Hi all, a new member here.

Started by calblacksmith, September-12-12 14:09

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Hello all.


   Well I guess it is official, I am now an owner of a fine NAA product!


   I have wanted one of these for a LONG time, about 20 years ago, I drove past the factory but due to the time/day it was closed, I was bummed but Oh, well, that is life.


   I am in So Cal and because of the backward laws, I could not buy a mini with BOTH the LR and the Mag cylinders. I could buy one or the other but not the one with both ARRG!


   So I bought a used combo revolver, which was still legal. I finished waiting my 10 days to make sure I was not a danger to myself or anyone else and they let me have the mini, YAY!


   I had checked it quickly before purchase but on close examination, the LR cylinder did not operate smoothly. DANG and I have not even had a chance to shoot it yet. I contacted customer service and they told me that even though I bought it used, they stood behind it and for only shipping both ways, they would look at it and set things right. That kind of customer service blows me away, this is a VERY rare thing, and I am very impressed!


   So now that I own a mini, I still can’t try it out because it is in the hands of the shipper, on its way to the location of its birth for some TLC.


   I have been into firearms since 1972 and I have been a lifetime member of NRA for over 30 years and an annual member for many many years before that. I am looking forward to becoming an active member of this board.  


   Of the many things I am “into” Blacksmithing, photography, aviation, baking and coffee (I am a coffee GEEK!) come to mind.



   Welcome to the zoo! So, you are from Kaliforna. We wont hold that against you. I spent most my life there, then moved up one state 13 years ago. Lived in the Bay area and San Diego.

   Have fun in the zoo!





   Left Fullerton, Orange County 20 years ago to retire and took the 40 all the way across to the other side & stopped in North Carolina.


Welcome Cal, show us some photos.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Welcome Cal.

   You just got the first of many minis.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks all,  

   If having this "new" mini goes like all my other "hobbies" it likely will be the first of many as you said!



   N.C. Huh? I spent two years in Ft Bragg, '76 to '78. Very pretty country. A bit humid for me though but when comparing to the west, it is very green with LOTS of trees, 180 from the west!


   Pics huh? Well, I really didn't have much of a chance to take them before having it sent off for a checkout but I did manage to get a few with my cell phone, not near the quality of my DSLR but the ideas comes across.


   This is a little under exposed but for a single light source and a hand held cell phone camera, it isn't too bad!




Welcome from the mountains of Western North Carolina. I moved here from Colorado in 2008. You will love your mini and look forward to seeing how many you will end up with. You can't buy just one!
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Welcome.  I'm new here too but am unable to find the post new thread button to do my own intro....go figure.


Welcome, Calaforney hey? Anywhere near San Mateo?  I know that's about center, and you are southern, but had to ask.  I got some kin there.


Well, no. I am about 80 miles south of L.A. and inland from Orange County.

   I don't have internet at home so my replies are basically week days only. sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

cedarview kid

Welcome aboard! Glad you decided to drop by!


Welcome to the forum calblacksmith.  8)