....
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I recently bought a 32 Guardian. I've been to the range once and it was horrifying. I had S&B & Winchester ammo and there were failures on most rounds. The most common were stove pipes but there were about 20% failing to go into chamber. I assumed  that there would be a breakin period but this is excessive. The spring feels quite heavy for a .32.


   The trigger was also a major concern. It was really, really hard. When I got home I measured it with a gauge. It was all over the place but the lightest was 14 pounds and the highest almost 19! The manual says 10 pounds.


   I sent an email to the fellow who handles Guardians but never heard back. To me, this seems like it should go back to the factory.




...You may like to call WAYNE MARTIN, as He is the Master Gunsmith for the GUARDIAN pistols..He can usually be reached @ 1-800-821-5783..I have a G.380,and found some machineing debris impacting the hammer spring..Disassemble & thoroughly clean all the parts..Reassemble & lube W/a good quality oil, like "BreakFree"...