My short

Started by nastruck, January-06-17 06:01

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I bought a holster grip for my short. After I replaced the old grips with it, I didn't like the belt clip. It made the gun to bulgy. I emailed NAA and asked if I could buy a single part of the holster grip kit, the #3 NAA logo. I received an email from a nice lady named Sue Sheetz saying that she would be glad to send my the #3 NAA logo and that she would mail it to me that same day.
I replaced the belt clip with it and now I love this grip! The coolest smallest gun I own!
Thanks Sue and NAA


That is really nice.  I've been keeping my eye open for a shot mini, now more so.

To Old To Run

I believe I will follow in your footsteps there (nastruck) nice to know you can do that, I just took the clip off and left the hole open.
I was like you, felt it was too bulky and now it fits so nice in the bottom of my pocket, looks like another perfect fit with the short you have there.  Thanks for the picture and the info.   

lefty dude

I want a Mini-Short, very cool indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I looked for over a year for my shorty and love it.


I have 3 shorts. One more and I will need a shoe box.


Quote from: boone123 on January-06-17 20:01
I have 3 shorts. One more and I will need a shoe box.

Start off with a BIG shoebox.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: tocsn40 on January-06-17 19:01
I looked for over a year for my shorty and love it.

It took me quite a while to find a short as well.  I really like it, one of my favorites.

top dog

A NAA short was one of those guns that I always wanted to have but never got around to getting one.

Happily I now have one and am glad that I purchased it some time back.

It is always in my watch fob pocket,seems to fit just right and at the range is right on at 5-8 feet.

I was able to get a couple of bricks of Remington 22 short ammo even during the ammo shortage at Bass Pro Shops!!!!

                                                                                                                 Top Dog


I was thinking NAA should include an extra logo strip with each holster grip they sell. That way you choose clip or no clip. I'd love to have one for my mag holster grip but would feel funny asking for another freebee....   :'(


Quote from: nastruck on January-08-17 05:01
I was thinking NAA should include an extra logo strip with each holster grip they sell. That way you choose clip or no clip. I'd love to have one for my mag holster grip but would feel funny asking for another freebee....   :'(
I would ask as if they charged it would be small charge

To Old To Run

Quote from: nastruck on January-08-17 05:01
I was thinking NAA should include an extra logo strip with each holster grip they sell. That way you choose clip or no clip. I'd love to have one for my mag holster grip but would feel funny asking for another freebee....   :'(

I e-mail Naa to find out how much they were, I would like one also.
Jessica from Naa  said it would be with shipping $6 dollars, I couldn't find any place on there web sight to order it so I e-mailed her back for directions, should hear something Monday.


COOL, to old
updates needed!!!!

To Old To Run

Quote from: nastruck on January-09-17 06:01
COOL, to old
updates needed!!!!
Just got an email from Jessica from Naa, she said that you'll need to call them to order it, won't be able to do it online. #3 Naa Logo 6$ with shipping.


The clip broke off my holster grip.  I tried to super glue it, misplaced it somewhere, and ended up just leaving it off.  Still works fine other than that.  I'd suggest to NAA that they should consider using a metal clip instead.

Out of curiosity, how much does .22 short ammo cost?  My .22s are all LR.


Bouncey they will probably replace the clip for free.  Call them.

uncle milty

My short was my first mini. I bought it about 35 years ago. Trying to decide whether to get a new cylinder with a safety slot or keep it original.

PaPa K

You can use the new cylinder for carry and put the original in anytime you want to make it "all original" Just trying to help feed the habit. ;)


I made my shortie even smaller by removing the wooden grips & wrapping the grip with electrical tape. Now it's just a tiny bit smaller & lighter.
Actually the first time I did that was back when they had the plastic grips that broke when you tightened the screw too tight.
That was so long ago I'm not certain if it was an NAA or a Freedom Arms revolver.


At all the shows, there is a lot of 22 Short ammo available.  Mostly CCI and Aquila standard velocity.  I even found a brick of CCI 22 Short CB, but I shoot that stuff in my Remington Model 24 gallery gun, not my NAA Short.

Photo:  A comparison of my Hogleg 6" to my Short.


Poppa & son... bunch of difference.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Sweet little shorty rig.

uncle milty

Hey Stevo - happy to see I'm not the only one with a short and a hogleg. You don't see many posts re the hogleg.
PaPa K - good idea. When I send it in for the new cylinder I'll make sure to ask for both cylinders to be returned.


 I have always wanted a short, think I will start the looking 8)


  I think you should look below the waist in front . Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



  Come on , it happens to all of us in cold water no need to be embarrassed . Ha ,ha , ha .
Here I go again with thread drift ,sorry Nastruck , won't happen again ..................... RIIGGGHHHTTTT !
And they are some of the coolest guns in the collection but I love them all , especially the earlier ones that are just a little different ..

I must say this forum is the BEST , it helps keep my sanity intact knowing there are folks out there that feel the same .. 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


*** OV,  you been talkin to my X wife again .😁


  There was something on U-Tube about you , ha ,ha ,ha and I believe it WAS posted by your ex , ha ,ha ,ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Nothing better then a bit of added witticism now and then. Plus it is a “MINI” forum isn't it????