Break Top Range Report

Started by redhawk4, October-12-10 17:10

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Just thought I'd rub salt in some wounds as a distraction from my own dissapointment
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I expected better of you redhawk(-4)


   tisk tisk tisk


   may you stub your toe on the way to the john during the night!




You expected better of me? - why?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


You're right, what was I thinking? Can't trust anybody, especially not the founder of the mde fan club. Hehe, how's that for salt burn.


I hope to see a "real" BT report soon, with pictures. If anyone develops  buyers remorse or the "newness" factor is short-lived I would consider taking your USED  BT for say $300. Just throwing that out there.


as i have seen on Price is right I would pay $301lol

zippovarga're on Candid are, there it is over there ~~~>


   Has anyone else sat there in amazement that Shooter even made that a public offering? You know, just throwing that out there. $300.00??????? Wait...let me get my, take this thumb tack and press it into my skull please...I want everyone to see that I spent (with transfer fees and taxes) over $531 bucks on a BT, just to sell it to Shooter for almost half that. (When I have a 30 day money back guarantee from the company no less)  


   What are you thinking man???? These BTs are going to APPRECIATE, not DEPRECIATE.....


   Wait long enough....someone might just use their BT in place of those Just Married Cans on a String, then travel from the Jersey Shore to Vegas to Gamble. I'm pretty sure you could get that one for close to 300 bucks...but, I'm just throwing that out


   Were you actually serious with that offer Shooter? Do you take us for fools??? You know...a fool and his money soon go separate ways kinda fools?  


   Why don't YOU buy a BT, then sell it to one of US for oh, I don't know...say $300? Just throwing that out there. What the heck man??...lmao...Thanks for that....Usually I read the comics in the mornings when I want a good laugh. Now I fear they'll just pale in comparison. Were you or are you a stand up comedian?


I kinda like the "Price Is Right" idea....Would you take ....$302 Zippo?




   Lighten up, Dude.....


   He was joking, FCS...
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001




   Wat have you been lighten up with that Zippo????


   HUMOR does not have to be Moe getting hit with a board................


   It can be MDE,  

   or any other joke......


   Or even satire..............





NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


........I hereby declare that we have changed the name from "NAA Message Board" to "NAA Thread Drift Board".


Wow, Zippo had too many redbulls or something. You are correct Cooper, I was kidding around about the $300. With the HyperInflation that is going to hit us in a few years the B.T. can be expected to "appreciate" to maybe $900 (or 0.5oz of gold).  


   Further drift exit here-----> Things of future value: Paper Dollars = NO,   Food/guns/ammo/gold = Yes......I'm going to start raising cows now so in a couple of years I can trade one for a BreakTop from a "fool" who failed to stock up on food supply.


Hey Zippo, I was driving behind a UPS truck today and this package fell out the back one was around and I couldn't catch up to the driver before he got on the interstate. So this evening my dog chewed open the box and it was a B.T.! Inside was paperwork listing it as serial #2 to be shipped to a Mr.Varga? Sorry to hear about your $531, would you like to purchase one from me for oh I don't know...maybe $301?  


   disclaimer...the $1 increase is due to pain and suffering from the "comedian" comment; it is limited to $1 because I in fact am NOT a comedian except when I am farting which almost always makes me smile and sometimes laugh.

   further disclaimer...the yellow smiley face is a deliberate attempt to indicate that I am in fact just kidding around and neither intend to offend or be easily offended myself.

chopprs guys are terrible!  

   I like it!


Redbull with a double shot of espresso!! I was seriously hoping you WERE kidding because I couldn't imagine that being a serious comment. It's still got me chuckling!!  


   I'm holding out for 303 bucks for my BT Good stuff.....


Speaking of paperwork accompanying the BT.....when I got my 3 inch Earl, there was NO invoice according to my local dealer. I find that very odd in any sense, whether it be business or POP.  


   Is any one besides me chomping at the bit in anticipation for the arrival of the BTs??????


OK, I bid $304, but you have to pay shipping and the FFL fees.


Would you want that with or with out the 250 dollar custom engraving? Complimentary of course!! lol


I think that if the dealer ordered the Earl then HE should get the invoice. If YOU order from NAA such as with the BT then the invoice should be yours though it may arrive with the gun.


   Did you guys see the UFOs over NY? Well I have it on good authority that they have been identified: they are a species known as "Z's" which came from the planet Varga. They  

   heard about the BT and discussions are underway with the  

   UN to get them some. They just have to negotiate a price, they  only want to pay $300.


Posted on Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 08:02 am:       by chopprs:

   ........I hereby declare that we have changed the name from "NAA Message Board" to "NAA Thread Drift Board".  


   Chopprs, I blame RED!  he yelled fire in our NAA theatre and then quietly sat down to watch us trip over each other.


lol.........i don't even have control of my own species....the cheap


i think the ufo's are coming after me and chopprs for laughing at their disciple.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


might as well keep the drift going....


   so what gun would an alien use if it had a choice?


   well, first I guess we have to categorize the different species:


   the little grays would use something like a guardian or lcp, maybe a .38  IMO


   the tall/thin types would go with the lower-recoil earl or minimaster I think


   the reptilians would go for a shotgun or PM9 probably


   AND if upon our official introductions gifts were exchanged I recommend offering an engraved Earl or Black Widow? the question is what should the engraving say???   "many worlds, one fine pistol"....


........Pull hammer back, put muzzle up to nose, smile and pull trigger"!!!


hehe....yeah....I like Choppers idea.....maybe put the instructions with pictures showing how to use it. It's the gift that keeps on alien blows his head off, wipe the gun off and give it to the next alien.  




you guys are going to start an inter-galactic war! shesh

   Mr.Blue above doesn't seem so bad; and this could open up a whole new market for NAA. Maybe they could hire me to be one of their sales reps:  


   "Manufacturer of high quality revolvers and pistols looking to hire friendly sales rep. Duties include frequent travel to distant destinations for the purpose of expanding our customer base. Position will require an open mind and tolerance for strange enviroments. If hired you will have access to all of our new products and get a 40% discount on your NAA purchases."


   Hey, I'm just the man for that job!