Ported magnum thoughts

Started by RevCov, May-13-19 11:05

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I am looking at getting a 1-5/8 NAA magnum and took a look at the ported model. Does anyone have thoughts/observations/feelings on this one? y main concerns are:

1. The mags have a lot of blast already, does porting add to that?
2. Is there any real gain/benefit of porting in this format?


A test would be interesting but my guess would be that the porting would be almost useless. The moment arm is so short I can't see there being much effect but without a test that is just my guess.


I agree. with the above in the 15/8 in barrel with .22 mag, not much change, maybe mathematically, but not so you would notice. Another issue might be the extra flash straight up with some ammo. In low light it may mess with your "night vision"...I do like the sight better than the half moons...Only thing less useful is the ported Pug...JMO
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


  Some things NAA does just doesn't make any sense and that's one of them , porting give me a break , novelty nonsense . Should put their time and energies into crowning and such . Not complaining just wouldn't waste the thought .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Porting a mini, regardless of barrel length serves O purpose. You will receive 0 benefit.


I would love to shoot a non ported Pug. Mine is ported and I like it very much. Being used to it and having shot it a bunch I think if there were a difference I would notice it. I've thought of a second Pug from time to time and as it stands right now I would want #2 to be ported also...
Luke 23:34


I agree porting a short barrel .22 Magnum is useless.  Porting on a .44 Mag or bigger on a 4 inch barrel and longer, does serve a purpose.  When I bought my Pug, I noticed several ported NAA minis in the list.  Seems NAA gets on a roll and that's all you can get at the time.   When I got my Pug, I could only find one with a night  sight, which I consider useless for me.  I had the money laying around at the time and bought it for fear of spending the money on something I actually needed. 

top dog

What they said.  Porting on larger caliber guns like the 357/44 magnums does have it's values but for the minis it is just a novelty.

                                                                                      Top Dog


Thanks everyone! I once had a Smith Powerport 44 magnum and the porting there DEFINITELY made an impact. I figured on something the size of an NAA there may not be major gains. I was looking at a local shop that has 2 magnums in the 1-5/8 length and one is ported and one isn't. They are close in price but figured I would ask to see if there was any major advantage in porting.



I have to admit to once having a ported .22 SHORT pistol but that was a Hi-Standard Olympic pistol. That one went in my big sell off after I got married & needed a new car. I really did need the car but I wish I could have kept that pistol & the matched set of 1100 .410 & 28 gauge shotguns. The ported section could be removed so I could tell the difference. Of course the added weight at the muzzle could have been part of that.


To ADK, I would not be concerned with shooting a non ported Pug, I doubt you would really tell much or any difference from the ported model.  The Pug is a special purpose up close method of survival at best and nothing more.  I carry mine to back up my B/W and couldn't care less re the  unwanted night sight.  Whatever, you have one of the best for it's intended purpose. 


On a Mini there is such a short distance between the center of the grip (the pivot point) and the end of the barrel, there really isn't much leverage to flip the muzzle. Even on centerfires, you don't see much porting until you're up into the .357 and larger calibers. Plus, the porting renders that much of the barrel less effective in stabilizing the bullet.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Thanks Rick, either way another thing I like about mine is that both cylinders have Wasp 'rings' and a second one I would get plain making it easy to keep the right cylinders with the right gun.
Luke 23:34

top dog


The ports or back then they were called muzzle brakes were pretty much needed on the 22 competition guns especially for those used in international competition.

The times were fast and any recoil/muzzle flip  reduction was pretty much needed.

My Clark/Ruger 22 had a Douglas bbl with a muzzle brake that was integral.  It did make a difference.

                                                                                                    Top Dog


Now proper ports on a 12 gauge has some awesome effect.  8)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: RICKS PLACE on May-14-19 02:05. . . . I had the money laying around at the time and bought it for fear of spending the money on something I actually needed.

Words of a true gun nut!  I love it!  ;D
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


I have both. If you shoot them back to back, you can tell a difference. If you shoot one  and come back the next day and shoot the other, you will not notice such a difference. I have not noticed a big difference in the muzzle flash from the ported vs non ported. The biggest difference is shooting Critical Defense/Gold Dot vs any other ammo. If you are in the Atlanta area contact me and we can shoot the 2.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I have the ported 1 5/8 magnum and the Bug2. I like the bead front sight on the ported, it lets me be laser accurate vs the large 3 dot sights on the Bug2. I'll be carrying and shooting the ported more because of the accuracy that can be had with the bead sight.

Now if NAA would offer the Bug2 with a bead front sight.


With my pug, shooting at <3 feet results in significant peppering of the target with incompletely burned powder.  If I were using the pug defensively for whatever reason, the last thing I want is something that throws that up in my face / eyes if I'm firing from retention or from a grapple.

The purpose of ported barrels is to reduce muzzle climb so you reacquire your front sight with minimal delay resulting in faster follow-up shots.   This is a single action revolver though... your split times are dominated by the time it takes you to cock the hammer back again, not the time it takes to reacquire your sight.  So it's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine even if it did actually minimize muzzle climb.

That being said, it does looks pretty cool, and if you like it you don't have to justify it  ;D


Thanks so much for the replies everybody. I've been out of town so getting caught up today and thanks for the offer Grayelky! I don't get to Atlanta often but that would be a lot of fun.


If it makes any difference at all, it probably reduces velocity as would using a shorter barrel.
That's a step in the wrong direction regarding terminal ballistics.


Quote from: burncycle on May-19-19 17:05
it's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine

I think some early submarines had a screen door of sorts. For use when surfaced in the buggy tropics. How about an ashtray on a motorcycle being useless.....LOL
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


hey, theysayimnotme, i also had the same high standard, it was called the space gun. mine had USAF property marks and threaded port holes so ya could close them off. i paid a hundred dollars for her in 76. i do not want to know what it is worth now. this pistol put my m52 target rifle to shame, really, it did.  great memory jog guy, thanks,   kevin