Ranger II early sign up list

Started by Ole N. Decrepit, September-02-17 16:09

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Funny thing is I don't think any one posted enough to actually qualify, not even that guy who posted over 400 posts last month  ???


Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-03-17 07:10. . . . . . . . that guy who posted over 400 posts last month  ???

"That Guy" - Really!?!   ::)  I still work daily for my living; not yet living on the return from my government investments (Social Security) or on any of the government dole programs (let's not get started on that, please).  400 posts in 30 days - over 13 per day.  Wow. 

I can understand if it is one of you with the large number of posts that give us that familiarity to the forum, the ones we like to hear from or mix it up some,  but just for a Ranger II opportunity?  Again, WOW!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Ruger the guy joined the forum in Aug this year , made 2 or 3 post in Aug, then when the announcement came out for the Ranger11 he posted over 400 in Sept and swore up nd down he wasn't trying up his count that he was just posting normally , and I can't swear to it but I don't think he's made a post after Oct 1st. at least I don't remember seeing one.


Quote from: Esummerlin on September-28-17 20:09
Quote from: heyjoe on September-28-17 18:09
it sure sounds like whining to me.....you say you arent whining then go on to whine some more about people that bought a ranger breaktop and then sold it. last time i looked no one needed permission from you to either buy one or sell it after they buy it. maybe they bought it but liked the original mini better and sold it, maybe financial circumstances changed for some people and they had to sell it, maybe they just wanted to sell it and make a buck after it appreciated to 5x its purchase price.....it doesnt really matter, its their business not yours.

I have two of them and still have them......bought with money i earned by working my balls off and delaying gratification and living within my means for many decades. if you dont like my retorts put me on ignore...i wont lose any sleep over it quote]

By now I usually try not to dignify this type of conversation with further response from my end because it only goes downhill faster when talking to a simpleton. But I can't help myself in this case...Nobody gives a dang what nut you busted paying for your guns because everyone here is a hard worker. I made a statement of fact and you keep getting your panties in a wad over it. That's fine with me but I imagine you'll want to get over yourself soon because I'm gonna be here for a looong time, sister. So I'm done here in this thread and will gladly let you have the last word as I'm sure youll need it in order to move on to troll the next new guy.

PS. I'm not gonna put you on ignore because I think we can still be friendly to one another.

oh please be my friend....i dont know how i made it 60 years without you!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-03-17 07:10
Funny thing is I don't think any one posted enough to actually qualify, not even that guy who posted over 400 posts last month  ???

I suspect that NAA pulled the listing before making that announcement and all of the extra posts are all for naught  ::)  :o



  O.K. heres some more useful info : the first run of top-breaks will be 250 EB's to soon follow another 250 if those are EB's that I don't know . Christmas should have smiles on everyone who wants one anyhow . So if your looking to buy any of these for flipping on a gun auction for a profit your a dirt bag and shouldn't ever be allowed to order in this manner ever again . Just my three cents worth .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


We are an interesting but consistent species . . . in every lifeboat, there will always be the guy that takes two sips from the rationed water. . . .
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger1628 on October-03-17 10:10
We are an interesting but consistent species . . . in every lifeboat, there will always be the guy that takes two sips from the rationed water. . . .

In the lifeboat?
Let him drink.
I would have that one for lunch when the rations ran out. :o
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-03-17 07:10
Ruger the guy joined the forum in Aug this year , made 2 or 3 post in Aug, then when the announcement came out for the Ranger11 he posted over 400 in Sept and swore up nd down he wasn't trying up his count that he was just posting normally , and I can't swear to it but I don't think he's made a post after Oct 1st. at least I don't remember seeing one.

So I had to go look :)

For join date I am on page 142 out of 200  :o
I see who you are referring to (I didn't drill down into post dates).

I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary in February, it seems like I just joined.

I wish I had started earlier not as much for the Ranger as for the grips and holsters and different items that are not longer available for the mini's.

Word to the wise.
If you see something you like grab it as it may not be available next week.
I pondered on a nice set of grips, they sold and have never been available again.
I didn't ponder as long on a set of stag grips  :D
I learned my lesson. 8)



Donner party. I've been through that pass. Camped with the ghosts.  Complainers get eaten  FIRST.

Love ya Unc. Glad I didn't piss you off back in the 70s.  Might be time to post that pic of you and your Chopper again. (with guns?) 


1973 ish. Any of you know  Navy Station Long Beach CA?   Just back from West Pac and Nam. I am at the hitch hiking station (yes they had one) with a FULL sea bag trying to get a free ride to town.  Some guy who looks like Lee on his bike pulls up and says "GET ON". 

I have never been on a bike. Don't want to piss this guy off. So I get on. How the F do I hold on? Do I Grab him or the sea bag between us? He guns it. The bridge is HIGH. I am flying. I grab the bag and clamp my knees.  (not a "bleep"). Wonder if NAA will censor that?   (yes they did. A girl dog!)

I lived.

Death before Decaf !!!!!


Sounds like a great story :D


Lots of interesting stories hear. Would be great if more shared theirs.
PS......unfortunately I've led a dull life.
PPS.....except for the time I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane and discovered that whoever had packed the chute had tangled the lines. Interesting time!


Oh the stories I could tell but you'd just think they were stories ;D


Turned in EB form today, doesn't hurt to try, will be very very surprised if successful.  Trying to be optimistic.


I may just start now. This will be my last post lol
Well maybe not. What would I do without this info. I do miss some of the early posters. Chopper!....


If I had lost a hand or foot I wouldn't miss it more than I miss Chopprs.

Love my bike.....
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

To Old To Run

Quote from: cfsharry on October-03-17 18:10
Lots of interesting stories hear. Would be great if more shared theirs.
PS......unfortunately I've led a dull life.
PPS.....except for the time I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane and discovered that whoever had packed the chute had tangled the lines. Interesting time!

I used to listen to Paul Harvey a lot, so I would like to hear the rest of the story. ;)


Quote from: Bj4995012 on October-03-17 19:10
Turned in EB form today, doesn't hurt to try, will be very very surprised if successful.  Trying to be optimistic.

I also turned in the EB today. I hope they are able to consider everyone here an enthusiast of NAA minis and honor everyone's request.


Yeah, Harry, fill us in!  Sounds like a good one.  At least go to the Story Forum and share it.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe

Quote from: uncle_lee on October-04-17 07:10
Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-04-17 07:10
awesome Scoot Unc :D

Makes me proud....
I'm sure by now you've gotten past the training wheels ;)


  Unc what ever happened to Chopps that you talk so highly of , kinda before my time or came in at the end of Chopper .Though he popped in awhile back I think . Another thing your pretty dang good at that picture photo changing , adding the bicycle ,hat and that special touch of flowers , you take a class or something ?.
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Are confirmation emails being sent out since the EB form was revised?


No I don't think so :-X

Quote from: Bj4995012 on October-04-17 18:10
Are confirmation emails being sent out since the EB form was revised?


just received a email notice from NAA tonight In the email notification then sent me a link here is the email I received
This mail was sent because the 'forgot password' function has been applied to your account. To set a new password, click the following link: I clicked on the link and reset my password all is well now.
;D ;D


Quote from: OV-1D on October-03-17 09:10
  O.K. heres some more useful info : the first run of top-breaks will be 250 EB's to soon follow another 250 if those are EB's that I don't know . Christmas should have smiles on everyone who wants one anyhow . So if your looking to buy any of these for flipping on a gun auction for a profit your a dirt bag and shouldn't ever be allowed to order in this manner ever again . Just my three cents worth .

I would tend to agree with the dirt bag comment. 502  Ranger1's were created and the "old timers"/friends of the forum were pretty much the only guys able to get one. Several bought (maybe selfishly?) Multiple pieces. Some of those kept both. How many of those guys turned around and sold it as soon as they realized they  could price gauge abother true fan? I get the idea behind the current EB program but the guys that are moaning about new guys making extra post are possibly some of the same who sold their ranger to make a quick buck. They're afraid some new guy is gonna take their assumed slot for the EB. Sandy will do what Sandy will do and im fine with it and will keep waiting. I just wanted to point out that there are "dirt bags" that already had a ranger and they are the ones that will be first in line for the Ranger2.



Seems to me Sandy should consider doing a lotto like he did with the sidewinder.  If it worked then with very few complaints then it should work for the ranger 2.  What's the old saying if it's not broken then don't fix it. 


Quote from: OV-1D on October-04-17 08:10
  Unc what ever happened to Chopps that you talk so highly of , kinda before my time or came in at the end of Chopper .Though he popped in awhile back I think . Another thing your pretty dang good at that picture photo changing , adding the bicycle ,hat and that special touch of flowers , you take a class or something ?.

Chopprs was/is a person that said what I thought.
He was the jalapeno in the chili. Take that away and the chili just ain't the same. But we get by.

Another forum member did the photo stuff for me. I don't have any idea how to do that.

OK, OK, enough thread drift......
Back to the whining....
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: Bigbird48 on October-03-17 07:10
Ruger the guy joined the forum in Aug this year , made 2 or 3 post in Aug, then when the announcement came out for the Ranger11 he posted over 400 in Sept and swore up nd down he wasn't trying up his count that he was just posting normally , and I can't swear to it but I don't think he's made a post after Oct 1st. at least I don't remember seeing one.
BigBird many are doing what they think will help them get a Ranger ll. New members posting like crazy and others resurrecting
old accounts with higher post counts.
I'm like some on here, I only visit once in a while when time allows. The  comments that I would make have usually  already been made, so I don't bother to reply. when I placed my second order after the first was cancelled they used the term "lottery" for how the Rangers will be distributed .


or they could just be tired and disgusted with a guy who has 26 posts whining and crying like a baby incessantly

Quote from: Esummerlin on October-04-17 21:10
" I get the idea behind the current EB program but the guys that are moaning about new guys making extra post are possibly some of the same who sold their ranger to make a quick buck. They're afraid some new guy is gonna take their assumed slot for the EB."

I would tend to agree with the dirt bag comment. 502  Ranger1's were created and the "old timers"/friends of the forum were pretty much the only guys able to get one. Several bought (maybe selfishly?) Multiple pieces. Some of those kept both. How many of those guys turned around and sold it as soon as they realized they  could price gauge abother true fan? I get the idea behind the current EB program but the guys that are moaning about new guys making extra post are possibly some of the same who sold their ranger to make a quick buck. They're afraid some new guy is gonna take their assumed slot for the EB. Sandy will do what Sandy will do and im fine with it and will keep waiting. I just wanted to point out that there are "dirt bags" that already had a ranger and they are the ones that will be first in line for the Ranger2.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


   WWAAAAA ,WWAAAAAA, Sniffle , Sniffle , WWAAAAAA its probably those same guys that talk about that Pinterest site . HA ,HA,HA,HA,HA.
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


hahah yeah.....

Quote from: OV-1D on October-05-17 08:10
   WWAAAAA ,WWAAAAAA, Sniffle , Sniffle , WWAAAAAA its probably those same guys that talk about that Pinterest site . HA ,HA,HA,HA,HA.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Time for Torches and Pitchforks . . . . . . bring your pug, too; you just never know . . .
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Boy are we jumpin on everybody's case :-\