Thank You Veterans!

Started by adp3, November-11-14 00:11

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To all those who have served our country, a heartfelt thanks for your service and sacrifice.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain

Javier C.

Thanks, ADP3.  I feel the same way.
And, don't overlook our Allies in the 'thank you'.  We have not acted alone in the wars over the last two centuries.  At times, old Allies became new threats to be dealt with.  Conversely, some old enemies became steady and fast friends once the battles were over and rebuilding took place.  The world is and shall remain in constant flux.


A heartfelt Thank You to all our board member veterans for their service to our country - may God richly bless you.


yes thank you to all vets. and allies ;)

Javier C.

Just goes to show you things never stand still, even about this Veterans Day and all the celebrations involved.

Came across an article, on "Salon [dot] com", by some fellow named David Mascuito, which railed about America making too much "hero worship" of our Veterans and the Armed Forces.  The article demeaned our servicemen and also emergency responders.  I hadn't read so much garbage in my life as I did in that article.

The author almost seemed to want to return to the days when American GIs were shunned and insulted openly for serving their country.  It was like returning from Vietnam to a hostile media and college age anti-war crowd.  That has been the one solid victory we brought out of that conflict or war, getting the American people to stop treating returning GIs as baby killers, monsters, and unintelligent dolts because they weren't smart enough to flee to Canada or get a deferment to avoid the draft. 

Now this clown would bring that all back.  I wished I could have reached through the internet with my fist, because I would have broken his nose.  To the best of my ability, I shall strive to see we NEVER return to that era of shameful treatment for our veterans. 


+1 on that Javier.  Never again.


Javier,  General James Mattis said "When you men get home and face an anti war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand.  Then, wink at his girlfriend,  because she knows she's dating a pussy." 8)


Javier C.

Quote from: scbuxton on November-11-14 21:11
Javier,  General James Mattis said "When you men get home and face an anti war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand.  Then, wink at his girlfriend,  because she knows she's dating a pussy." 8)
Yep, he sure did say that.  Gen. Mattis is one of my inspirations as an example of effective leadership.  His most often quoted sayings makes some peoples' eyes cross when they hear them.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you *'fudge' with me, I'll kill you all"   *(altered by the website's filters)

"You are part of the world's most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."

"Demonstrate to the world there is 'No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy' than a U.S. Marine. "

"Be the hunter, not the hunted: Never allow your unit to be caught with its guard down."