22 Mag PUG for Mountain Lion Defense??

Started by top dog, December-24-16 07:12

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top dog

I tend to agree with you. There is nothing nice and gentle about an attack by an animal,or so called human.

Best to overcome that attack by a savage defense.

                                                                                      Top Dog


  I figure once you get that frame of mind that this thing is going to be dinner for me instead of it its a whole new ballgame and the animal is going to know it with their great internal sense of survival that we see from time to time . Oh no this S.O.B. wants to eat me I better get the he)) out of here , quick . Just doesn't work so well with any mama protecting its youngin's . Just an opinion so don't hold me to it or you might not be able to respond , ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

You are right. When they are protecting their young,all bets are off. Nothing can match the savagery of that attack.

                                                                              Top Dog


I've learned a lot here reading the replies on this post, both about cats and the shooters on this forum.  "nuff said.
Overall, great posts


Top dog, have you ever been divorced.  That is savagery.


  Remember that saying " mad dog mean " that's how one needs to represent one self in such cases , never give up ,never surrender , never give in , go until the other side caves in .. That's how my first went anyhow .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

No,I have not experienced the savagery of divorce,only the total sadness of being a widower. My wife passed away after a long illness two years ago and my daughter just nine months ago.

It is part of life.

You would have really liked my wife. She went with me on all my excursions up in Northern Maine (in fact,many decades ago,we had our honeymoon up there).

Now,if a mountain lion/cougar would go after her children,you have not seen savagery........................trust me and she did not need a gun!!!!

                                                                                                                        Top Dog


Top, I'm so sorry.  Loosing anyone you love is a loss, the great ones somehow always stay with you. 


Quote from: top dog on April-12-17 06:04
No,I have not experienced the savagery of divorce,only the total sadness of being a widower. My wife passed away after a long illness two years ago and my daughter just nine months ago.

It is part of life.

You would have really liked my wife. She went with me on all my excursions up in Northern Maine (in fact,many decades ago,we had our honeymoon up there).

  Yeah TopDog my and our condolences . We'll all be there someday soon enough , GOD's plan is a tough one to figure out all the time . A lot of times I think it's a blessing not having to endure this world any longer , again with that plan .

Now,if a mountain lion/cougar would go after her children,you have not seen savagery........................trust me and she did not need a gun!!!!

                                                                                                                        Top Dog
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I can not imagine life without my wife. To loose a daughter also would be almost unbearable. My belated condolences to your and the wish for your ongoing strength and perseverance.

top dog

Thank you all for your condolences and well wishes. The loss of the daughter hit hard. But,I do have faith and friends like you folks.

Good news now,the outdoor range opens on Saturday!!!!  As well as fishing season!!!!!!

Now watch,I will go fishing and get attacked by a mountain lion they say the state does not have!!!!!!!!

In case you haven't notice,things around me tend to "happen"!!!!

                                                                                                               Top Dog


  Waders Top-Dog cats hate water , ha . Don't forget to share , greedy can get you eaten yourself . The thought of trout fishing in waders is blissful , fishing should be great early on now , the big ones are starving right now , thanks for the memories .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

With my luck,the cougar would know how to paddle a canoe and come out to me while I am fishing midstream in my chest waders.

I guess that I why I have a Black Widow in my vest pocket!!!!

                                                                                                   Top Dog


  I want to be there to hear the conversation . Ha , Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

I do not know what that conversation would be like but I know that the shots would sound loud.

I will be going to the outdoor range tomorrow to further wring out my new Black Widow and my Charter Arms snubby 22 Pathfinder that I had a 22 mag cylinder fitted to a couple of months ago.

Probably,if I were to venture out into Mountain lion/cougar country,I would have my Ruger 44 mag Alaskan in my Diamond D guide chest rig.

                                                                                                                Top Dog


  Always thought with a backpack in large animal predators country be like a porcupine and add some sharp three inch aluminum spikes ,a number of them , to the upper part of the rough sack to protect your vital neck and upper torso if jumped from the back could use it for a number of reasons or attacks . Mimic natures gifts especially us that can't run fast if at all .   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

That sounds like an interesting idea but might be a bit cumbersome. In all honesty though< I don't think that there is too much threat (although it does exist) from the four legged predators but the two legged kind.

I guess it is best to be prepared for both.

                                                                                     Top Dog


  Hiking along with something like that on your back even a meth-head would have reservations about bothering you again being able to sling that thing around , oh yeah ..
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

To see a sight like that in the woods would get me to think that I saw Big Foot!!!!

I will just stick with my usual woods outfit and carry a Mini or two.

I went to the outdoor range yesterday and ran the new Black Widow through it's paces. It was right on with both the magnum and LR cylinders.

After a long winter,the outdoor range was finally open and the temps were in the 80s! Something unusual for this time of year,but I am not complaining!

                                                                                                  Top Dog


No gun would work at such lightening speed in close quarters.  I would take my chances with a bear pepper spray like Sabre of UDAP.  They will stop a grizzly dead in its tracks, so a puma would be no problem.  You would be so scared and shocked that even with a 12 gauge or 44 mag you would probably miss.  At least with a bear spray you might come out alive.  That's what forest rangers carry (or so I heard).

top dog

That sounds like very good advise. I always carry OC spray as well as a Mini or two.

                                                                      Top Dog



If a 22mag is all you got, it beats a pointy stick, but cast lead defense loads designed to stop large animals start at 380 these days, and effective ones start at 9mm or 38+p  IMO.

I would recommend at least a micro 380 and some standard pressure Buffalo Bore 100 grain cast loads. I love the 22mag round, and with good modern HP ammo like gold dots, I think it would do a number on a 2 legged critter with good shot placement. With that being said, animals are simply tougher than humans, especially predators like large cats.


Top Dog,
              I trail run and hike often and always carry.  I have a running vest/pack that has pockets on the front and larger capacity on the back.  I have carried everything from a mini mag, Old Model Bearcat, up to a Charter Bulldog .44.  The vest really makes it easy to carry and hide a large handgun as long as you keep the weight down. There are also a number of small chest pouches/Bino pouches that can work as well . 


In a college anthropology class in 63, the professor told use that the human body is not really designed for combat, but that being said, there was a professional hunter alive in Africa at that time that had killed two leopards with his bare hands, in front of witnesses.  Of course he spent time in the hospital afterwards.  He said cats have no tolerance for pain, so give them an arm to chew on, and grab their tongue with the other hand, and rip it out.  He also said that there is no canine alive today that the average, fit, human male can not grab by its front legs, spread his arms quickly, and tear off both legs.


The Bond Arms derringers allow you to carry a big caliber in a package that's fairly easy to carry, they are not small pistols but tuck away easily. Probably 2 shots of 45 Colt are enough, or all you'll be able to fire if attacked by a Cougar, however one always has to consider all possible threats when in the wilds. I've occasionally bumped in to some scary looking individuals in what I thought was the middle of nowhere and wouldn't want only two shots. Similarly against any animal that roves in a pack you will likely wish for, if not need, more than 2 shots. I also feel we should never underestimate how quickly we could go through 5 or 6 shots in a panic situation, there's a tendency to just keep firing in the same way we'll throw punches like a windmill, that don't find their target. A cool head is an important weapon, as is having spent time thinking about what you would do in certain scenarios.

SD is nearly always a compromise though, if you think about the firearms you'd ideally want for various dangers that could occur, there's no way you could carry them all, or would want to - and that's before you get into how much additional ammunition to take with you. In life we always have to assess how much reasonable risk we are prepared to take and decide accordingly on what safety measures are also reasonable, we can't just wrap ourselves in cotton wool and stay at home all day with the doors locked.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card