Have any of you?

Started by zburkett, August-25-17 14:08

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One of the regular places I often need my mini is in a somewhat dark barn with dingy places.  The usual problem is snakes but sometimes something as large as a raccoon.  The range is just a few feet but I need to be snake head accurate.  for that reason I mounted a light collecting from bead off a shotgun on one of my minis.  It makes for a strange sight picture that is not that accurate at more than a few feet (too big) but with practice it is the tool for dark, dingy and close.  I wonder if any of you have special needs that has caused you to modify your mini?  If you have, what was the problem?  What was your solution?

Mn lefty

I like that sight. How is it mounted? I filled mine down a little and painted green.


I have never needed something like that but it sure looks good.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Nope, aside from new grips I have never modded one of mine.  When I was still gunsmithing I may have tried to polish the cylinders or the action to make it shoot a bit nicer but that is about all I did to  Mini revolver.  Guess I felt they were fine as they were.  8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I rounded the front sight so it didn't dig into any more holsters and re-painted the front sight with a white rectangles. In all but dead dark I can see it...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


The trade off is getting a sight you can see without making the mini clumsy to get out of your pocket.


Quote from: zburkett on August-25-17 14:08
One of the regular places I often need my mini is in a somewhat dark barn with dingy places.  The usual problem is snakes but sometimes something as large as a raccoon.  The range is just a few feet but I need to be snake head accurate.  for that reason I mounted a light collecting from bead off a shotgun on one of my minis.  It makes for a strange sight picture that is not that accurate at more than a few feet (too big) but with practice it is the tool for dark, dingy and close.  I wonder if any of you have special needs that has caused you to modify your mini?  If you have, what was the problem?  What was your solution?

It appears you did a really good job getting it put on.  It works for you and that is what counts. 

As mentioned "the trade off" of hooking while drawing. You carry in your pocket (folding grip),  I worry that that sight may break off or tear your pocket eventually?

Those are just my questions of the rig.  Good job on the mods and again "It works for you" thats what it is about.

Let us know how you attached the sight,  this may work for some other people and their needs as well.
Rick Jorgenson


With practice it comes out of a Levi pocket with no problem (so far).  The sight picture is sort of like a pumpkin sitting on a board.  Works fine up close on small targets in low light.  As you can see I practice on spent cases.  The sight is a shotgun front bead I got on Ebay.  Cut off the front sight of the mini and drilled and tapped the top of the barrel. Then put in a fiber spacer to get the correct sight picture.  Once that was done I contact glued the spacer and the mount using the screw as a clamp.  Then a lot of practice to get to where I could throw a hand full of shells out in front of me and hit them with regularity. I have another mini that all I did was paint the front sight orange.  In good light it is more accurate, but I walk into the barns twice a day, dawn and evening.  It is not unusual to find something there I wish wasn't so it is worth it to have a very specialized, reliable pistol.  I just wondered if anyone else had a similar problem and how they solved it?


File down front sight and drill and tap for mepro lite shotgun night sight. Done it on lots of different pistols from S&W model 36 to old Colt mustangs and NAA's.


do what seak said, i have and it works fine. my two, kevin.


Quote from: autofull on September-04-17 10:09
do what seak said, i have and it works fine. my two, kevin.

Any photos of the finished product?