So which should be banned, Guns or Knives?

Started by redhawk4, April-26-12 22:04

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God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   Will there be girls in the show?????


"Deeds; Not Words"


"Now I could be a real jerk (I'm not)"


   That is just your opinion of yourself.





   "stop referring to me as a "knee jerk liberal" or any other negative version of my open minded thinking."


   What is, is.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   Go back and read your FIRST POST on this forum under the name Jestus.


   First impressions are easy to make, and hard to overcome.


   If you have liberal views (which you do), why the objection to being identified by the name of liberal?  (the knee jerk is window dressing and is not the same as head, hole, for brains, or one of those real "names" that your pal Billybob likes when he is accusing others of name calling)


   I have conservative views, and am not at ALL offended if you call me a conservative.  I realize that when liberals call me a "right wing radical" that is their window dressing, like my "screaming knee jerk"  (I noticed you left out the "screaming", so "screaming liberal" is ok?) and I don't take offense at it.  I am what I am.  Opinionated, but willing to accept being wrong if you prove it to me.  Conservative, but willing to bend a bit in some areas due to special circumstances.  And last but not least, I am RIGHT about 97.8% of the time.  I TRY (sometimes I fail) to avoid stating something as fact if I am not sure, and stay out of threads where I have no opinion, don't care, or don't know.



   All that said, you have calmed down from your first post that screamed "Glenn" and if you want to be civilized, we can be.  (go read archives to meet Glenn)


   I am a forgiving person and very willing to forgive and forget and agree that we can disagree, and while I cannot understand it in some cases, you are certainly allowed to have differing opinions.  


   BUT SO AM I.  




"Deeds; Not Words"




   Here is what I said about your first post:


   Go back and read your FIRST POST on this forum under the name Jestus.  


   First impressions are easy to make, and hard to overcome.  




   Here it is again:


   Go back and read your FIRST POST on this forum under the name Jestus.  


   First impressions are easy to make, and hard to overcome.  




   There, now you can see what I said about your first post.  Not the things you imagined I said about it.


   I have offered peace.


   We are never going to agree on much of anything political as you are a self stated liberal, and I a self stated conservative.  We may as well have come from different planets.  (with both having dogs.  LOL!) The best we can hope for is peaceful co-existence, which is what the USA did during the cold war with others that felt the way you do about the USA.


   You are welcome to your opinions as long as I am welcome to mine.  I fail to see how any thinking person can come to the opinions  you have, but I have not lived your life.


   Best wishes




"Deeds; Not Words"


Poor Glen; I imagine that he is p'Oed, whomever he is.  My apologies to him for making (?) Louie believe that we are the same.  We are NOT but I could not care less what Louie actually believes.  


   I am sick of Louie and several others on this board who  

   ridicule and bully EVERYBODY who dares express an opposing opinion. I wil be here and I don't care if you call me Glen or whatever; I won't turn the other cheek.




   Here is what I said about your first post:


   Go back and read your FIRST POST on this forum under the name Jestus.  


   First impressions are easy to make, and hard to overcome.  




   Here it is again:


   Go back and read your FIRST POST on this forum under the name Jestus.  


   First impressions are easy to make, and hard to overcome.  




   There, now you can see what I said about your first post.  Not the things you imagined I said about it.


   I have offered peace.


   We are never going to agree on much of anything political as you are a self stated liberal, and I a self stated conservative.  We may as well have come from different planets.  (with both having dogs.  LOL!) The best we can hope for is peaceful co-existence, which is what the USA did during the cold war with others that felt the way you do about the USA.


   You are welcome to your opinions as long as I am welcome to mine.  I fail to see how any thinking person can come to the opinions  you have, but I have not lived your life.


   Best wishes




"Deeds; Not Words"


Peace Lou!  


   Gee I feel better all ready.


   So, you do have Chang grips. How do you like them? Do they  change the concealability any? They look like they make the guns a bit longer. How do they shoot? (Control, comfort, point of aim, etc.)


   I find that with the chubby BW grips that if I point with my trigger finger, my sights are right on the target. But if I am gripping the gun, ready to shoot, the gun twists left of natural point of aim.  Do the Chang's alleviate that? Or is it my grip, or the chubby grips of the BW causing this?


In my opinion they improve the concealability of the gun.  They are thinner and flatter and do not have that "chubby" bulge that looks like a grip in the pocket.   they also take an extra finger in the bottom groove. I have not had a chance to shoot the guns with them on yet.  Rain, rain, and more rain......
"Deeds; Not Words"