Started by deets, August-22-12 16:08

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As most of you CA handgunners are well aware, a CCW is well nigh impossible to get in the areas near urban centers.


   Yet, the urban areas are where a concealed handgun would be most called for.


   Thoughts or comments?  


   I will state here that "I do not carry a handgun where it is illegal to do so."


   Where it is legal, without a CCW, I am always packing.


I gave up on CA years ago.  The sign at the state line says "The Land of fruits and nuts" I think that says it all.  I know there are some good people in CA, but the majority...well I had the chance to live there, and decided not to.


Holy ancient thread resurrection, Batman!

Spoke with an officer from the SFPD CCW Department/Unit over the weekend.  She confirmed our Police Chief has approved approximately 70 to date.  Average time from application to license issuance = one year, but they're "working on it" by staffing the new CCW Unit and trying to bring the review time down to 90 days.

The San Francisco democrat elites are doing a great job keeping CCW out-of-reach for the law-abiding poor by ensuring the total cost is about $600 (Live Scan $100 + Psychological Evaluation $150 + 16-hours training ~$350).  At least SF doesn't yet require liability insurance and the mandatory annual "gun harm reduction fee" levied by San Jose PD. 

Using San Francisco logic, it takes 10 seconds longer to shoot 5 rounds at a target 7 yards away than it does to fire the same number at the target at 15 yards. 
Similarly, you get 20 seconds to fire 5 rounds, but 30 seconds to fire 3 rounds at the 5-yard target. 
Maybe the SFPD qualification standards were generated by AI. 


Another reason SF is emptying out like a holey bucket, like the rest of Kalifornia ...  >:(
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport



The real "californication" has appeared - I had some inheritance work to be done after a close relative in LA  passed away.

I refused to go to the PRC, and had a local lawyer there handle it for me.

Excellent results, E-Z-Peazy, no stress - and at a negligible cost (considering the size of the estate).

( FWIW, I constitutionally CCW everywhere/state I travel from my home)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


I fled that state in 2017 - felt like a Jew leaving Germany ca 1933! *** that state.