Fine looking celebrity cougars in Los Angeles! UPDATE 2/7/17 now a move star

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, April-14-15 19:04

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top dog

Uncle Lee,
As an LEO for forty years,I can say that you are absolutely correct. They do breed before they pass on. Seems it is the only thing they get somewhat right.

Just like some folks venture into the wilds with little or no  equipment and then wind up dead.

Cougars are perfect predators,they are fast,cunning,agile and super strong and can adapt quite readily. Seems that they have taken a liking to bicyclists lately.

                                                                                                Top Dog


Death before Decaf !!!!!


 P22 is now wanted for murder.


On March 3, one of the Los Angeles Zoo's koalas went missing. Down the road from its enclosure, a tuft of its hair was found. About 400 yards farther down, zookeepers made a grisly discovery: bloody marsupial parts.

Told you he had plenty to eat.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


  The OutBack restaurant must have been closed . This just shows the stupidity running rampant in California thinking these meat eaters can live in society with not much else to hunt and eat . As usual the animal ends up the ultimate loser because of liberal brain farts . Dang!  >:( >:(  P.S. all that LSD in the water supplies back in the 60's-70's did lots of damage to the thinking Californian population it seems .   8) 8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Death before Decaf !!!!!


The verdict is in.   GUILTY!!!   

Now that he has killed something/someone that people care about the State has given the LA Zoo the option to kill him or relocate him . In CA this is a big step.

What will they do? -- NOTHING!!! 

They do not want to take any action. He has rights. A cougar will do what a cougar will do.They say they will just lock up the zoo critters at night.

It is only a mater of time. He will cause a car crash, take a jogger or some kid.

Don't know why this surprises me. OJ walked. Now P22.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


If this is getting to be too much let me know.=====But Cougar #2 from the first page popped up on my computer again this morning. She is in some new show.
Our big boy P22 will be eating Easter Bunny on Sunday. At night they lock up the fast food at the zoo now.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


The first 4 short news videos will play back to back.  I have come nose to nose with one of these bears. Also will explain the "cat walk" they want to put over the freeway. Enjoy. They talk about P22.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


    I hate commercials , almost not worth pulling up a lot of these articles and the pop-ups that don't go away . Hard to enjoy a good story anymore . Thanks for the effort Old&Grumpy . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I have some sort of a  popup blocker. Don't get a lot. The adds are in the video. Not much to do about that. The adds are short-ish.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


One of the bears mauled a guy in his tent at night. Probably had food in the tent. This is where I hung out as a kid.

They trapped the local bear and did DNA work on her. Said they were looking for human DNA under her claws. Also something about bear crap . They "put her down" as they say in California. Would hate for the kids to hear the word KILL.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Warning -- This film was made by SoCal snow flakes. Don't barf in your popcorn.

P22 now has his own documentary with a film festival , red carpet and all. They still don't get that he is a top of the food chain predator stuck in a small park.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


I don't have the feeling this story will end with a happy ending.


With respect to the cyclist just standing there watching the cougar eat the deer, another thing to consider is that it's possible that if the cyclist starting peddling as fast as he could to get away, the cougar's prey instinct would take over and then consider the cyclist to be acceptable prey.

On the other hand, those cyclists are usually pretty skinny and it's quite possible that the cougar would ignore him since the deer probably has more meat on its bones. :)