22 short

Started by wolverine, June-27-17 17:06

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can the cylindars be changed to long or mags?



Welcome to the forum !

Nope - at least not AFAIK.

The .22 Short Mini has the smallest of the 3 different frame sizes NAA offers.

Here's the 2 smaller frames sizes (a LR frame on top, a Short frame below) - the magnum frame is even larger/longer than the LR frame shown. (Another board member here bought these 2 guns from me several years ago)

The Short frame is too..................... short (for longer cartridges).

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent



Pietro nailed it. The short frame will not accept a longer cylinder.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


The appeal of the Short is that it's the smallest.
It's pretty rare.
It should be very easy to trade it for the more common LRs.


I had a 1st generation .22 Short many moons ago when it was the sole NAA mini.  I swapped it off and have been resisting replacing it for quite a while because I know when I get another one I'm going to feel a pressing need for a Browning .22 Short Automatic Rifle to keep it company.  If the new breaktop doesn't appear by Christmas, now that .22 Short ammo is more or less available, the .22 Short pairing may be my treat from Santa this year.   :)

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain