NAA for CCW test

Started by ilex, June-10-17 10:06

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Hello everyone!  Just curious.  Has anyone ever taken their concealed carry test using a mini?  I'm renewing mine next week and wondered if anyone had and what if any reaction there was from the tester or fellow shooters.  I'm not using my mini for the test.  Will be using my SP101. 


I started to say Virginia doesn't have a test, then I remembered I got my CCP four decades ago.  I have no idea the requirements now.


If the test has a portion where there is more than 5 shots in a limited time frame, that would eliminate the mini. Other than that, I don't see a problem.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Nope.  All distance sets are 5 shots each.  Was just wondering if anyone had done it.  I list my minis on my permit, along with other firearms I use, but have never actually taken the proficiency test with one.

Z....Is your CCP still valid?  No renewal?  Unfortunately, I live in Kalifornia (love the beauty of the state, hate the politics) and have to renew every 2 years (class and shooting proficiency test).


WI, no live fire test and no written if a vet.


This is kansas:

At the end of the classroom time there will be a 25 question test. YOU MUST SCORE 25 OUT OF 25 ON THE TEST IN ORDER TO PASS. The shooting portion of the class consists of 25 total shots fired from 3 distances: one 5-shot string (strong hand only) from 3 yards, two 5-shot strings from 7 yards, and two 5-shot strings from 10 yards. YOU MUST PUT 18 OF 25 SHOTS INTO THE TARGET ZONE TO PASS.At the end of the classroom time there will be a 25 question test. YOU MUST SCORE 25 OUT OF 25 ON THE TEST IN ORDER TO PASS. The shooting portion of the class consists of 25 total shots fired from 3 distances: one 5-shot string (strong hand only) from 3 yards, two 5-shot strings from 7 yards, and two 5-shot strings from 10 yards. YOU MUST PUT 18 OF 25 SHOTS INTO THE TARGET ZONE TO PASS.

Seems possible.


Arizona no CCW required anyone who can legally own a gun can carry concealed
If you want a CCW 8hr class required, no test no shooting and the CCW is good in 36 or 38 States including KS   


ilex, when I got my first permit I think it was for 10 years.  That was under the "may issue" weapons law.  Now it is a "shall issue" law but it is a pistol permit.  I don't know about the test but there is no listing of the pistol you are going to carry.  Interestingly, Virginia is an open carry state with no permit.


PA, no test at all just a thorough background check; state and federal systems. no listing of guns...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Texas does not permit a .22 to be used to qualify on the CCW test.


When I took my Ohio CCW class some 8 years ago, they supplied the firearms and ammo.  (all 22lr equipment - creates a smaller hole in instructor's foot) They would not permit anyone bringing their own firearm to class; prevents "that guy" from bringing his 50 cal. Desert Eagle.  Most places in our area do the same to allow them to control the situation of generally a room full of unexperienced range Nazis.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


  Yeah that Desert Eagle 50 tends to send the dust a flying in those indoor ranges but always a attention getter . I've been told in some indoors OH HELL NO your not firing that beast in here .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

To Old To Run

I got to looking at my cc renewal here in Illinois, it's every 5 years, 250.00, 3hr class with range test of 30rds no mention of any type of restriction on gun.
I have a couple more years before I have to renew mine so who knows what the laws will be then, they keep changing all the time here.


Quote from: cbl51 on June-11-17 15:06
Texas does not permit a .22 to be used to qualify on the CCW test.
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


I used my Black Widow mag for my test.  Got a few funny looks, but another woman had an ancient .22 cowboy-type SA that got more looks.  I missed all 5 of my 10 yard shots at the 10" target, but the instructor saw them all grouped high and left in a 6" group and passed me anyway with the condition I would go home and practice. 


no test written or practical. no training class required
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


yep, no test in pa. but back 40yrs ago everone knew how to be safe and how to shoot.  kevin.


Very interesting to read all the different requirements in different states.  Wow, Kansas seems to have a more difficult test than here in California.  No written test here.  Just a 4 hour class and then a range test of 30 rounds from 3, 5 and 7 yards and not real strict on how many shots have to hit (at least where I get tested).  Only one person used their mini.  If I were to use one I would also use my Black Widow.  I find it to be quite accurate.


Indiana has no requirements except background checks.  I have a lifetime permit. ($125) Screwup and it's gone.


My wife and I got the lifetime permits just as soon as they came out.

Hey Codger, do you have the pink one or the hard plastic one????
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Lifetime permits - Cool.  In Ohio, it is renew every 5 years and $50.  No Cash; personal checks, money orders, cashier's check, or certified bank check.  Living near the border with PA, we used to have to renew for non-resident there also, but with Ohio now having an across the board reciprocity with all 50 states, a number of other states have reciprocated, PA being one of them.  So now with an Ohio resident CCW, they are valid in 39 states.  Guess which ones don't accept it.  Yeah, easy to guess.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


  The magic mushroom state would be one (CA.)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Cool.being an Ohio boy, I've considered applying to Pa for ccw. Now it's moot.


