Loading the Super Companion

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, November-18-17 19:11

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The Super Companion loads 4gr of 4F black. Try to add even a little more and the bullet won't seat deep enough to let the cylinder rotate. Using 4F black a little will fall through the nipple on to the bench before capping.

With muskets they will prime the nipple also.

So------ After seating the bullets I flipped her over  and powdered her behind.   Tapped her on the bench to settle the powder then fed powder into the nipples till they would take no more.  About 1- 1.5 gr more.  (I think? :o)  I took care to remove ALL powder from around the nipples and nipple pockets to avoid  a  chain  fire.  (for those of you who don't shoot the holy black C.F. is a bad thing)

I have not fired this gator loading yet.       https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=battle+of+new+orleans&view=detail&mid=6C9754CDF223A2D83C3F6C9754CDF223A2D83C3F&FORM=VIRE

So now I ask yet again---  Am I nuts?    ;D

Death before Decaf !!!!!

smokeless joe

I have never fired a black powder gun. I inherited one from my father when he passed but never even thought about firing it. I display it in a glass table in his memory.

Sorry I know this doesn't contribute to your thread but it just made me think about the one gun I own that I've never fired. I'll be quiet now.


That.s OK. I have those guns and tools also. Old, worn, never to be used but worth more than the new ones.   Sounds like a new thread?  You would catch me on one of those nights when I'm thinking back.  Miss the old guys. Now I am the old guy in the family.
Death before Decaf !!!!!

smokeless joe

Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on November-18-17 19:11
That.s OK. I have those guns and tools also. Old, worn, never to be used but worth more than the new ones.   Sounds like a new thread?
You may be on to something.


Tag. You'r it.     

My shrinks Dr's  Walker, Beam and Cuervo Say it's good therapy to remember.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Maybe something I will try with my Super Companion O and G.  Should make for a great blast! 8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Always loved that tune. One of the first I learned on the fiddle.
What's your reason for wanting to squeeze out the max? Are you having keyholing issues? There's another way to solve that.
If I was trying to do it and sticking with BP, I'd probably put some tape over each nipple so it doesn't fall out.

I have 4 or 5 blackpowder handguns and love them in spite of their many quirks.

Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to do what you describe. JMHO. If I was really worried about it, maybe use a toothpick to work some grease around the nipples but you'd have to be really careful not to get it inside. And some might work it's way into a nipple during firing anyhow. But that's better than a chain fire I guess.

You're lucky to find 4F. I'm probably going to end up grinding my 3F up in my mortar and pestle. (Perfectly safe if you do it properly)

If you use natural lube and BP substitutes, you can shoot a lot more without fouling. I've even made my own using Crisco and peppermint oil and other stuff (cheaper than the T/C grease).

They're a lot of fun!