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Started by jjccamis, July-30-12 20:07

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oh and I ride commando style, but I'm quick on the draw pants arn't down for long LOL  :D

PJ Garrison

Why do I carry?

Because I don't intend to be an easy victim.  As the old saying goes: "An armed society is a polite society."

Kentucky Kevin

I am an Eagle. I am prepared. I am an husband and father. I am provider/protector. I am going to take the shot if someone is trying to shield themselves with those God has intrusted in my care, that is why I practice aiming at playing cards.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Personal protection, for me to defend me. I am the only person I know that is every where I am when I am there.


I ride a motorcycle (on nice days...which there is not enough of....), my wife is my riding partner on her motorcycle, so we started carrying when we were riding because there's not much between you and the outsiders. Then, time passed and it seemed logical to carry all the time because there are loonies at the mall, the resturant, the barber, the movie theater. I feel like protecting my wife and daughter from said loonies. Plus I am an American and I have a right to do so. I am a former member of the United States Air Force and I believe in this country and the obligation to protect it from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Plus who doesn't like the smell of gun powder in the morning?


So Doc how come you only ride on nice days? I ride everyday, well most everyday. But rain never stops me neither does cold. Just icy roads, which now that I'm out of NH and in a warmer place I don't have to worry about to often. I'm in the process of designing a CCW specific for bikes.


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-01-13 15:03
So Doc how come you only ride on nice days? I ride everyday, well most everyday. But rain never stops me neither does cold. Just icy roads, which now that I'm out of NH and in a warmer place I don't have to worry about to often. I'm in the process of designing a CCW specific for bikes.
Well, I'm a wiener, I live in Washington where it rains A LOT, I have a really nice bike (so does my wife), and it takes a LONG time to clean them after they get soaked. Really, I have excuse......


When I was a kid...   I never went anywhere without my slingshot.
Now that I am an adult, I never go anywhere without my gun for
the same reason.

It's better to have and not need
than to need and not have.

It's a rather elementary concept.
Even in a civilized society such
as ours...   hint of sarcasm here.

If half the people in that theater in Colorado were packing heat
do you really think the shooter would be copping a plea deal right
now in court?   Heck no...   he would be a grease spot back in that
theater where he shot all those people, only he wouldn't have shot
near as many of them.

Disarming the public, will only increase the body count.
This guy walked though a fire exit in a crowded theater
full of unarmed people and just started shooting them.
A cowardly act at the very least.

And now he might get off for reason of insanity?
It is irresponsible to let someone like this walk.
If he did it once, he'll do it again somewhere else.

And that is why I carry a gun.
It is better to have and not need
than to need and not have.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


Quote from: Mandodoc on March-01-13 22:03
Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-01-13 15:03
So Doc how come you only ride on nice days? I ride everyday, well most everyday. But rain never stops me neither does cold. Just icy roads, which now that I'm out of NH and in a warmer place I don't have to worry about to often. I'm in the process of designing a CCW specific for bikes.
Well, I'm a wiener, I live in Washington where it rains A LOT, I have a really nice bike (so does my wife), and it takes a LONG time to clean them after they get soaked. Really, I have excuse......
Hey I got a really nice Bike to, I tell you a secret don't laugh, Put about 4 table spoons of dish soap in a large spray bottle the rest water. Spray the bike down with it in the shade no direct sun, then Power wash it off or hose if you have no power washer. Dont power wash near front of rear wheel bearing Then just chami it down and use lemon Pledge to polish. Bike always looks great and takes about 30 min to do and your off and riding again. Seriously my bike is 15 years old has 134000 miles on it and people always compliment me on how great it looks. (little do they know LOL )


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-01-13 15:03
So Doc how come you only ride on nice days? I ride everyday, well most everyday. But rain never stops me neither does cold. Just icy roads, which now that I'm out of NH and in a warmer place I don't have to worry about to often. I'm in the process of designing a CCW specific for bikes.

Steel ball bearings, glass marbles, or old nuts and bolts.
They tend to bounce and break windshields when tossed
over your shoulder.  And their perfectly legal.

It beats getting pulled over by a cop with
a loaded gun on you, which can cause all
sorts of problems for someone just out to
have a little weekend fun in the country.


And Boom......There it was!!!!


So what enslaved state R U from. Here most all the cops know were carrying and have a legal right to do so. We don't have to worry about what they think. If your talking about my design for the bike carry its gonna be Concealed anyway. Don't want it to get dirty from road junk LOL


Also it sounds like your using those implements to toss at vehicles that may get to close which is not legal and will cause you more problems in the end when a cop pulls you over for throwing them. I don't brandish a gun to other drivers on the road, my gun is for protection. I do how ever brandish a middle finger which I use on occasion to those idiots that try to ride my bumper or cut me off. If they want revenge after that they have to catch me and most can't. So far I've had no trouble with vetts, Porches, or Ferrari's who could most likely catch me maybe. LOL   

Roy Odhner

Same reason I keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen - just in case.

I generally carry either my LC9 or Taurus Model 85 in an IWB at 4:00, and my NAA Mini in my right front pocket in a Tuff size 15 pocket holster.
Say hello to my little friend!


I carry concealed whenever I can in case the revolution starts when I'm away from home.


Quote from: Kevin on March-03-13 00:03
I carry concealed whenever I can in case the revolution starts when I'm away from home.

In that case, in these times, I wouldn't stray too far from the house.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: chopprs on July-31-12 05:07
......because I can! <img src="./discus/clipart/happy.gif" alt="" />

Ditto!  Consider it insurance. 
Retired police detective
US Navy Veteran
Life Member NRA / SAF
United States Constitution c. 1791, all rights reserved.


Because it is the "tactical" thing to do.  ;) ;) ;)


My first thought is -- why would any  sane person not want to carry.


I carry a gun is more convenient than driving my tank everywhere.
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


Quote from: bbgun on November-02-14 16:11
My first thought is -- why would any  sane person not want to carry.

Because too many these days do not feel it is their place to protect themselves, their friends or their families. "That is a job for the Police." With the ever blurring or even disregard for Class Lines the very things that define people are slowly diluted by the ever present lower class.

As I have stated before it was once a point of honour for every Gentleman to be armed. His intent; to be ready to take care of those under his protection. The lower class were often times part of those under his protection and hence very used to being protected.

As the lower class ways of life are allowed to seep into the other classes their ways and often means become an acceptable standard in life and we grow accustomed to points of honour that not too long ago would have been viewed as distasteful at best.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.