Has anybody?

Started by zburkett, May-31-17 05:05

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I managed to mess up my right shoulder and will be shooting left handed at least all summer.  Has anyone actually shot critters with shot shells and what was the result?  My real question is .22 shot or .22 mag shot reliable for large snakes and other small critters or do I need to start carrying a .38?


No, I'm not afraid of "critters".
And I don't use animals for target practice.


Neither am I or do I, but I like my chickens more than I tolerate large snakes and other critters that kill them.


I shot a snake once, long, long ago with a .22 shot shell from my Ruger MKIII.  Quick and deadly.  That, plus recent posts on here about shot shells vs cans makes me certain that shot shells are deadly on small critters at short range.  I even believe that a shot shell would be hugely effective against a 2-legged critter.  One is always 1st up in my Sidewinder.  With my j-frame .38, I'd likely miss with 2 or 3 shots before I fatally connected with a snake head.


Shovel. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every snake within range, accept no substitutes.

I outgrew killing snakes several decades ago, after growing up among them, but almost anything was better than a gun.
I suggest a shovel or hoe, or a machete if you don't mind getting close. Firmly decapitate.

A stick can pin them, or chase them away, as you prefer. They would rather escape than do anything else.
And a sturdy garden rake gives them something to climb aboard if you want to capture or relocate them; they feel pretty confident among the tines and won't really climb up the handle to bite you.

For pest control, snakes control mice. Or outdoor cats control mice and snakes and other critters.



Well, I have a squirrel living in my garage. He's not paying rent, so he's got to go. Maybe a pellet gun is more appropriate for this type of critter, though, especially since it's within city limits, but I wouldn't feel bad about taking him out. Besides, I've heard squirrels are tasty.


The days passed that I left the snakes alone when they started killing my hens.  I hadn't even held a few eggs against them and learned the hard way to snake proof any pen I held chicks.  Then a Black Snake killed two hens just for fun.  He couldn't possibly have eaten them.  Once I had a Coon get into the coop and kill 32 hens in a night, pulled their heads off just for fun.  A friend of mine had a Fox get into his Pheasant coop and kill 143 Pheasant in one night.  He killed the Fox the next night when it came back to get the rest.  I live with nature as much as I can but sometimes raising live stock requires protecting them.  BTW I agree about the shovel or machete but neither fits into my pocket.  My mini does.



RF "shot" uses #12 dust shot, and does well on snakes, BUT for large snakes I think I'd rather use a .38 w/shotshells with #4 (preferably) or #9 shot.

Here's the skinny, from CCI: http://www.cci-ammunition.com/products/pestcontrol_specialty.aspx

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Snakes - 38 spl shotshells.
Works wonders.
I loaded my own with size 7 1/2 shot & 3 1/2 grains of Unique.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  I agree if any livestock was being taken and killed for the hack of it boy oh boy its going to see your maker time . Live traps are more effective though seeing that you bait and leave . That's all I do anymore and they work great for my squirrel and stray cat, opossum ,raccoon even armadillo problem just gotta know what they can't pass up for bait . Knowing their travel path also is handy . After they are caught well I do relocate far , far away . Caught a full grown coral snake once at the back door but what a beauty it was , if I had an empty fish tank at the time and the wife didn't object it was going to be a sweet pet to look at . Pigmy rattlers are real common around here but have bad temperaments to deal with . Relocating alligators are my prime interest these days with a large pond behind the house they keep on coming from a state preserve across the road .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

lefty dude

My Bond Deringer 45/410 does nicely on Snakes. I use number 4 or 5 bird shot.
I do carry a snake shot in my 22 mag WASP, at times.

To Old To Run

Quote from: MR_22 on May-31-17 10:05
Well, I have a squirrel living in my garage. He's not paying rent, so he's got to go. Maybe a pellet gun is more appropriate for this type of critter, though, especially since it's within city limits, but I wouldn't feel bad about taking him out. Besides, I've heard squirrels are tasty.

Sweet Baby Ray's and a pellet gun will do the trick for you MR-22.... ;)


Quote from: uncle_lee on May-31-17 10:05
Snakes - 38 spl shotshells.
Works wonders.
I loaded my own with size 7 1/2 shot & 3 1/2 grains of Unique.

Uncle, how do you contain the shot in a .38 when you reload?


I actually bought one of those heizer pocket shot guns.  I would say that 410 shot shell would be hell on a snake from one of these.  At 500 bucks they were stupid but around 250 i said what the hell and bought one.


Well, I found a box of CCI Mag shot shells today and of all things five .38 shot shells in with the ammo someone had left here.  Looks like this summer I will be carrying my 1 5/8" Mini Mag with a .38 as back up.


Quote from: zburkett on May-31-17 14:05
Quote from: uncle_lee on May-31-17 10:05
Snakes - 38 spl shotshells.
Works wonders.
I loaded my own with size 7 1/2 shot & 3 1/2 grains of Unique.

Uncle, how do you contain the shot in a .38 when you reload?

Very simple.
Roll a cigarette paper around a pencil and seal one end with Elmer's Glue.
Fill the paper with shot and seal the other end....

NO, NO, just kidding...
I got shot capsules form Midway USA...
You can get .44 .45, & .38 spl.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks but I really liked your first solution best.  Of course I can see myself with a pocket full of Unique and shot.


I've killed a couple of Copperheads with 22 mag shot shells, but I was too close for comfort, say 6 feet or so. Camp in the Poconos.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke