Something Different in the Mens room

Started by 22man, March-23-12 21:03

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Ok, as the story goes....


   I Stop into McD's for a #1 combo (that would be the Bacon Egg and Cheese, hash, and OJ),

   Go into the mens room first for a #1 deposit prior to ordering my #1,

   It's a small bathroom,,,,two stand up urinals and one stall.

   I make it about 3 feet into the room and see a female employee with a spray bottle and rag in her hand. She's obviously cleaning the place,

   and I pause for a second as I'm processing the situation....

   without much hesitation, she says something like "oh, I'll go in here and close the door" and she steps into the stall and closes the half-door behind her....

   I guess because I had to go so bad I didn't hesitate much,,,,,,and just proceeded to the stand up urinal and commenced to taking care of my business,

   only then I'm thinking to myself....

   "there's a lady standing 6 feet from me while I'm peeing??"

   oh well, times they are a changing,,,,

   at least I didn't have a 'pee-fart',,,,,

   but that was the risk she was taking by staying



   Hey Collector, I got some frowny faces in the title there^^^

   I had to try it for curiousity

cedarview kid

Nice frownies!


   Haha, good one!


   OK, get this one, then.


   I'm on Interstate-15 in northern Utah and we pull off into a rest stop, oh, maybe ten or fifteen years ago. I go into the men's room to do my business and stand next to another guy doing his business. We don't talk, of course, because that's against the rules.


   Then in walks this older lady who seems to have enough testosterone in her body to pass for a man, but has obvious features that most men do not have. She proceeds with her cleaning supplies to clean the urinal to my right--the only one of three not being used. She finishes it up quickly and proceeds to work in one of the stalls.


   The two of us men doing our business look at each other--also against the rules--and one of us says something like, "Well that was weird." I forget which one of us broke the talking rule--but I'm pretty sure this worker lady broke a bigger rule. She didn't even seem to notice us, though.


   I haven't had that happen again--but I ain't complaining'; and I ain't kiddin', either! This actually happened.


well you've got me beat,,,,at least I had a half-door barrier and 6' buffer,,,,

   BTW, that happened two days ago.



   I guess the Jane cleaning the Johns at the rest stop just became numb to social interaction...maybe long nights of wiping swishers will do that?

   I thought you were gonna say she offered you a mint....


I was the company plumber for many years.  I had a cart with signs on it that I would put in front of the door to the waiting room (ladies lobby), and I had other signs that I would hang on the actual restroom door.  I would also tell them I was in there working.


   It didn't matter.  I have had women step over me as I was laying down repairing a hand sink, enter a stall and 'start going' as I was scrambling to get up and out of the place.


    I have had women sit in the stall next to me (while I was working on a toilet) and just 'let er rip', saying ''I'll just be a minute'', as I quickly vacated the premises.


   Some women have no shame.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Once or twice my wife has begun telling me about the variety of loud fart and such noises she has heard emanating from the stalls next to her...


   I cut her off mid-description with "I don't need to know these things!..."




.....why would you be embarrassed to pee in front of a girl. Never been nekked widda woman?

   I always thought it was the girls that got embarrassed so they seperated us from them.....

   She was diggin' it, I assure you!


There's a difference between embarrassment and not feeling comfortable doing certain things in the presence if an unknown woman in public.

   Must be an old fashioned southern respect thing, I wouldn't expect certain fellas who post naked pics of their wife on the net to understand.


I guess I am just not embarrassed of a girl seeing me nekked, on the contrary rather proud I would say!



I am not embarrassed to have someone watch me relieve myself.

   I have nothing they would want to look at.

   If they DID look at me, they would wish they had not have done that. The picture would be burned into their brains for years.


   Some of the taverns around here have restrooms that are not fit to enter.

   After 10 PM or so, most of the guys just go out on the sidewalk and relieve themselves in the gutter. (the women go around back in the alley)



   Anybody want to go drinking with me????
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I didn't figure you for having seen the inside of a public bathroom in 20 years or so Lee,,,,,,

   What with the invention of depends and all



I'm still traumatized by that 'hole in your head' pic you posted awhile back.....I can hardly shake the impulse to vomit when that visual pops up


The hole traumatizes you? What about me? It was in MY head.......


   That hole was clean.



   Depends only hold so much then you have to empty it and recycle.(put the clean side in)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


What no "Bidets" in your world?


the cleaning woman probably has a little hole in the stall wall so she can watch while you pee.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


She probably does sound shots.../.


Went into a Wal-Mart about a year ago. There were two urinals and some stalls. I just wanted to take a leak, or to be more accurate, leave one.


   At one of the urinals was this guy standing there doing his thing. Nothing weird about that except not only had he dropped his pants down all the way to the floor, but his shorts as well. He was butt naked, and I mean that literally!  


   What would possess a man to do that in a public restroom??


did he have the head of a horse?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

LOL, Red. That's pretty funny. Now I know why yer cross-eyed!