Quote from: ikoiko on June-19-17 15:06
Cool.being an Ohio boy, I've considered applying to Pa for ccw. Now it's moot.
Yeah; I still carry mine since it is still within a valid date, but it is soon to be banished to the bottom of the underwear drawer, nestled within other priceless keepsakes of the days gone by . . .
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


When I was living in NH you just went to the local PD filled out the app and a $10 fee. They had to issue with in 14 days or have a valid reason not to. Like you didn't pass Background check.


We moved to Texas in November of 2015, and one of the first things I did was apply for the carry license. Under Texas law, you have to use at least a .32 caliber to qualify on the range part of the class. No .22's allowed. So I used my Glock 26, and that was the last time I used it. Just carry my NAA mini or S&W model 317.

Had to qualify with a center fire, but they don't care what yoou carry after you get the license. Go figure!

The Dawg House

Quote from: ilex on June-10-17 10:06
Hello everyone!  Just curious.  Has anyone ever taken their concealed carry test using a mini?  I'm renewing mine next week and wondered if anyone had and what if any reaction there was from the tester or fellow shooters.  I'm not using my mini for the test.  Will be using my SP101.
Yep. I used mine to get an enhanced endorsement on my permit. I was laughed at by my instructor and class mates. Shot 70 rounds. Missed the chest area of the target once from 3,5,7 yards. By the end of the range session everyone was asking "Where the f**k can I get one of those".


Florida only requires a shooting test for the initial  7 year license, none for renewals.
It consists of firing one round downrange in the general direction of the backstop.


Quote from: chutethemall on June-24-17 13:06
Florida only requires a shooting test for the initial  7 year license, none for renewals.
It consists of firing one round downrange in the general direction of the backstop.

That is what scares me about a lot of state testing "firing one round downrange in the general direction of the backstop". 

The training class required in Ohio includes range time showing proficiency in loading, firing, and safely unloading both a revolver and semi-auto pistol.  Yeah, the firing was the easy part for most, but not all.  Those guys scare me too. (you know, the eyes closed, jaw clenched, wait for the load noise guy).
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: The Dawg House on June-24-17 12:06
Quote from: ilex on June-10-17 10:06
Hello everyone!  Just curious.  Has anyone ever taken their concealed carry test using a mini?  I'm renewing mine next week and wondered if anyone had and what if any reaction there was from the tester or fellow shooters.  I'm not using my mini for the test.  Will be using my SP101.
Yep. I used mine to get an enhanced endorsement on my permit. I was laughed at by my instructor and class mates. Shot 70 rounds. Missed the chest area of the target once from 3,5,7 yards. By the end of the range session everyone was asking "Where the f**k can I get one of those".

Dawg House:  You made me laugh!!!  ;D  That is awesome!  Looks like you educated a few people that day as to what these minis can do!


Quote from: The Dawg House on June-24-17 12:06
Quote from: ilex on June-10-17 10:06
Hello everyone!  Just curious.  Has anyone ever taken their concealed carry test using a mini?  I'm renewing mine next week and wondered if anyone had and what if any reaction there was from the tester or fellow shooters.  I'm not using my mini for the test.  Will be using my SP101.
Yep. I used mine to get an enhanced endorsement on my permit. I was laughed at by my instructor and class mates. Shot 70 rounds. Missed the chest area of the target once from 3,5,7 yards. By the end of the range session everyone was asking "Where the f**k can I get one of those".

Hey Doghouse - will a mini fit in your cowbell? 

Welcome to the forum from an old LSU Tiger!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."

The Dawg House

Quote from: Paducah Michael on July-13-17 21:07
Quote from: The Dawg House on June-24-17 12:06
Quote from: ilex on June-10-17 10:06
Hello everyone!  Just curious.  Has anyone ever taken their concealed carry test using a mini?  I'm renewing mine next week and wondered if anyone had and what if any reaction there was from the tester or fellow shooters.  I'm not using my mini for the test.  Will be using my SP101.
Yep. I used mine to get an enhanced endorsement on my permit. I was laughed at by my instructor and class mates. Shot 70 rounds. Missed the chest area of the target once from 3,5,7 yards. By the end of the range session everyone was asking "Where the f**k can I get one of those".

Hey Doghouse - will a mini fit in your cowbell? 

Welcome to the forum from an old LSU Tiger!

Yes it will! LOL!!



"We don't need no steenking license"

"Where the Men are Men, the Women are Men, and the Sheep are Scared"

They have passed a law here that parents have to show their AR-15's and at least 12 hand guns of their own before they can take their newborn from the hospital  (i'm lying)

Open carry here,  unfortunately, no need to show  proficiency  :o  (this is true)

Rick Jorgenson


No test in Indiana.  We go down to the area police and give them some money.  There is a background check and after this they send you the permit, mine is good for my lifetime, and you can carry, openly or concealed.

I would more likely use a snubbie of some sort over a Mini
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein