So which should be banned, Guns or Knives?

Started by redhawk4, April-26-12 22:04

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It is not about guns and knives, or baseball bats. Murder and assault and battery should be banned. Oh! What was I thinking; they already are illegal.  Laws only work for law-abiding citizens. So, maybe only the bad guys don't pay attention to laws. More laws might not change that dynamic. You think??
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


And screwdrivers, and pencils, and sticks from trees.  Oh, and rocks. Rocks are very dangerous. ;)  


   Yes, let's just stick with the "act" as being bad and not the "pokey thing" of choice.


My coffee could be considered a dangerous weapon.  It is so strong it will eat through a main battle tanks armour,thats why it was outlawed by the Geneva Convention as being 'cruel and inhuman warfare'. People who drink it report their hair and teeth to grow tremondously thereby disfigureing the individule. But I will not give up my coffee. Now Im off to my dentist and barber for my weekly visit.


Millsriver spells out my thoughts. This has to be a story the gun banners would hate as it shows if people don't have guns they can still be violent, while also showing that just one person with a gun can prevent what might have been a lot worse - something they are always trying to deny. Heck the guy was even held, to be arrested by the police saving them a lot of work and the environment too as they didn't have to drive those big thirsty police cars all over trying to find the guy, or even worse bring in a helicopter or two - see everyone's a winner when upstanding citizens are allowed to carry guns


   "Yes, let's just stick with the "act" as being bad and not the "pokey thing" of choice" that gave me a laugh - although the weapon dosn't have to be "pokey", don't forget those "blunt instruments" that kill a lot of people too, blunt force trauma and all that
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid


I know the statistics and I know that guns are used in the majority of homicides.  The trick to that number is that they do not differentiate criminal homicides from non-criminal homicides.  


   It should be also noted that vehicular homicides are not counted the same.  Any fatal accident involving a gun is counted as a homicide.  Vehicular accidents are not generally.


   My sister or wife can effectively use a gun to defend themselves.  A knife?  Not so much.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama

cedarview kid

Especially when defending yourself with a knife against a gun. Better just run or hide (which you probably should have done before getting out the knife anyway).


" FIRE BURNS AND WATER DROWNS " ban fire and water.


Those that wish to ban should be banned from banning......I think!

cedarview kid


This is America.  

   Nothing should be banned.  

   Execute those who deserve to be executed.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


"NAA_COLLECTOR:  Let's ban idiots."


   But then who would post on this board?  



Maybe we should ban some of out leaders



Im thinking Obama would be a good call


Yes Mr. bunch,

   And all who like him.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


..and ban metal poles too...


   "Since the last crackdown ended police have continued to seize a variety of weapons that could kill or maim. A 15-year-old was found with an 18in metal pole with a homemade handle at a park in Elgin, Moray. "">


"I know the statistics and I know that guns are used in the majority of homicides. The trick to that number is that they do not differentiate criminal homicides from non-criminal homicides. "



   And the interesting point is that in giving us all these crime statistics the anti gun agenda is proving OUR case for us by giving conclusive proof that there IS a lot of violent crime out there that the law abiding need to be aware of and have ability to defend themselves from.


   With every violent crime mentioned by the antigun nut they prove that we MUST have a tool we can protect our families with from that violent crime...seeing that most of us cant afford armed body guards.


Even if you can afford them, every Gentleman aka free man has always throughout history had the right and obligation to go armed. Why should that change?
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I have a body guard.

   5'1" always armed and CAN shoot (and hit what she wants to hit).
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


i disremember the author[possibly Jeff Cooper] of this statement,but,"the only weapon a man possesses is between his ears,whatever is in his hand is just a tool*


Skaard wise words - unfortunately we now seem to have a society where too many are tools with nothing between their ears.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


According to an old article I have, English common law (as I noted in another thread) held that there are two kinds of crimes, those that are morally wrong (rape, murder, robbery) and those that are wrong because the are prohibited by legislative action. There is no crime, in owning a weapon. Morally, the crime, or interpretation of the crime, is in the using of the weapon.  


   The legislated law puts limits on law abiders in order to screen out the law abusers. The many controlled by the few. But just because this quandary is simply stated does not mean that is is still so simple to apply. Our abilities have grown exponentially and so have our evils. Can all of our highly complex society be distilled to a simple code. Really?


   Pass the Rolaids, please )


IS it the stress of being a screaming knee jerk liberal that is causing you all the stomach upset that you mention it repeatedly in your posts?



   Maybe you should consider changing the way you look at things, become happy, and you stomach problems will go away......


   Most of you liberals do seem pretty miserable.....



   Just a thought..............
"Deeds; Not Words"


......and what is the excuse for an extremist right wing-nut to being such a repulsive a..hole???  Man,  what an ignoranus!!!


...I only see one Wing Nut around here...


And I see two.  There is no reason for an attack like that to someone expressing HIS opinion.  That is the height of rudeness and incivility!



   You are a Liberal on a gun forum.....and you are surprised?

   Maybe it is YOU that needs some meds sir!




   That was not an attack.  It was an attempt to help him/you get over your/his constant upset stomach.


   Are you/he suggesting that describing you as a "screaming knee jerk liberal" is an attack?  I don't see it.  It is a political position, that is obviously giving him/you stomach upset.


   Why don't you just abandon the hate and the stress of hating (that is what liberals do, isn't it?  all that I know are full of hate.  Look at your post over being called a liberal, when you have gone out of your way to show yourself as a liberal) and just come over the good side.  It is very relaxing over here.  We get called a lot of names by you haters, but we understand that it is not your fault.





   Now, THIS sounds like an attack to me:


   ".. repulsive a..hole??? Man, what an ignoranus!!!"


   That coming from the guy accusing ME of an attack.  


   I don't consider your "extremist right wing-nut" to be an attack, just your take on my political position as you don't understand it.  I don't understand you/him being a screaming knee jerk liberal either, but you are and seem not too proud of it, and consider it an attack when someone points it out.  I suggest you quite being that liberal and your stomach problems may go away.


   My father was a screaming knee jerk liberal too, and I grew up around that.  Was your father like that too?  BUT I GREW UP and was able to think on my own and to see the world for what it really is, and I don't see the world as a place where I am victimized, but as a place of opportunity.  I could have done better than I did, but it was not worth the effort and I did not strive to do so.  Because of ME, not because the "man" was holding me back.  As it is all I had to do was WORK on a steady basis, not wait for someone to come hand me things, and by the use of these and other right wing ideas, was able to buy my first house at 19 years old, and to raise my kids in something other than the abject poverty that I was raised in.




   I found that success is different for everyone, and that it is always on US to succeed and have the kind of life we want to have and are willing to work for.


   So, I am a right winger.  (a wing-nut from your perspective)  I am CERTAINLY not ashamed of it, and if you are so ashamed of what you are that to have someone say what you are, is an ATTACK to you, why don't you stop being what you are ashamed of, quit the union, and go out and get what you want.  It is out there for the EARNING.


   Peace fellow AMERICAN.  I believe you sadly misinformed, not evil.  No attack was intended.


   If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is going to be taken as a duck.  (just plug in "liberal" for duck and you will get my point)


   You have my honest best wishes, but unless you change, that upset stomach that you/he has will kill you and you will die angry.


"Deeds; Not Words"


Man, you can't even keep straight who you are talking to?  I don't have stomach aches and I am not the one who claims to be attacked. It was Jestus whom you were bullying (above) and he NEVER attacked YOU.


   Are you drunk...... or just plain stupid???


neither as I don't drink, and you will never know on the other.  I don't believe you and he are not the same person.  You are many people on this board and you keep coming up with more all the time.  I know EXACTLY who I am talking to Glenn.


   If you are not attacked (actually no one was, but your mental illness that makes you the way you are makes you ALWAYS see an attack from anyone that does not agree with you 100%.  That is part of your bully mentality) then why are you so loudly defending?


   Jestus opened his appearance on this board with his FIRST POST (just like you and all your other identities have done) with an attack on ALL OF US.  He claims himself to be a liberal, so why is it an attack to say he is a liberal?


   Why do you feel the need to step up and do your "crazy Glenn" routine because someone else is (in your mind) attacked?  


   Why do you so often suggest someone is drunk?  Are YOU drunk a lot?  I bet you are.  Are you stupid?  The answer is obvious.  You keep changing the name on your posts, but you are always the same old you.


   Go take a Tums, and sober up.


   If you are going to rant and rave about one of your alias being attacked, at least use that name when doing it.  Otherwise it is not even any of your business.
"Deeds; Not Words"