.22 mag vs .32 acp question

Started by zburkett, October-04-16 05:10

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met to tell ya.on that 32 check for small spur on crown.


Quote from: zburkett on October-14-16 07:10
Quote from: ray on October-14-16 07:10
agree with you .have 22 @22mag derringers love them but to hard trigger pull thats why i  have naa

I have a Derringer in .32 but in addition to being stiff, the barrels don't print together.  At 5 to 10 feet they may be 3 or 4 inches off which is too much for what I need.  I have considered snake shot in a .38 Derringer but have decided I prefer the mini.

I have the opposite. My Davis .32 shoots to point of aim with both barrels. I am always surprised because I never expected anything like that. Of course it's not anything like a target pistol but it is far better than should be expected. Within ten yards I feel quite confident with it.


my Davis .32 Derringer also shoots to point of aim at 10 feet. 
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


You do seem to have a difficulty. Either go to a holster and a little heavier gun, or be content with the mini. S&W makes a J frame sized .22 mag 7 shot, but it is a little larger. The weight is only 11 ounces, but you still have 22 mag, 2" barrel power. To step up in power you will need a holster. You might contemplate a Mini Master, if you feel the need for more accuracy, or a little more velocity. The 4" barrel will provide more velocity and a longer sight radius, making shots a little easier to place. HOWEVER, you loose some portability. If the dogs and hogs prove too much for 22 mag, and you survive, let us know and we can put our collective heads together and hopefully come up with a holster gun for you.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


BTW I have found that packing the works with White Lithium Grease lightens both cocking and trigger pull on my Davis and Cobra Derringers. 


Yea, I ran the numbers on 32s also. The only one you gain much in ballistics was the 32 mag or of course the phantom 327. The energy was the same as a 32NAA but the 32 mag bullet was bigger (85+ gr vs 60).  Still not sure enough it would make a difference. No need to buy another "maybe enough" gun...I'll stick with what I have.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: uncle_lee on October-13-16 03:10
Quote from: Canoeal on October-12-16 20:10
That "up" shot will still come down somewhere...better not to miss.

I will do my best not to miss.
Odds are better shooting up at an angle.
No shot in public is going to be perfect.
Nor guaranteed to hit what it is shot at.

How would you teach shooters not to miss?
What would you have them do while shooting in a crowd?
Pracrice practice practice. And as to shooting in a crowd? Don't. Period. That is a job for LEOs, not me.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


These are my 22 mags. Yes the longer barrel has more accuracy, velocity and good ballistics and less recoil, but as you can see it is a little hard to stick in your pocket. When given a choice of which to use the larger is my choice, but often as not the BW is in the right front pocket and the Charter is in the nightstand...Both get shot every time I get to the range.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


"Pracrice practice practice. And as to shooting in a crowd? Don't. Period. That is a job for LEOs, not me."

There may come a time when you are in a mall or somewhere there are people and someone starts shooting.
The odds of this happening is getting better every day.
Hillary will bring in hundreds of thousands more. (all will not be bad but the number will go up accordingly)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )