Guarian 32 Grips

Started by adsinger, September-18-16 20:09

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I've got a Guardian in 32ACP. I have the standard grips and a nice pair of wood (cocobolo?) grips. The standard grips are excellent for carry, but hard to hold. The wood grips are nicer to hold but their thickness makes them bulky to carry. I've been looking for a better solution, something in between. I see that NAA lists the Hogue simulated pearl grips, does anyone know if these might be a good compromise, or are they as thick as the wood ones?

I'd like to hear if anyone here has a better solution.




I put a set of the black pearl grips on a 380 and they made it quite a bit thicker.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Hogue,the Handall jr., and Pachmayr, the Tactical Grip Glove, make rubber sleeves that slide over grips.  They would add a bit of girth and cushion to your Guardian's factory grip but still be smaller than the woodies.  They run around $10.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Thanks. I went to the web site but they don't list a glove grip for the NAA.



You could contact thingmiester. He can make custom wood grips to your specs.


if you have an old bicycle tube kickin around you can cut a piece off and slide over the grip, not real pretty but works great


It will take a little effort the first time, but you can get some high end rubber anti-slip tape and make a template to cover the grip surfaces as well as the front and back strap. It looks great, won't come off if applied to a clean degreased surface and works wonders to increase grip function.

I place it on all my Glocks and any gun that does not have decent enough texturing on the front and back straps that I do not want to send to a gunsmith for checkering.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.