   Honestly, tho Chopprs, I wouldn't say that I got embarrassed when the cleaning lady walked in. I didn't stop mid-stream or anything. I don't think I had time to get embarrassed, with all of the surprise and amusement.


   LOL, Gunr--I've see that too, but usually it's a kid about four years old who's having a hard time reaching the "adult-high" urinal.


   Oh, here's another one that's kind of strange, but in a different category.


   This was another time on Interstate-15, but this time in southern Utah. Another rest stop. I walked into the restroom building and saw this burly lady in a green nylon jacket with some sort of law-enforcement insignia on it, but I didn't check out what is was (the jacket reminded me of Jackie Gleason's in _Smokey and the Bandit_). Anyway, she was standing right next to the open men's room door. I thought that was kind of weird.


   Then I walk in and see an inmate at one of the urinals trying to do his business with his hands cuffed in front of him and his feet shackled. He looks at me and gives me some sort of goofy grin and says something to me, but I don't recall what. (I guess he was unfamiliar with the unspoken rules of urinal etiquette, which all of us men know.)


   I take my time, so he can leave before me, and then I finish up.


   When I get outside, I notice one of those extended full-sized vans, probably a Toyota, in the parking lot a few slots down from my car. Another inmate is jumping out onto the ground--his feet shackled, too. The other guy is trying to get back in. There's one, maybe two other guys in the back of the van and there's another lady with the same green shiny vinyl jacket. All of the van windows are covered with steel mesh and there's a steel mesh divider separating the front from the back.


   As I drove away, I noticed the van had Tennessee plates. To this day, I wish to heck I had checked out the insignia on the jackets, but these two women with a van load of inmates kind of intimidated me! I have NO IDEA why a van from Tennessee was at a rest stop in the middle of Nowhere, Utah, with two women transporting a load of shackled inmates. It's like the sort of thing from a bad movie.


   Again, that's no lie. This was probably around 2004, when I was driving back and forth from Vegas for work.


About 30 years ago, at a bowling ally I frequented. I went into the can to drain my lizard. One urinol was out of order and the other was in use, so I went into one of two stalls. I'm standing there doing my thing, and then I see this high heeled shoe in the stall next to mine, and herd a female voice. My first thought was that I was in the ladies can, my whole life flashed before my eyes! I'm sure you know the feeling!


   I quickly made a retreat for the door! I told some friends what happened, and we waited not too far the the restroom door, to see what would emerge. In a few minuets a couple of gals came out. One was three sheets to the wind, and could barely stand. The other gal was holding her up as they shuffled towards the exit. I' m sure they never knew the were in the wrong restroom!


Id tell you guys a few stories, but I woudnt want anyone to get jealous.


.....Lee I will go drinking wth you anytime!


   By the way.....did you lose your dog. I know of no one else on the planet that could own a dog like this but you!  

   I can only guess what his name may be.......




You FOUND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!1

   Ol Pecker has been missing for over a year....
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


That is beyond belief! That can't be real, It must be painted on! I almost died laughing!


Here is a story that frightens me to this day.  A few years back I was stationed in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (St. Ignace) and I decided to take the wife on a trip to the Wisconsin border so she can go shopping and I can go look at a boat.  Well the wife spotted a shopping plaza so we went in and nature started to call and my arse was answering back!  I located the restroom down a hallway that was half-lit and before opening the door two men walked out briskly and made eye contact with me and then each other and then back at me and then they quickly left...kinda odd but had more important things to concentrate on.  I entered one of the stalls in what I thought was an empty restroom.  Well when the deed was done I reached to my right for some TP when there it was....a hand wiggling all fingers and making no noise. Apparantly their was a guy in the next stall and he was giving me some kinda weird signals for who knows how long since my arrival, but looking down and seeing a hand wiggling its fingers under the partition and not knowing anyone was in there spooked the sh*t out of me.  The hand was inches away from touching my porcelain chair.  I freaked out (No CCW at the time) I jerked up my drawers and made a B-line for the door and without thinking to unlock the door I ran into it knocking me back a bit.  I made my way out and found my wife and immeadeately left Wisconsin to never return again.  I have no problems with homosexuals but when a guy decides to conduct himself improperly in a public restroom then that tells me something ain't right mentally.  Becuase of that incident I now leave a restroom anytime I hear someone else making noises, gestures, or anything that could be conceived as some kind of creepy homosexual language.  I was 18 at the time so it was a big deal.  BTW the town was just outside of Iron Mountain JIC.  Again I have no problems with someone who is gay just wanted to let you guys know that bathroom etiquette is very important!
- satchel

"Semper Paratus"


Maybe all he wanted was for you to pass him some toilet tissue, because there wasn't any in his stall! LOL!


Christ! I got to tell the ol lady to start cleaning up a little when she uses the can!




.....yeah, you saw my used steak a couple weeks ago...... 28 ounce Sirloin with two baked potatoes!





Holy Christ Chops, This is really an all time low for you. I have this vision of you imprinted on the inside of my eyelids that can never be erased! Please lord, forgive me for what I have just witnessed!


We're off to see the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.