The Rat Shot Fallacy - All posts have been deleted

Started by admin, October-19-10 13:10

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'"or else it gets the hose again"  Wild Bill


I don't kmow all the ins and outs of the laws in all the various states, afterall I'm just a foreigner , but my expereince in a number of countries where I've had contact with the police, is always to be polite and compliant and never try to be a wise bottom. The above card would IMO put you in that categry and label you for "specail attention" above and beyond the call of duty.  


   Usually once the preliminaries are over and they see you are a normal rational person with no outstanding warrants etc. who wasn't intentionally doing anything wrong you're on your way.


   IMO if you are intentionally doing something wrong, then you deserve what you get and should take it like a man, not start whining and hiding behind having your rights infringed.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


......does anybody have any bear traps cuz if ya do I am gonna throw em out and watch you all hop in them!


As this is the random statement thread, how about this bad boy - who needs a 22 mag with an air pistol like this, the downside is it doesn't shoot rat shot, but the claimed MV of 4650 fps would do some damage and it's only $95, no wonder people are saying the BT is expensive. (me thinks the decimal point may have slipped somewhat on the MV or on the price if it were true)">


   I bet it's powerful enough to shoot a bear trap off your leg.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


uhhhhhh..... you don't think that is a typo??????????




I have ten BB guns that shoot at 4000-5000fps......don't you Barky?


Never put mine thru a chrno, but I'm sure it will match your 5K fps with a 9 grain projectile.  That calculates exactly 500 fpe with my Daisy .22 pellet gun...'bout the same as a .357.



Sending my BB gun back to Daisy!! Mine doesn't come close to 4000-5000fps. Something is wrong with mine. HELP


Try using the new 'expanding' pellets, Bud.  They decompress when fired giving a tremendous amount of extra force and energy.  Airguns will soon replace firearms.



So you are actually SERIOUS that you have an air gun that produces 5000fps projectiles?


Is that really MDE masquerading as Chopprs??


I am sure I could come up with a better costume..........


O.K. so it looks like I won't be using any sort

   of cute card, and if I see the cops I'll ditch

   the metal detector and my pistol in a safe place

   for later retrieval, and tell them I'm a rockhound

   looking for arrow heads...not that I am prone to

   walking along RR tracks or anything.


   I didn't realize that there were people out there

   that just naturally build up so much anal pressure

   that they actually hover over the toilet when they

   have to take a dump. learn something

   new everyday.


   Other than that I have the right to remain silent.

   And will put it to good use. Starting now.







And Boom......There it was!!!!


Due to the continued immature behavior I'm forced to contemplate shutting down the Message Board. Unfortunately, your childish behavior and inability to self-moderate has really left no other option. I also do not foresee a 2011 Convention. The only way to avert this is for Choprs, Mde, and all other guilty parties to apologize to each other immediately. Thanks,



"The only way to avert this is for Choprs, Mde, and all other guilty parties to apologize to each other immediately"


   Did I miss the hell has frozen over thread?


   Sandy1, you almost had me going for a second.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


yea, Riggghhhhhhtttttt.........






And Boom......There it was!!!!


Man it would be so easy to post a Joking comment like---don't you mean "deaf, dumb, and mute"?....but I'm not going to do it; I'm taking the high road.


High road???

   I think you might have missed the turnoff.


.......hit the guard rail, burst into flames!


That reminds me of a story about a motorcycle racer who was a good friend of a guy I worked with. He had a big accident at one of his races, at the hospital later, a nurse asked him when he'd last had a bowel movement, to which he replied, "about a tenth of a second before I hit the guard rail"
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


........yummy and thanx for the visual!



   Yoda say: "mmmmm, when joke you tell, land it does not, remove it you must, mmmmm"






WOW dude......are you bored or just stoned?

    Why don't you look in the mirror and draw stuff on your face. It is a lot more fun......


"the color of the pen that I hold in my hand is R-O-Y-A-L bluuueee.....!"


   I'm not allowed to have pens or other sharp objects and the crayons hurt my face so I ate them yesterday.


   The one time I tried 22M Rat Shot in my B.W. the pattern was very thin and spread out which leads me to believe that it would be ineffective at anything larger than a mouse and more than a few feet away. While one test can not be considered conclusive, the results coupled with other considerations like merely maiming targets and the potential for innocent bystander hits generally makes me regard rat shot from a 22 as a fun concept but not realistically intended for S.D.


...As a ret.A/Craft mech., I can't help but think that .22R/S, fired from a very short, rifled barrel, will be far LESS effective than a small squeeze bottle, filled W/SKYDROL hyd. fluid..It is NON-Lethal,requires No permit & just a drop or two in the B/G's eyes will:A-take His mind off ALL immediate thoughts of annoying You, and:B-curse the day that Orville & Wilbur, got into aviation...


........LOL, SKYDROL, man you are old!!!!!


...Thanx Chopper, You could have gone the rest of the year, without reminding Me of that...


Why do you think I remember that?

    Cuz I am old too!  




...31 years @ PAA/JFK..Darn, I get older just thinking about it...



That I load 2 rounds of SNAKE Shot, followed by

   3 Magnum HP's in my 'Lil "Park Walkin'" Mini Magnum..?!? Lol..!


   E! :D


...Sounds like Your "Park", is Very "Inner City"..And maybe a little scarey...


Most likely the biggest threat in a park

   would be Squirrels on Steroids.








   I'm sorry...I couldn't help myself.
And Boom......There it was!!!!