Little problem.

Started by zburkett, August-27-16 19:08

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The other night I missed a shot that I should not have missed.  I took all my NAAs back to the range and discovered that mini was shooting four inches low at ten yards compared to other minis.  Raising the sight picture is no problem.  How do you make a serious lowering of the strike point on a 1 5/8" mini?  Any ideas?


4" low at 30ft I wouldn't consider that a huge problem, now if it was that low at 10' then its a big problem.You could file the sight down a hair or two.


my 1 5/8 mini
seems to shoot low at 7 yards,
I have watched my grip,
hi-lited the front sight backbone,
thanks for the tip

"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"

lefty dude

It all depends which sight your 1 5/8" has on the front. My Wasp has a short front site. It shoots POA at 10 yards. With the half moon sight, it will require a guess to determine a proper POA and POI. This should be on paper. If the piece is shooting low, reducing the height would be the way to go.


Really depends on what your reference point is for the nonexistent rear sight & what other minis you are comparing it to. I should expect it to shoot a bit higher than the 1 1/8" mini using the same reference points. The longer barrel should point a bit higher & the bullet will be in the barrel (under recoil) a tiny bit longer.


This one is shooting low compared to another 1 5/8" mini.  I will play with it some then cut down the sight.