Curious about sound pressure levels of NAA revolvers

Started by E-Stop, January-22-17 17:01

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Has anybody here used a decibel meter to check sound pressure levels from 22LR and 22 Magnum NAA revolvers? 

I did a basic search and came up with scarce info.  There is data out there for longer barrels, but I'd like to know what I will be subjected to if I have to use mine in a self defense scenario without hearing protection. 

I recently fired some CCI 22 Long CB (710 fps) outdoors, and it was loud enough to make my ears ring a bit.  That made me wonder what I will be exposed to with Stingers at 1640 fps.  Or even worse, 22 WMR at 1875 fps.   That will hurt.

Thanks in advance.


I don't have a decibel meter, but my own accidental testing with a 22lr mini and no ear protection ("it's a 22; howloud could it be?") puts it somewhere between  the "I have blood coming out of my ears" and  the "oh my God, the world just exploded" range. Yes, they would be a bit loud.


Fired one round from my Supper Companion (magnum Cap and Ball) in side to test it in a phone book on a slab. Forgot the ear plugs. It stunned me and my ears rang for a day. The short barrel is louder than my 6" Ruger. It punched  1 1/2 " in to the book and damaged the pages  almost another 2.

That is what makes the guys at the range stop laughing at her !!!  Plus the black powder smoke and stink makes her a "dirty girl".
They stop making fun after she barks.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


   There might be some ear damage,but I have read that in an emergency situation some people don't hear the blast---
    Kentucky windage says 22LR are pretty loud,and 22 Magnum are hella loud-----

Scott Free

You can get decibel meter apps for phones. No idea if they would be accurate, tho.


I have been told by people who are well informed that the IPhone apps are fine for measuring constant volumes (i.e.: chain saw), but are not able to accurately measure short, sharp sounds like gunshots.


A brick of Colibris can make for pleasant, quiet outings.  There are 20-gr .22lr with no powder, just a primer. 


"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


Quote from: bleak_window on January-24-17 15:01
A brick of Colibris can make for pleasant, quiet outings.  There are 20-gr .22lr with no powder, just a primer.

Got a brick few years ago. Love them. I use them in the garage. From a 18" rifle they are quiet enough that with the door closed the guy next door (about 25') would just think I was building something if he heard it at all. A 6" barrel is a little louder but unless the guy is in the yard there is no need for cover noise. From mini-- well she does have a big mouth. But that is why God created Rock and Role!! Find your favorite R&R oldies station and crank it up. Mic or Ozzy should do.


Wide enough so you don't miss. Make it wide, your not as good as you think. I proved that. ;D
Thick enough to stop the round. I have a 1/4" thick aluminum plate. They just flatten out.
Cover your back stop with several layers of old carpet. This contain the bullet preventing "bounce back."

Ply wood can act as a trampoline it's no good without carpet over it.
The Colibri is a "bouncer" .  Had one come back at me off one of those orange plastic targets at the range. They move too slow to penetrate.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


  Still wouldn't want to try and catch it . Sub sonic rounds for us quieter types .. 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


The Colibris rounds are pretty much an update of the old CB cap rounds. Cool for plinking but not much else.
The initial question about sound levels of .22 long rifle and .22WMR is a wee bit frivolous as during a time of a confrontation where a gun is needed the sound of your gun and possible ear damage will be completely irrelevant. Practice, where muffs. Beyond that, forget about it.


This is from Aquilas page.

.22 Colibrí / Long Rifle Subsonic Lead Bullet

Perfect for hunting and target shooting at close range, this specialized round is ultra-quiet and eliminates the trouble and investment of using a suppressor. It's great for young shooters thanks to its lack of recoil. Designed for bolt-action or revolver platforms.

Aguila Prime


Muzzle ft/sec                     

Muzzle ft/lb
8            ---------- Not a typo-- that is a 8!

Death before Decaf !!!!!


 I cannot speak to 22lrs but the 22 mag out of a Black Widow? Ouch! Especially ones like Maxi Mags...Inner ear and outer muffs at the indoor range...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Scott Free

There's some interesting decibel level info for the Black Widow with various ammo in this video. The meter is placed ten feet from the shooter, and it's being shot from only a Black Widow, but there are still conclusions to be drawn from the data. Go to 29:45 of the video for a bit, and then jump to 33:28 for the data.


Scott Free, thank you for the link.  I do not think the video guy used the proper equipment for his test as those readings are far too low.  His meter is for longer duration sounds.   Readings on the 22LR alone should have exceeded 120 to 130 db... and that would be from a rifle.  Thanks again for the reply.

Thanks also to the others who responded.

To cfsharry above, who basically said that my question and concern is a wee bit frivolous & irrelevant...  There isn't anything wrong with my question.


The 1875 or so FPS quoted by the OP is from a rifle. The short barrel of the mini will be even louder, as there will be more unburned powder contributing to the "BANG,". As previously mentioned: when using the mini for actual protection, that will be the least of you concerns. However, if the bad guy survives the bullet(s), remember  he is in the path of the noise travel, getting slightly more of the noise, and depending on distance, a lot more of the pressure wave of the blast. I doubt it would be enough to inflict additional injury, it will at minimum be disconcerting for him.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Stevo forgive harry, he does that all the time. I agree nothing about this stuff is irrelevant to someone...I like to know all I can.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Don't need forgiveness as I made the most valid of points. If the word frivolous was bothersome I'm sorry but the question was indeed frivolous. Could have used other words but they would have, indeed, been derogatory.


Quote from: cfsharry on March-02-17 10:03
Don't need forgiveness as I made the most valid of points. If the word frivolous was bothersome I'm sorry but the question was indeed frivolous. Could have used other words but they would have, indeed, been derogatory.

Casting dispersions out into the forum only creates hesitance to participate by those that have a question, but maybe not the aggressive nature to jump into the conversation.

Geese . . . and now if I could only figure out what derogatory means . . .
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


If you could only understand the word dispersion. I think you meant aspersion. Definition of aspersion. 1a : a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation casting aspersions on her integrityb : the act of making such a charge : defamation. As per Merrimack Webster.
Had you limited your question to decibel levels or the need to wear hearing protection at the range I would not used the word "frivolous". When you incorporate a concern about the possibility of hearing loss in a defensive situation you do enter the realm of superficiality.


Quote from: cfsharry on March-02-17 15:03
If you could only understand the word dispersion. I think you meant aspersion. Definition of aspersion. 1a : a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation casting aspersions on her integrityb : the act of making such a charge : defamation. As per Merrimack Webster.
Had you limited your question to decibel levels or the need to wear hearing protection at the range I would not used the word "frivolous". When you incorporate a concern about the possibility of hearing loss in a defensive situation you do enter the realm of superficiality.

When I shoot my firearms, I always wear hearing protection.  I never go without.  If I hadn't mentioned the unusual scenario of a self-defense situation, someone surely would have told me that I "need to be wearing hearing protection" when I shoot.  It was simply a statement designed to short-circuit that discussion. 

Thank you to the guys who responded respectfully.


Reread your post. Sorry your feeling were hurt by my rude response to a really lame question.


  Harry your a Jack Daniels man aren't you ?  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



 HUH ?? Sounds like a joke . Frankly if its truely a actual rum its gotta be made in the backwoods of Kentucky and thereabouts and made by inbreaders  , ha ,ha ,ha. :o  ;D ;D ;D  Mount Gay Rum , riiggghhhhttttt ! Your puting me on.
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I don't kid around when it comes to Rum. Crafted in Barbados since 1703. Here is their website;
Some folks are into Scotch, some Burbon, me Rum.
I hear that JD goes good with a grape soda mixer.



 See now "as the world turns so do the days of our lives" .  ;D
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


This chart almost answers my question.  Not NAA specific, but good enough.  It is from the forum.

db   Environmental noise
0   Threshold of hearing
10   Normal breathing
20   Rusting leaves
30   Whisper at 30 feet
40   Quiet street
50   Interior home noise
60   Conversation
70   Crowded restaurant
75   Kitchen appliances
80   City traffic
85   Hearing damage possible
90   Lawn mower
100   Chain shaw
120   Threshold of pain
120   Siren
134   .22 LR rifle
140   Jet engine at take-off
150   .410 shotgun
152   .22 LR pistol
153   20 gauge shotgun
155   .223 rifle
155   .25 pistol
156   12 gauge shotgun
156   .30-.30 rifle
156   .308 rifle
156   .44 Special revolver
157   .22 Magnum pistol
157   .45 ACP pistol
158   .380 ACP pistol
158   .38 Special revolver
159   .30-06
160   9mm Para pistol
163   .41 Magnum revolver
164   .357 Magnum revolver
164   .44 Magnum revolver


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Hey; where is the listings for .45 Colt revolver, 7mm Rem Mag rifle and 300 Win Mag rifle? ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I did not know "Daniels"  was a relative of a Donkey...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke