Tiny guns return to Los Angeles.

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, August-29-17 13:08

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Don't know how this affects Mini. But  Los Angeles will not ban tiny guns.  The handy capped have rights and need small guns.  :)   http://mynewsla.com/government/2017/08/29/pocket-rockets-ok-in-la-nra-gets-tiny-gun-ban-reversed/
Death before Decaf !!!!!



very cool. being reduced to using a cane myself due to a broken back and now being weight sensitive i full understand the word handicapped. i wish joe was still making the huckleberry rig. now i need it. no more series 70 combat commander on my belt anymore. even the new 38sp bodyguard,s weight makes me cry. oh well, at least im not in a wheelchair. hope they get their mini,s.  kevin.


One more reason to thank God that I live in Oklahoma.


Before we celebrate, please recognize that the restrictive, anti-gun regulations imposed by California lawmakers in most cases are likely to remain in place for many years to come.  This administrative change made by the city of Los Angeles is but a tiny step forward back to the way it should be.  This change (which applies to the city of Los Angeles only) will do nothing, however, to change the process used by the California Dept of Justice to ban or allow a particular model handgun to get onto the "List of Approved Handguns for Sale".  Until that restrictive policy is abolished, it's unlikely that those of us stuck here in CA will be allowed to get any NAA products aside from the two 1 1/8" barrel basic NAA's, or anything with a 4" plus barrel.  Anything in between, plus the Pugs, will still be denied to us. 
All the more reason to accelerate my move to Texas! 


That's great!  And in LA no less.  We who live in the Republik of Kalifornia  :-[ are grateful for any pro-gun win!  ;D


Quote from: ilex on September-05-17 15:09
That's great!  And in LA no less.  We who live in the Republik of Kalifornia  :-[ are grateful for any pro-gun win!  ;D

If you are in SoCal I can tell you where to find Minis  1 1/8  barrel in  LR and Mag new in the shop.  Mag $219
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Thanks O&G.  I have a 1 1/8 mag and a Black Widow convertible.  Lucky to find the BW used in California, since they aren't on our "approved" list.


QUESTION. If you live out of state and decide to move to CA God only knows why anyone would ;D But if you did and you owned guns that weren't approved for CA Is there some sort of grandfather clause that you can keep what you own or do you have to get rid of them????


To Big Bird - the laws as I understand them prohibit anyone from "importing" an illegal weapon into Kalifornia.  Which means if you move here and bring something with you, it could get confiscated by an overzealous peace officer / game warden / etc.  Which could place the owner in serious legal difficulties.   Best advice could be to sell before you move here, or leave them with a friend who will return them to you once you get fed up with this place and escape!   


However, if you lived in California and purchased the gun legally in California before there was a Roster of Firearms, or if the gun was on the roster at one time but is no longer, it can be sold legally within the state through a private party transfer using an FFL.  That is how I got my BW.


Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on August-29-17 13:08
Don't know how this affects Mini. But  Los Angeles will not ban tiny guns.  The handy capped have rights and need small guns.  :)   http://mynewsla.com/government/2017/08/29/pocket-rockets-ok-in-la-nra-gets-tiny-gun-ban-reversed/

Yay! Oh, wait: no new handguns have been added to the CA DOJ "approved list" since, what, 2012? And most of the guns already on it that haven't already timed out are going to do so on Jan 01 of '18. It just keeps shrinking. So Fueur and his anti-civil rights cronies didn't have anything to lose, since there really aren't many "pocket rockets" left on the list that *can* be sold...