NAA for CCW test

Started by ilex, June-10-17 10:06

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Virginia, no test for ccp, ne permit required for open carry.


Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on August-26-17 08:08

"We don't need no steenking license"

"Where the Men are Men, the Women are Men, and the Sheep are Scared"

They have passed a law here that parents have to show their AR-15's and at least 12 hand guns of their own before they can take their newborn from the hospital  (i'm lying)

Open carry here,  unfortunately, no need to show  proficiency  :o  (this is true)

Just got back from Laughlin. I was surprised to learn that even people from the Demokratik People's Republik of Kalifornia can carry concealed in Arizona with no permit. I assumed that only applied to Arizona residents. Just to be sure I asked several different times.
I have to admit I would have no problem with a shall issue permit with a required background check.


Altho AZ is #1 in the country for gun owner rights, You still have to get a background check to buy a gun at a gun store.The bad guys will always have guns and because we don't need a permit to carry it makes it a lot easy for the avg Joe to carry a concealed weapon and protect himself against the bad guys.   

Quote from: theysayimnotme on August-26-17 14:08
Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on August-26-17 08:08

"We don't need no steenking license"

"Where the Men are Men, the Women are Men, and the Sheep are Scared"

They have passed a law here that parents have to show their AR-15's and at least 12 hand guns of their own before they can take their newborn from the hospital  (i'm lying)

Open carry here,  unfortunately, no need to show  proficiency  :o  (this is true)

Just got back from Laughlin. I was surprised to learn that even people from the Demokratik People's Republik of Kalifornia can carry concealed in Arizona with no permit. I assumed that only applied to Arizona residents. Just to be sure I asked several different times.
I have to admit I would have no problem with a shall issue permit with a required background check.


Quote from: Ruger1628 on June-19-17 12:06
Lifetime permits - Cool.  In Ohio, it is renew every 5 years and $50.  No Cash; personal checks, money orders, cashier's check, or certified bank check.  Living near the border with PA, we used to have to renew for non-resident there also, but with Ohio now having an across the board reciprocity with all 50 states, a number of other states have reciprocated, PA being one of them.  So now with an Ohio resident CCW, they are valid in 39 states.  Guess which ones don't accept it.  Yeah, easy to guess.
Al the states surrounding me. NJ, NY, DEL, Maryland...I might also guess Mass and RI..
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I don't know the specific legal ccw shooting test requirements in Michigan but it is a fairly loose requirement with instructor choice to a large extent to my understanding.  My instructor allowed any handgun caliber but only open sights and no ammo reloads.  As I recall there were several shorts right hand, several left hand, several right hand around an obstacle like a door, then the same with left side.  About 50 shoots total at 7 yards.


Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on August-26-17 08:08

"We don't need no steenking license"

"Where the Men are Men, the Women are Men, and the Sheep are Scared"

They have passed a law here that parents have to show their AR-15's and at least 12 hand guns of their own before they can take their newborn from the hospital  (i'm lying)

Open carry here,  unfortunately, no need to show  proficiency  :o  (this is true)

I really like the sound of this...................
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


 where do you get Ohio has Recip with all 50 states I see 12 that it doesn't??
Quote from: Canoeal on August-27-17 20:08
Quote from: Ruger1628 on June-19-17 12:06
Lifetime permits - Cool.  In Ohio, it is renew every 5 years and $50.  No Cash; personal checks, money orders, cashier's check, or certified bank check.  Living near the border with PA, we used to have to renew for non-resident there also, but with Ohio now having an across the board reciprocity with all 50 states, a number of other states have reciprocated, PA being one of them.  So now with an Ohio resident CCW, they are valid in 39 states.  Guess which ones don't accept it.  Yeah, easy to guess.
Al the states surrounding me. NJ, NY, DEL, Maryland...I might also guess Mass and RI..


When I see the requirements in Arizona, and that Ohio has reciprocity in all 50 states, it makes me all the more angry and sad.  Living in California, it is a constant battle to keep what dwindling gun rights we have.  Sometimes wish I could leave but I can't.  But there are worse situations I guess, one being NY.


Ilex did you read my post. Ohio I don't think has recip in all 50 states. Do you think CA, NY,MA ,IL, NJ ect ect  give Ohio recip? I don't think so ::) :o :-\


Ruger was correct in the statement. It is one sided reciprocity.
What the law says is that Ohio honors permits from all 50 states.
That does not mean that the other states do the same.

Ohio has reciprocity with all 50 states.
All 50 states do not have reciprocity with Ohio.

Scroll down to Ohio and check it out.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks for clarifying that for me Unc
As a side note` I called Jessica a few mins ago and ordered some new grips. I asked her for a tidbit on the Ranger 11 that we did not know about. She insisted she knows no more then we do at this point :-X


  BigBird did you just get a e-mail from NAA about the Ranger 2 ?
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


No yelling fire In The theater, there is enough panic already ! :D


Yep first thing this morning :D but doesn't really say anything new.


In Illinois, I would hate to keep reloading


Quote from: cbl51 on June-11-17 15:06
Texas does not permit a .22 to be used to qualify on the CCW test.
It's never been called a CCW in Texas. Since '95 (it's inception) it's been a CHL (Concealed Handgun License) & as of last year it's now a LTC (License to Carry) since in Texas a licensee may now carry openly. Also at the same time 22 caliber weapons have been approved by DPS for LTC class qualification. I would not recommend the shorter barrel NAA Mini Revolvers (under 3") because part of the course is shot @ 15 yds.