Looking for a bayonet

Started by smokeless joe, November-13-17 05:11

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smokeless joe

I'm looking for a bayonet for my magnum. Does anyone have one they would like to sell or know where I might find one? Did a couple of searches but came up empty. I figure if anyone can point me in the right direction it'll be you guys. Thanks.


Sorry but I have to ask.  A bayonet for a mini?  How does that work? 
I don't want one but would love to see one.
Thanks and sorry to steal your thread, but really curious.
A gun is like a parachute; if you need it and don't have it, you probably won't need it again.


Why not? :D

Here's a picture of mine, also with a laser sight and Absaroka Kid customized holster.


Here is the one I have, they are good if you run outta ammo. ;)

Why?  Because they are fun! ;D
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein

smokeless joe

So I know some of you have them but do you know where I can get one? Seems maybe they have been discontiniuned but I would think there's one someplace with my name on it.


They've been discontinued for at least a year. The were a one-time run and the manufacture chose not to make more. The Absaroka Kid even contacted them about making more, because he had designed a holster for them that would now be useless, but they told him they didn't plan on it.

I have two of the bayonets, but didn't have any plans to sell them. I don't know if they have any practical use whatsoever, but they're pretty cool.

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on November-13-17 11:11
I have two of the bayonets, but didn't have any plans to sell them. I don't know if they have any practical use whatsoever, but they're pretty cool.
Yeah I don't think they really have any practical use other than dressing up a mini. Kinda one of those things you do because you can. If you ever think of letting one of yours go then I'm your man. Send me a pm and maybe we can work out a deal.


I would probably sell one for a hundred bucks. Is it worth that much? I doubt it. But I I would rather just keep it for anything less. Would I buy one for a hundred bucks? No, probably not. But I already have two of them, LOL.

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on November-13-17 13:11
I would probably sell one for a hundred bucks. Is it worth that much? I doubt it. But I I would rather just keep it for anything less. Would I buy one for a hundred bucks? No, probably not. But I already have two of them, LOL.
Yeah not worth it to me for 100. Sorry. I think retail was 30. 40-50 I'd THINK about it 😉


Well, mine is not for sale.  I have found a lot of things on EBay.  I bought some of my other bayonets for handguns on it.  The other ones need a rail so they wond work on an NAA.  I imagine you might be able to make one work but that is for those who are handy.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: Warty62 on November-13-17 14:11
Well, mine is not for sale.  I have found a lot of things on EBay.  I bought some of my other bayonets for handguns on it.  The other ones need a rail so they wond work on an NAA.  I imagine you might be able to make one work but that is for those who are handy.

Yeah, that's where I am. Mine aren't really for sale. The hundred bucks would convince me, though. Everything's for sale if you get an offer high enough, right? Well, not everything, but lots of things. I've sold a number of my guns that weren't for sale when an offer came in. A good enough offer can suddenly make something for sale.

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on November-13-17 14:11
Yeah, that's where I am. Mine aren't really for sale. The hundred bucks would convince me, though. Everything's for sale if you get an offer high enough, right? Well, not everything, but lots of things. I've sold a number of my guns that weren't for sale when an offer came in. A good enough offer can suddenly make something for sale.
Fifty one 😄


If I had two I would do it for you Joe.  I only have one so it has to be a ridiculous offer to get it out of me. :(
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein

smokeless joe

Quote from: Warty62 on November-13-17 16:11
If I had two I would do it for you Joe.  I only have one so it has to be a ridiculous offer to get it out of me. :(
Nah you keep the one you have warty. If I am suppose to have one then I will get one. I'll keep up the search and see what it turns up. I'm not about to pay an outrageous price for one because it isn't that important to me. I just thought I would deck out one of my minis for fun.


smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on November-13-17 18:11
Sweet, you're almost half-way there!

No I'm there 😉


smokeless joe


smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on December-02-17 16:12
Quote from: smokeless joe on December-02-17 14:12
$51.50  8)

;D ;D ;D

As I search for them I see prices below 20 bucks. I wish I had decided to get one before they discontinued them. Supply and demand. When the time is right I'll find mine.


They are great for pocket carry.  ::)

smokeless joe

Quote from: bill_deshivs on December-02-17 17:12
They are great for pocket carry.  ::)
Yeah it's more of a novelty thing. Just because... 'merica


'merica, indeed, Joe!  God Bless it!
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!

smokeless joe


smokeless joe

Quote from: MtGoat on December-02-17 18:12

Maybe a lead?

Expired also but I think that's how I'll end up getting one. Buying the pistol, laser and bayonet combo. Next time I go to my lgs I may have him keep an eye out for me also. Thanks for the heads up tho.


As I looked closer I saw the expired at the top and that is was listed in 2014 at the bottom.
I am not familiar with Armslist so missed the important parts.


smokeless joe

Quote from: MtGoat on December-02-17 18:12
As I looked closer I saw the expired at the top and that is was listed in 2014 at the bottom.
I am not familiar with Armslist so missed the important parts.

No problem Pat I do appreciate you posting the info and trying to help out.


With all the talent on this forum isn't there someone that is a machinist?

Or has a neighbor that has a machine shop?

Or a cousin that has a friend that knows a guy that has a mill?


The blades are cheap.  Cut them off of one of those offered in the Cheaper than Dirt catalogs and build the "mounting block", do the magic that only a machine shop guy know-how to do to make it all come together and voila! 

Now..... Finding some guy that has all this talent, tools, machines to build these things for us for almost no money!! lol!!

I'm looking!!   With only a couple adjustments in size of the mounting block a model could be done for the PUG, Black Widow & Mini Master!!!!

My head is spinning with possibilities......  I now look at my Minis and see a bayonet on all of them.... even the Shorty!

Rick Jorgenson

smokeless joe

Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on December-03-17 06:12
With all the talent on this forum isn't there someone that is a machinist?

Or has a neighbor that has a machine shop?

Or a cousin that has a friend that knows a guy that has a mill?


The blades are cheap.  Cut them off of one of those offered in the Cheaper than Dirt catalogs and build the "mounting block", do the magic that only a machine shop guy know-how to do to make it all come together and voila! 

Now..... Finding some guy that has all this talent, tools, machines to build these things for us for almost no money!! lol!!

I'm looking!!   With only a couple adjustments in size of the mounting block a model could be done for the PUG, Black Widow & Mini Master!!!!

My head is spinning with possibilities......  I now look at my Minis and see a bayonet on all of them.... even the Shorty!

That's the spirit Rick. If you can't buy, build. Thinking outside the box. You are a wise man ;)


Why would someone even want one. Not practical....plum silly.... Opps guess I have one in my collection however on a Charter Arms derringer clone. LOL  not for sale. Maybe one could modify this one?    https://www.ebay.com/p/LaserLyte-Serrated-Pistol-Bayonet/1200088500