One of my favorite quotes and the shooting in CO

Started by lohman446, July-23-12 06:07

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"Use peaceful means where they are appropriate, but where they are not appropriate, do not hesitate to resort to more forceful means."


   Thupten Gyatso - the Dalai LLama 1932


   I have several quotes written and put on my wall in my office or throughout my house.  I use some of them on message boards that allow signatures.  It should come as no surprise that they are from a series of sources


   The acceptence of truth and the reality of the above quote strike me every time I hear about mass shootings.  There are times, places, and circumstances that peaceful means must give way to more forceful means.  There are times when logic, reason, love, support, and every other peaceful method fails with certain individuals and time for  action.  


   The Dalai Llama put it succinctly and I figured now was as good a time to share it as any
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Here is my favorite quote:


   "If every word that every man ever spoke were written in a book for all to see there is not one who would not hang his head in shame!"  

   (Author unknown)


Luke22: 36-37  


   Jesus the Christ told His followers to sell their coats if they needed so they would have the money to buy a sword. Jesus wants His followers to be able to defend themselves. No government should be allowed to take away the inalienable ancient right of self defense.


I like and agree with all three quotes here


"If every word that every man ever spoke were written in a book for all to see there is not one who would not hang his head in shame!"  


   I don't have the time left to read all that.

   Now if you make it into a movie..........

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )