Fighting the urge

Started by ArmedPatriot, June-03-12 12:06

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ArmedPatriot take the Ruger along on a bike ride the wife and I are going to take here in a bit.

   Do you guys carry just the NAA a lot....or is it mainly just a BUG ?


   Think Im going to take the NAA by itself today, but there is a strong urge to grab the 357 too.


If you can carry comfortably, two is always better than one and bigger is always better. The NAA's role is to fill the bill of, "a 22 mag in your pocket is much better than a .45/.357/.38/9mm/whatever at home on your dresser."
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


"comfortable" is the main issue.

   The 357 is very heavy and is ok as long as Im not sitting or bending or swinging a golf club. Going for a walk, for instance, is ok, but bike riding where youre in a sitting position makes it very noticeable. I had a holster I made that made it very comfortable to wear but I had to stop wearing it for other reasons.

   Still in search of the perfect holster for the SP101. Ive been thru about 2 dozen so far and after a while didnt like any of them other than the pancake holster Im using now, which still ends up being a bit uncomfortable depending on what we're doing.


   The NAA with the grip holster is completely unnoticeable, lighter than light and is easy as to draw quickly so it works on all levels other than being intimidating to look at.


I carry a 9mm IWB and the Pug in my pocket in a Madhat holster. Wether pants or shorts. Once in a while like going to the beach or other certain instances where my shirt might fly up I may just have the Pug in my pocket. I am plenty happy as if anyone is close enough to me to be "inside my space" two or three mags to the chest will stop just about anybody. I seriously do not plan on getting in a gun fight with anything or anyone, no matter what I am carrying. It IS after all for "self" defense!


where do you go to the beach? the finger lakes?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Just got back. Took the NAA alone clipped on the belt. The only thing that came up was a family with a couple dogs. Sometimes dogs on the trails dont act like they should. I had one guy tell me his dog didnt bite about 4 seconds before his dog took a chunk of fabric out of my pant leg a few years ago.

   I dont trust ANY dog I dont know at this point.


Joe, that is funny!


   There are literally tons of lakes around here. Once in a while I let my big white belly out! coule even hide a Shorty under his "junk" while wearing a speedo!


Gunpacker - I had exactly the same issue with my SP101. I love it but the only  

   really comfortable carry option I have found is a fanny pack. When I finally decided  

   that I needed a smaller piece I switched to NAA for carry - cannot remember the last  

   time I carried the SP101. I carry two NAAs: my primary is the Pug with mags and  

   my BUG is a LR. I realize that is completely inadequate by most standards, but  

   I never leave them at home because they are too heavy.


Dinadan why not carry two .22 magnums instead of one magnum and one .22 LR? They are more or less the same size and easy to hide. If I was only going to or only able to use a NAA revolver then I would rather they be in the .22 mag size.


Dinadan - Ive been talking to the wife about doing the same...just getting a second NAA revolver. Im looking at getting the same one I have now but getting the conv model with the 22lr and 22 mag cylinders so she can shoot up some of her thousands of rounds of 22lr ammo we have for her Ruger 10/22 (bought a ton during the Obama election period when I saw the prices were jumping thru the roof...also got a lead melter, bullet mold and a reloading press for the 357 at that time just to save on ammo costs for the Ruger).


   I like the idea of packing 2 of these in 22 magnum.


   Only thing is I can see someone laughing when these little things get drawn. Probably have to fire a warning shot so they can hear that loud 22 magnum round going off before they take the gun serious, Im betting.


   I may try the fanny pack idea with the SP101. Might be easier on the back than the set up I have now.

   I loved the stomach belt I made for the Ruger, but right after I started wearing it my heart starting getting arrhythmia problems. Not sure if it was related or not, could have been coincidence, but Im not going to risk it again.


   I never leave home without a gun since I got my CHL. Every time I start to I remember that Suzanna Hupp story and thats all it takes to make myself strap the gun on.


Dracothered: I am afraid I am engaging in thread drift here, but I will say that  

   while the Pug (or Mini Magnum) and the LR are more or less the same size, the  

   small difference can matter. I carry my Pug in my pocket, and I cary my LR in my boot.  

   I tried a Mini Magnum in my boot, and I notice it there, where I can forget the LR  

   completely. Here are comparison shots of my Pug and LR.





   Gunpacker -The fanny pack works fine if you are hiking or biking, but I think it  

   is a giveaway that you are carrying if you are not doing some outdoor sport.  

   I highly second the idea of getting a conversion so that you and your wife can shoot  

   LR for practice and fun. That is what I usually shoot.


I seldom carry just one mini.

   Most of the time I carry two or more handguns.

   As more shirts, jackets, etc that go on, more powerful hand guns go in them.

   I don't consider a reload, just grab a loaded gun.

   If you are carring one and something happens to it, what then? You have ammo and a broken gun.

   It can happen.


   No use in wearing on a coat with pockets and nothing in them.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )