Several of you guys know my story.

Started by patriotjoe, June-15-12 18:06

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Bill does awesome work. I can't believe he made those claims. I've never stoled from him. I've seen him buy weed over the counter from a customer. He and his wife are living off disability while they both draw a goverment check.

   They both run Leather Guns Etc.


   We all know Joe.  We don't know the other guy.  But this forum, as open as it is to "lively exchanges" is not, IMO, the right place to be posting these "who shot John" messages.


   Not to mention the damage these public exchanges could do to each parties case if this ever does come to legal action.


   (Just my advice), let it go, Joe.  Or take it to the appropriate court.  My guess is that we risk having the Administrators step in if this goes much further.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001




   .....have a beer!




   Do you notice I very seldom talk about exactly what I do on the board?  Its not that I am not proud of what I do or that I do not feel people have at times taken advantage.  


   However what you are doing now has zero chance of a positive outcome and no chance of helping you.  Unless you have been handed legal documents ignore accusations like the one that has you upset.  Trying to "prove" you are right in the court of public opinion is very nearly impossible (I can direct you to some very expensive marketing firms that can help but good luck).  Your business is growing because you are expanding based on positives.  This is, generally, how small business will grow.  Do not get brought down into some "war of words".  People take sides when there are such things and you can only lose.  Refuse to compete in that war and people do not take sides.  Indeed your competition running you down actually only serves to increase name recognition.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Tell that to Romney and Obama.



Slightly different circumstances
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I agree with Lohman. If you are in the right Joe then you know it, you have stated it, be secure with it and continue with your business.  


   Do not let yourself be sucked into a back and forth. There are channels to pursue you if there were a case worth pursuing and you will be given an oppurtunity to defend yourself if needed. Do not be driven to do so unnecessarily.


   Put that energy into your craft. I promise it will be a much better and fufilling expenditure of energy.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.