It's the middle of the month... Rangers shipping soon?

Started by MR_22, November-13-17 13:11

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I'm told by the factory that they expect to ship 100-120 pieces on Mon. 11/27, half of which will be sent to Early Bird customers, the other half being sent to our distributor customers.


That's great news, Sandy! Thanks for letting us know. I'll bet no one leaves their computer all day waiting for the magical email!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Great Sandy!  Thanks so much for jumping in.  It is really impressive that the head of such a fine company would participate with us in the daily frenzy of excitement, hopes, and dreams.  We all sincerely appreciate what you have done to maintain the reputation that we all feel NAA has in the gun community.  And, as you know, so much of what appears here in this forum is for fun; kind of like snapping towels in junior high.  Believe me, there is no gun forum quite like this one.  I participate in a few others, but no where near the level that I like participating on this one; it is always great fun, and always feels safe.

Thanks so much for your continued development and investment in such a fine company.  And, by the way, we all vote for you to give Jessica a raise.  ;D
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on November-18-17 12:11
Great Sandy!  Thanks so much for jumping in.  It is really impressive that the head of such a fine company would participate with us in the daily frenzy of excitement, hopes, and dreams.  We all sincerely appreciate what you have done to maintain the reputation that we all feel NAA has in the gun community.  And, as you know, so much of what appears here in this forum is for fun; kind of like snapping towels in junior high.  Believe me, there is no gun forum quite like this one.  I participate in a few others, but no where near the level that I like participating on this one; it is always great fun, and always feels safe.

Thanks so much for your continued development and investment in such a fine company.  And, by the way, we all vote for you to give Jessica a raise.  ;D

Yeah - what he said!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


smokeless joe

Thanks for taking time to chime in and update us Sandy and thanks again for offering us this eb edition. Looking forward to this little Christmas present to myself.

David Culp

Sandy, thank you for the update and thank you for all you've done to make this gun so close to being in our hands. Pardon us while we clamour excitedly waiting .


  Hope they are working all weekend on my RAnger!!!!  Helps the economy don't you know!!!!   LOL


Oh Man I miss read Sandys post I was thinking Monday NO its Monday the 27th 10 days :(s well 9 if you don't count today


Quote from: Sandy on November-18-17 12:11
I'm told by the factory that they expect to ship 100-120 pieces on Mon. 11/27, half of which will be sent to Early Bird customers, the other half being sent to our distributor customers.

Thank you so much for the update.  You have no idea how much we appreciate your hands-on approach to your customers.  You definitely get us ...  In fact, you're one of us. 

And by the way, we need you to understand how much we appreciate all of your employees--but especially Jessica Jarvis.  She is the most amazing representative of your amazing company.  She absolutely does everything she can to make us feel valued and important to NAA.  I still marvel at the fact that I can pick up the phone and call her directly--and she answers within one or two rings.  I know--unfortunately from personal experience--that you simply don't get that level of responsiveness and service from any other high quality manufacturer.

Thank you again, Sandy.  And please do reward Jessica.  She deserves to know how much she means to us, and that she makes us feel like members of a close-knit NAA family.  It is her incredible level of customer service--coupled with your amazing products--that keeps us all coming back.

Most sincerely,
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Thanks too for Sandy's clarification.

Now we can spend a week and few days debating how the EB guns will be allocated, will it be the highest post numbers see theirs first, or those who ordered first?  :(     :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The early buy sidewinders were shipped using a lottery system.  All the names went into a "hat" and pulled out in random order one serial number digit at a time. 


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Well I don't get on here as much as I would like to so I just saw this. The good news is I don't have to wait as long since I just received the I also agree wholeheartedly with Sandy's approach to a hands on leadership. I will be watching closely for that UPS truck...


T H A N K S.  SANDY NAA IS THE BEST ps don't be surprised if you. Named best CEO ever. Thanks for taking the time to do early bird[/color][/size][/font]


And we all jump in praising Jessica, which is a good thing, but let us not forget the rest of the team Sandy has built.  Not one of the long awaited Ranger IIs, nor any of the rest of the lineup, would be shipped without his whole team working together to produce and ship the high quality products that they have successfully done for the so many years.  And it is just not a function of making the customer happy, it must be done with an acceptable profit margin to allow future investment in the company, bringing improved equipment, facilities, and better employee benefits. 

Jessica represents the whole team at NAA.  Hats off to the entire team!!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.



Thanks Sandy for the information and for the revolver.  In any case, I will wait as long as I must to get mine.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Can anyone direct me to a retailer who is taking orders on  Rangers? Thanks in advance


  The 27th!!!!!!!!!!!   NNNnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-----  LOL


Do the math.
50 or 60 will be coming to forum members.
I hope the long time members get theirs first as most tend to like to take photos and post them for the rest of use  ;D

Hopefully whom ever gets theirs first will post a host of photos and be able to answer some of the unanswered questions some have about the RB Ranger II's.



Be fun to see the sr. number of my Ranger 2.
My Swinger EB is sr. nr. 33. Sandy was in contact with us EB buyers back then too.



Wow, go away for the weekend and everything happens! LOL. Thanks for the update, Sandy!

My daughter came home last week from California after being a Mormon sister missionary for 18 months and she had her report yesterday at church. So I've kind of been out of the discussion for a few days. So the new Rangers should probably be hitting local dealers around the beginning of December for an early Christmas. Can't wait! Woot woot!


Mr 22 - We're sure you're glad to have your daughter back.  She probably has amazing stories to tell.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on November-20-17 10:11
Mr 22 - We're sure you're glad to have your daughter back.  She probably has amazing stories to tell.

That she does, thanks! We got emails from her once a week, but it's not the same as her stories in person. Being away from home and interacting with people has sure made her grow. We sent out a teenager (19), but an adult returned. I spent my 2 years in Massachusetts in the late 80's and the service sure does change your outlook on life.


Yeah, it is an amazing thing to watch your children become adults; but there is always an aspect of doubt, as a parent, that they can navigate the treacherous waters of life without our help.  Whether they are 19 or 39, you just know that something is going to go wrong and they never saw it comin'.  Parenting is a life long pursuit.  Thanks Lord for the experience.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Thanks for the comments. Sorry for the thread drift. Perhaps this topic needs it's own thread.

Even so, I have 4 kids from 17 to 25 and there comes a point where you just have to let them make decisions on their own. If you try "too hard" to parent them, they'll just reject your suggestions. I'm old enough to be a grandpa, and I'm actually looking forward to it, but there's not much I can do to make it happen, LOL. Kids operate on their own schedules, apparently. The "electronic generation" seems to have different priorities than even I did growing up in the 70's and 80's.

So, um, how 'bout those Rangers? (Attempt to get back on topic.)


Quote from: MR_22 on November-21-17 10:11. . . . . . . So, um, how 'bout those Rangers? (Attempt to get back on topic.)

So, I am fully prepared to take possession . . . . . have been for some time.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.

David Culp

Rangers? I thought it was off season.

Maybe the announcement that the first rangers would not ship till the 27th has made some of us a little more passive, some of us, maybe.


Quote from: David Culp on November-21-17 11:11. . . . . .  . . Maybe the announcement that the first rangers would not ship till the 27th has made some of us a little more passive, some of us, maybe.

Certainly edgy. 
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: David Culp on November-21-17 11:11
Maybe the announcement that the first rangers would not ship till the 27th has made some of us a little more passive, some of us, maybe.

I know it actually took the edge off for me. Now I know there's no need to check twenty times a day for "news".

Did not diminish my enthusiasm in the least - I'm still like a kid at Christmas.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Just remember, guys, sometimes anticipation is better than what you're waiting for. In this case, I'm sure it's not, because the Rangers are gonna be pretty awesome, but it's still pretty good, isn't it? I mean, if we're comparing this to Christmas, don't kids have as much fun anticipating the coming of Santa Claus, as much as waking up on Christmas morning? I think so. :D


I don't care if I wait until next year.  I will wait and when it comes, I will be happy.

Posting and posting in this thread isn't likely to make it happen any sooner.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: Warty62 on November-21-17 12:11

Posting and posting in this thread isn't likely to make it happen any sooner.

and yet we continue to do so.....
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Thanksgiving weekend is upon us.  It shouldn't be long now.  Next Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend the shipments start.  Next week should be interesting.  I am thankful to be included in the EB.