More Anti-Gunner Fuel

Started by zippovarga, February-23-12 10:02

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Of course the "righteous" people will say this wouldn't have happend if there were no guns.  


   There were 49 people killed in a train wreck, yesterday I think, and hundreds injured. If we had banned trains, that wouldn't have happened either!


It seems if the 8 year old bought a gun to school this is a parenting issue, not a gun control one.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


"Of course the "righteous" people will say this wouldn't have happend if there were no guns."


   ...and if there were no water nobody could drown!


   This is oldest and the stupidest analogy of anything that ever was. If I want to kill someone and there are no guns I would go and get a rock or a stick!


   "Guns don't kill people. People kill people"


   A firearm is an inanimate object and for some reason the Left sees them as living, breathing and fully animated as suchly they would need to be to do all of the killing that they are accused of!


When I was a kid there where guns setting around in almost every house you went to, sometimes in plain sight and sometimes not, but they were there. Guns were a part of life back then and as a kid you were taught to respect them for what they were. These days kids are taught that guns are bad, and if you watch TV they are only good for blowing away the bad guys or your enemy.

   If kids are taught that guns are bad then bad things are what they will use them for.

   Just my thoughts.../


I second Coinchops comments......
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Lets see the kid had possession of a handgun and was underage, first law broken.  The gun was concealed without a valid CPL, second law broken.  He transported it concealed without a valid CPL, third law broken. He took it on school grounds and into a school building which is illegal possession in a no-carry zone, fourth law broken. He discharged it unlawfully, fifth law broken. He shot someone, sixth law broken.  Being underage legally he could not have the gun in his possession OR have a valid CPL. And the Brady-Bunch says more laws will help? Am I missing something?


Actually, I believe that more laws is stupid but more training will help. The last CCW class that I attended for my wife had an instructor that asked a gent in the front row to confirm that a gun was unloaded wich he proceeded to waive around and point at everyone throughout the entire lecture in which all he talked about was how smart he was and he knew everything about guns and we did not........until I stopped him. Number one sir, how do "I" know the gent in the first row has a clue? Number two, if you point that gun at me one more time you will find it shoved up your ass!!!

   He asked me to leave so I asked him to leave as an unqualified instructor and showed him my NRA Instructor ID.

   We had a small argument which the other two instructors that were there stopped and told him we was wrong. Point being they have dipshits like this training people when they should have competent instructors. Instead of standing there and pointing a gun at everyone and telling them how smart he is he should be giving pointers on safe storage in the home an what to do with curious children!


We (gun owners) have been hashing this out since 1968.

   More laws will not stop crime.

   You know this.

   They (anti-gunners) know this.


   Gun laws are aimed at disarming the people.

   Nothing more.

   Nothing less.


   Oh by the way, I read a little notice the other day.

   The obama BATF has decided again that there are too many FFLs out there.

   They are going to start pulling FFLs over minor infractions.

   What was a reprimand or a fine is now going to be loss of license.


   FFL holders, make sure all your I's are dotted and your T's are crossed.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


At a boy Chops, go get 'em!


....well....WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!?!?!

   The guy was a four foot two ***!!!!!


I am in agreement with the views, analogies, opinions etc. When I was 8, I was in a little row boat with my Fathers trusty Ruger 10-22 and a flashlight frog gigging the easy way. I didn't come in until my 5 gallon bucket was full. I was alone. I was a *** good shot...put the front sight between the two glowing eyes...they freeze when spot lighted. After I shot, I put the safety on the Ruger, laid it beside me and rowed over to retrieve the frog. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm sitting is everyone around me from that time in my life. Why? Because I wasn't sitting in front of a game console splashing blood and gore like it was real life.  


   We can all go in 100 different directions with the cause, reasons, solutions etc. But in my opinion, all the charges should be brought against any parent who owns guns and doesn't have the sense to educate their children on gun safety.  


   I have two Daughters who both hunt. My youngest is 13 and can out shoot me at the range and a 16 year old who has a turkey and deer mounted on the wall of her bedroom. They grew up around guns and have had safety drilled into their heads from day one. Neither of them are gamers. Both entertain them selves with physical activities. Sports, cheer leading, hunting, hiking, camping, boating, skiing etc. I can't afford to be a lazy Dad and just toss my girls a game console to get them out of my hair (or lack there of). I have a job to do as a parent, and that is the most important job I've EVER had.


Most kids are nor born dipshits.

   Thats something thats built into them later.


+1 My wife's ex manages to do a great job of that with my step kids and they just seem to gravitate towards it. I think it's like many negative things in life, it requires very little effort, whereas all the positive things of life require a lot more concerted effort.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The idiocy of the anti gun joke is that he actually believes that if guns are gone then everyone will be good...including that mass murderer out on parole and that rapist who didnt get caught yet.


   These morons cant seem to get it that the very crime they rant about is actually the very proof backing OUR case up...that criminals ARE out there and the law abiding MUST have more than harsh language and a 911 call to cops that wont get there till someone is dead.


   These dopes have two options;


   1. Claim that there is no crime out there in which case since there is no crime there is no damned reason for these whiny little girls to complain about our guns.


   2. Admit that there IS a lot of violent crime out there in which case the law abiding MUST have a tool to defend themselves from that crime. A tool that actually WORKS...not a damned call to cops that wont get there until someones being outlined in chalk or taken to a rape crisis center.