Carrying a .32??

Started by KYMiniFan, February-05-18 19:02

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Hey ikoiko,
Thanks, I learned something.
Now if I can just remember.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


You're welcome, Uncle.


I went from .32 Derringer to the mini for the added accuracy.  I would like to see a study on "knock down" with full defensive loads, .32 against .22 mag.


Quote from: zburkett on February-09-18 07:02
I went from .32 Derringer to the mini for the added accuracy.  I would like to see a study on "knock down" with full defensive loads, .32 against .22 mag.

I don't think there would be any difference at all if they hit a vital target. If a particular round works or not, it's all depending on what it hits and does the shooter do his part in putting the bullet where it counts. At  very close range, a bullet to the heart from a .22 short is as good as a .45. Shot placement rules.

I think it's all about what gun do you personally like and will carry all the time. If the person practices some with it, and handles it enough to be very familiar with it, then you're ahead of most gangbangers who may not even have a single round of practice under their belt.


Quote from: KYMiniFan on February-08-18 18:02
Quote from: ikoiko on February-08-18 15:02
Thanks Michael,
The baby browning must be really, really tiny.

A picture montage with the B.B., various minis, p32, and guardian .32 acp would be interesting to see.

And of course, it is a picture. Who would complain?

Not me!

Who is lucky enough to have all these fine guns and willing to share pics with us?

I can get a photo of the BB, Guardian .380 and a few Minis to compare. I cannot help with the P32; I do not own one.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: WECSOG on February-07-18 23:02
I have an NEF (H&R) R73 5-shot .32 Mag double action revolver. Does that count?  :)

Count? It is superior...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


here's a pic of a .32 ACP Guardian on top of a Kel-Tec P-32:

the Guardian is a bit shorter in muzzle/slide length:

but folks, i gotta give the nod to the P-32 in the accuracy department (at least from 300-round testing so far); here is a 15-foot 10-round end of my 150-round testing today:

on the Gulf of Mexico


Quote from: Canoeal on February-09-18 14:02
Quote from: WECSOG on February-07-18 23:02
I have an NEF (H&R) R73 5-shot .32 Mag double action revolver. Does that count?  :)

Count? It is superior...
Yeah, I think so too.  :D I prefer revolvers in general, and I really like H&R revolvers.
Black Widow convertible
Magnum 1-5/8"
Super Companion 1-5/8"
LR 1-1/8"



Quote from: linux_author on February-09-18 15:02
here's a pic of a .32 ACP Guardian on top of a Kel-Tec P-32:

the Guardian is a bit shorter in muzzle/slide length:

but folks, i gotta give the nod to the P-32 in the accuracy department (at least from 300-round testing so far); here is a 15-foot 10-round end of my 150-round testing today:

on the Gulf of Mexico

Wow!  Super impressive.  Thanks for the pics!


While the Guardian is smaller, it's much thicker and immensely heavier.
I broke a part in my P32 in December years ago. Keltec was shut down until after the first of the year.
No problem- I'll just drop the Guardian in my pocket and get the part in a few weeks.
The Guardian was so heavy and uncomfortable, that afternoon I went out and bought a spare P32 to carry.
And, my Guardian has been contoured, melted and lightened!


I don't pocket carry my Guardian 380. It is just too heavy! But I generally carry a sling pack with a built in holster, and it carries well in there. Besides, my BW is almost always in my pants pocket. There isn't enough room in there for anything else!


Got one!

Thanks for the input guys.  Based largely on your comments about the weightiness of Guardian, I picked up a Kel-Tec P32.

Hope to get to the range to give it a go tomorrow.


i think you'll be pleased with the P-32 and somewhat surprised with its [relative] accuracy...

the big difference for me was recoil - the P-32 had, to me, about 60% of the Guardian's recoil - has to be the locked breech vs straight blowback mechanism of the Guardian? (if those are the right terms - i'm no expert)

you may also appreciate how the firing pin and extractor are fixed with a single Torx Plus 10 bolt - the firing pin, held under spring pressure, has an angled detent that slides under the bolt end, while the extractor is held in by the spring with the same bolt (IIRC, the 1st gen P-32 used a pinned extractor, with the firing pin held in by a hex bolt through the top of the slide)

EDIT: Oh, wait! I just realized that you purchased a Gen 1 P-32! ah well, it makes firing pin replacement easier!

i wish i had studied the NAA Guardian .32acp diagram in more detail before i ordered mine - while the Guardian has many of the Seecamp pistol's design elements, it lacks the pinned extractor assembly - on the Guardian it is a press fit!!!


on the Gulf of Mexico