Kudos on Customer service!

Started by calblacksmith, September-25-12 07:09

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My mini came home last night (no thanks to FEDEX but that is another story)!


   It went in for service as I bought it used and there were a few issues with the way the action worked, the LR cylinder was rough in operation.


   It came back looking like new and working like new! They replaced parts I had no idea had issues!


   It seems that I was able to get around the Kalifornia "list" restriction by buying used (grandfathered in) and though the extra cost of shipping both ways added to the price, my total, all up, is just a little less than new list price on the mini and I have as good as new, better I think as minor issues were developed, found and repaired!


   C.C. is nearly impossible here so I did not need it to be micro in size and thus I bought a set of the holster/grips on the buy/sell board. They were installed last night and while they do make the mini larger (not a big deal to me) it is easier to hold well. I have a trip to the range scheduled this afternoon to get familiar with my mini.


   It should be a very nice carry on my pvt property (around 3 1/3 acres) and in my shop, providing protection from long skinny varments with rattles on their tails. Those rattling critters have always been around but in 20 years I never saw one. I have had two in three weeks and one bit my dogs face costing over $3.5K in vet bills. A mag of shot backed up by mag solid projectiles should be enough to avoid vet bills in the future, if I get to the critters first!


   I am looking forward to lots of years of use, I can't say enough positive about Customer Service!


Lucky dog to have an owner that would pay that much for treatment. Just think, if he hadn't taken that rattler bite, it mighta been you or another in the hospital or worse. He's a valuable family member.

   Congrats on your refurbished Naa, hope it serves you well. A gun has to have large enough grips to make it controllable in a stressful situation.