What advantage is there to being a senior?

Started by snubsforme, October-11-10 13:10

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Everyone; list ONE reason how becoming a senior has been an advantage for you.


   I got the idea over the weekend.  Here's mine:


   This weekend I went to a gunshow.  Admission was five dollars.  I see a new sign, "Seniors 62 and over one dollar off".  I tell the gal I'm a senior, as I hand over a five.  She hands me back a buck.

   Not alot of money, but it paid almost half my lunch.


35 cent coffee @ McD's yay!!!!!!!!!!!!





NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


There are no advantages.....Keep your discounts.....Make me 19 again.
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain


.....you get to take Viagra cuz yer junk is broke and after Obama gets done with you it won't be free any more,.......


Given the past few years of financial doom here at my house: I am finally and officially worth more alive than dead. And the junk still works, much to the wife's dismay. You can keep that 19 crap (I still have nightmares about triple canopy and red dirt) ...19 was hell, but 35 again would not be bad.


... SENIOR discounts on everything from Gun Shows to Gumdrops + I only have 2 days in a week..6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday...


I boxed for an income as a young man.  Now that I'm hovering just above penury I am back in training to earn some money.  The advantages to me as a senior are:


   (1) medicare pays for injuries I am sure to sustain.


   (2) they give me an extra minute between rounds so that I can urinate.


Getting to park close to the door using my Handicap hang tag. Of course, I HAVE to park close since my hips won't go so far these days, LOL.


I can fart as loud as I like, anywhere I like


   I can piss my pants in public and people feel sorry for me instead of laughing.


   NAA gave me a $200 discount on my Breaktop


   Sorry not quite a senior yet, or looking forward to it unless you can convince me there are real benefits. No disrespect meant to those who are
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The thing is, there really is no way to avoid getting old, since the options are not that great! The only thing you can hope for is to do it gracefully, and you get there way quicker than you can ever imagine. So Redhawk, keep your list. You may need it sooner than you think. One thing bothers me. I always heard that grey hair brings wisdom. Ain't happened. Bummer!



Red, they really don't feel sorry that is just laughter being politely held in!


   I would laugh if I saw you pee your pants.....do you do that often?


I am not quite 60 yet. Several places have signs saying "seniors 60+" or "55+". The ones that just offer senior discounts, I ask about the age. Usually, the clerk will look at me and just give me the discount. I'm not sure that is a good thing.......


   For those who don't want to become "Senior", to my knowledge, there is only one alternative. The aches I have are not that bad, yet. I kinda doubt they will get that bad either.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


AAHAHAHhahahhaa.......just PERFECT!!!


When you get old, the best feeling you will have is to be able to take a good sh-- without it hurting!



"Red, they really don't feel sorry that is just laughter being politely held in"


   The story of my life


   I would laugh if I saw you pee your pants.....do you do that often?


   Not that I can recall since childhood, but as we age we return to childhood in a less pleasant way. That's why I ordered my Break Top, it will be easier to keep corrosion at bay in future years with the ease of access. I'm going to get Madhat to make me and "inside the diapers holster" as well so I don't get bullied by those rest home punks.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


BAWAHAHAHHAHAA......."Inside the diapers holster"!


   THAT is funny!!!


''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Uncle lee, when I first read your statement, I thought that's  really depressing. Then the more I thought about it, I realized you are most likely right! However, I think this bitter truth thing is way overrated! Let's go on with our illusions for a while longer!



Uncle lee, when I first read your statement, I thought that's  really depressing. Then the more I thought about it, I realized you are most likely right! However, I think this bitter truth thing is way overrated! Let's go on with our illusions for a while longer!



You get to double post and everyone overlooks it - at your age they're impressed you even know how to use a computer
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I did that on purpose to see if anyone noticed. Guess you are not that old after all! HaHa. What's a computer?



Back in junior high school the health director (head nurse of the school district) had a sign hanging above her desk.  It read "TODAY is the TOMORROW you worried about YESTERDAY".  Such is the motto for daily living and dealing with growing older.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Lee, I used to complain but you have me beat! I will stop whining now.......


   I was in the hospital once and they gave me Morphine, WOW!!! I quickly understood why peeps get so addicted to it. The pain was still there but for some reason it was just.....OK!

   I really don't like meds and try to steer clear if I can. The only junk I take is an aspirin a day for Heart Smart and a side of Lipitor for my chicken wings!


Well..At 44 I have 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday. Broke my back twice, left leg is braced, arthritis all over, Bionic implant in me arse that interrupts pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain, fibromyalgia and neuropathy are fun to contend with too. No senior discounts, but plenty of senior type aches and pains.


   Worked and played WAY too hard all my life and the old body wasn't built for all the punishment. I'd like to start over again at say...23-24...I would take better care, that's for sure.


   So...in 18 or so years, I'll let ya'll know what I think the best Senior perk is...lol.


Sorry to be seen as a whiner.

   Wasn't meaning to whine.

   Been doing most of it with a smile.

   Trying to say that there is always something to have fun with no matter what you are going through.

   I'll shutup.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Uh oh.....that must mean I'm a Whiner too!!!! Crap..and I thought I was a happy guy! Now I gotta shut up?  


   Oh hey...check out my new signature page picture for my youtube channel!!




Lee, I meant that "I" was a whiner. I am always complaining that something hurts but after hearing your story I figure it is a good reason for me to shut it.....


I complained I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.


We benefit both ways.  When we go out with our daughter for breakfast I ask for the senior discount, and my wife informs them that she has her daughter with her thus often getting the 'kids eat free' benefit.  It helps that she looks in her 30s, and has no obligation to clarify that our daughter is 50 years old.



That is not nice. That is stealing and you should be ashamed......


They present the check - our daughter looks 8 - and no tengo miedo ni verguenza.  hehehehe


The BG thinks I'm an easy target tell he finds my NAA 22 mag. in his face.