cleaning my NAA Mag

Started by linux_author, November-26-17 15:11

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hey folks, like most of you i like to keep my gear clean after a day at the range... i have to admit that it has been a while since i've gone through the routine on a regular basis - but now i'm fairly regular after signing up for local range privileges

my NAA Mag is my first stainless guns (others are blued), and i thought i was pretty fastidious about cleaning after putting a hundred rounds or so through my little mouse... but i never realized, even after scrubbing with a bore brush and two different solvent/cleaners, how much lead residue was left on the frame, bore, chambers and cylinder face!

i'm sure the more-experienced folks here are aware of this great product, but wanted to share for some new folks like me:

Birchwood Casey Lead Remover and Polishing Cloth!

i cut a small square and scrubbed the aforementioned spots - took the carbon/lead fouling stain right off the cylinder and other spots on my Mag's frame!

i'd love to know if anyone knows of anything comparable or exactly what's in this impregnated cloth - but it works and works really well!

(and yes, i know one should *not* use this product on blued gear)

thanks in advance,

on the 'Marine clean' Gulf of Mexico