Birdshead grip on 22LR

Started by Boxertwin, March-29-17 23:03

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Hi, I just acquired a 22L with the birdshead grip and took it out to shoot last weekend. I have fairly large hands I had a hard time gripping the gun. With the rounded grip, when it kicks it rotates upwards.

Does anyone have any:
1. examples of a different grip technique that secures it better.
2. have an opinion on the feel of the boot grips ( I like the look as I have some Ruger Vaqueros in 45 Colt that I love).
3. have an opinion on the feel of the holster grip ( I think it is really fugly but I understand the functionality of it).


To Old To Run

I can only comment on the one I use, the folding grip.
It gives you a lot more to hang onto even with big hands, there is a lot more options out there for you to choose from also, all will help you
with your issue.
As far as the fugly part nobody can see it in your pocket. ;)
Welcome to the forum. :)


  Check out the NAA sales site for whats available for l.r. frames . Welcome along .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I use the folding holster grip every day for the ease of carrying and because I'm much more accurate with it.  I have a set of the oversized wood grips for my mini and Black Widow grips for my Earl which make the NAAs great plinking guns.  The only time I put the stock grips on is if I want to show some one how small a mini is.  Shooting with the stock grips is difficult.


I've had the standard NAA .22 long rifle for a bit over thirty years and put up with the lousy grips. Hard to hold and it rides up i the hand when firing. But I just recently got the optional rubber hogue slip on grip and it changed the whole thing dramatically!

Now way easier to control and hold during firing. Can actually hit the target at 10 yards with the gun stays put in hand while thumbing back the haXykFtxmmer for the next shot. Get the dimpled rubber grips! You'll love them!!!!


Thanks for the advice and welcomes.

I don't live in America, I live in California, so carrying concealed is not an option. It will just be a plinking gun for me.

The Hogue grips look like a good option. I will try those out first.
If I get adventurous, I might try to make some custom wood grips.


Quote from: Boxertwin on March-29-17 23:03
Hi, I just acquired a 22L with the birdshead grip and took it out to shoot last weekend. I have fairly large hands I had a hard time gripping the gun. With the rounded grip, when it kicks it rotates upwards.

Does anyone have any:
1. examples of a different grip technique that secures it better.
2. have an opinion on the feel of the boot grips ( I like the look as I have some Ruger Vaqueros in 45 Colt that I love).
3. have an opinion on the feel of the holster grip ( I think it is really fugly but I understand the functionality of it).


Hi Boxertwin.  Welcome.

1.   To save my thumb from getting bloodied-up by the cylinder each time I shoot, I learned to grip by pressing my left thumb hard into my right thumb.  The left thumb is also positioned properly to set the hammer for the next shot without going off target.  Works like a charm.  Saves my thumb.  Reduces upward recoil.  Tighter groupings.  See photo below.  The gun in the photo is a 22LR with rounded grip.

2.  I love the boot grips.  My favorite of all, and I have them on everything but my 22LR and 22 Short models -- reason being, the stock round grips allow me to hide the outline of the gun better (in jeans pocket) when I am in places that think guns are evil.  But the boot grips add a lot to looks and stability.  Away from work, I comfortably carry a 22 Magnum with boot grips in a front right pocket holster.   I recommend the boot grips.

3.  I agree with your sentiments.  I had one installed once.  Too much bulk in my pocket and I worry that the bad guy puts four bullets into me in the time it takes to unfold the thing.  That's just me.  Different strokes for different folks.

Good luck.



i have a pair of real early cvang 22lr mini grips that i modified and love them. i wish i had bought two pair in walnut but i thought he would keep making them. oh well.  kevin.


The 22 lr with boot grip is a good compromise.  You will be able to get better function but not have too big and bulky a mini.


Quote from: riadat on April-05-17 20:04
The 22 lr with boot grip is a good compromise.  You will be able to get better function but not have too big and bulky a mini.

Which boot grip do you have? I see two different length boot grips listed in the accessories web page. Some longer looking plain ones, and shorter relief figured ones.


I started on a LR mini and never could get used to it so I moved up to the Magnum frame. I do
Like the hogue slip on to help with the LR mini.