Gonna shoot my Companion Soon!

Started by Warthog, September-01-17 07:09

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Yes. Works well less crud. I think the faster burn makes up for being 3F. Pyrodex 3F works fine. But the subs are not equal to black.  777 is hotter and Pyrodex seams cooler.  In my .58 musket with the same charge Pyrodex had a much lighter recoil than black.

Don't know how much it matters.  Still can't hit anything with the little pain in the ass past a few yards.  Same day, side by side at 10 yards I was getting 2.5" groups with the .38.  Super Companion? Where the H*** are the holes?
Death before Decaf !!!!!

lefty dude

I would suggest a very firm two hand hold. Try supported with/over bags till ya get used to shooting the little devil. Are you using the little stock grips ? Remember, a C&B Revolver or Rifle, etc. Has a longer lock time then a cartridge piece. Your trigger finger and follow thru is very important. A slight movement on your part will have a very great effect on accuracy. Hold steady and squeeze the trigger squarely and smartly. Rolling the trigger with your index finger will cause movement. Squarely means a straight pull with no side movement on the trigger.

When I visited the NAA facilities, I had my companion with me and it had issues. I waited for the piece to be repaired. I had them do an action job, the trigger was lightened and action smoothed. Big difference for sure.
I also bought a second cylinder, this was also fitted to the piece. I contacted them in advance, so they knew I was coming. Well worth the two hour wait.


Quote from: Surculus on September-07-17 20:09
Quote from: Warty62 on September-01-17 07:09
I want to get a new Companion before long, thinking to get one with a longer barrel.  I also like the Magnum frame, like the one I already have, so I guess I will wait for a bit, to save my money up, then order one. 

You've got time: last I checked, the Super Companion had been OOS everywhere for the better part of a year. Haven't looked for a couple of months tho': did NAA produce another run yet, or have they been too busy keeping up w/ demand for their non-USPS compatible products? ;->
Yes, it's hard to come by. My brother is an FFL and he can't get it from any of his suppliers. However, they come up pretty frequently on gunbroker.


Yeah, having the same trouble with the 6 inch barreled Earl.  I have one with a 4 inch barrel but since I saw the one with the 6" I have been searching.  I called NAA and was told they don't make them very often so I should keep searching and have my LGS/FFL put one on reserve at a distributor and see how it goes.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: Warty62 on September-20-17 18:09
Yeah, having the same trouble with the 6 inch barreled Earl.  I have one with a 4 inch barrel but since I saw the one with the 6" I have been searching.  I called NAA and was told they don't make them very often so I should keep searching and have my LGS/FFL put one on reserve at a distributor and see how it goes.
A word of advice: Go to the highest volume gun shop you can find in your area and put it on reserve with them. You will most likely have to pay in full up front but it's worth it. Even if you have to drive a ways. The really high volume shops get first dibs on hard to get guns. There's a shop 45 minutes from me that is really not all that big in terms of their store size but their selection and sheer number of guns is incredible. Those guys can get anything if you pay for it up front and be a little patient.