What do you carry and why?

Started by zburkett, December-09-17 19:12

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     I find it practical to carry a pistol at all times.  The mini being the easiest to carry makes it my usual choice.  I have a LR with floppy wobbler for my usual carry on the farm.  For heavy coat carry it is a mini with an oversized wood grip in an outside coat pocket.  When I have to go into more social situations it is a Mag with floppy wobbler.  Out running around in the woods I am more accurate with my 3" Earl with BW grips and depending on what is around may carry either the LR or the Mag cylinder.  Lastly, I picked up a short which is so convenient it is just always in my pocket.  I got to counting them and realized that there are five NAA revolvers that I carry regularly.  That seems like a lot but it works for me.  I'm curious what the rest of you carry and why you made the choices or choices.


I carry my Black Widow in my coat pocket when it is cole, in my right front pocket when it is warmer.

SOMETIMES< I carry my Sidewinder but not very often, usually I carry the Black Widow plus a 22 Short which will be on my watch chain as soon as it gets finished.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: Warty62 on December-09-17 19:12
I carry my Black Widow in my coat pocket when it is cole, in my right front pocket when it is warmer.

SOMETIMES< I carry my Sidewinder but not very often, usually I carry the Black Widow plus a 22 Short which will be on my watch chain as soon as it gets finished.
I always--until I start carrying the Ranger II--carry a Pug in my coin pocket.

Hey, Warty ...  I can't wait to see your "watch chain shorty!"
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


2 Black Widows and a Pug.

I like a back up so if some thing goes wrong I will have another.
If needed, a second or third is faster than a reload.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


.22mag w BW grips, (in pocket holster w ammo pouch)
when wearing shorts, my glock 43 is too cumbersome
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


BW, pocket or waistband, mix of shot & HP loads.


My .22lr mini is my always gun. I get up in the morning  and pull on whatever I'm wearing that day, and the pocket holster goes in along with my wallet and cell phone. For over thirty years, a mini .22 has been in my right hand pocket, no matter where I went. Unless flying or court house of course.

Most my life style is American Suburbia, and I don't hang out at bars, or go out late at night. The better half and I live a quiet life, and if we go out to dinner with friends, or to a show, we're home by midnight. For that, the mini .22 is good as a very close range self defense tool.

When we go hiking or fishing, a S&W 8 shot model 63 is open carried on my hip. The wife has a S&W 317 on her, which is a aluminum framed 3 inch revolver with 8 round cylinder. That's 16 rounds between us to make some low life uncomfortable, not counting the extra 5 rounds in the mini still in my pocket.

My choice of what I carry was made a very long time ago in my teen years. I saw some shootings first hand, and used a small .22 derringer myself when I was 18. In spite what I hear from the so called gun guru's, my personal experience has been that a .22 or two in the right spot works very well in stopping a threat. Convenience of carry is important to me, but for most of my life the fact that I was carrying illegally, made deep concealment the prime importance. There was no possible CCW in Washington D.C. or Maryland, so being unnoticed was the prime motivator. This was the same for most people where I grew up, so most of my neighbors and friends all had small .22 and .25 caliber guns hidden out on them. It was not a good part of town. If you used it, you tossed it in the river and said nothing to nobody. Met with the neighborhood gun guy and gat another gun.

Because of this, I found the small .22 to be a great carry gun, both convenient to have in a pocket, and effective at the close range that most muggings and assaults take place. About arms length or a little more. Now since we are both retired and we moved to Texas, we both have license to carry, but the little mini is still the most convenient gun to carry. Since we're a senior citizen retired couple not bar hopping, and living in a quiet town like Georgetown Texas, we don't have a risky life style. Yet, we are very aware that as a senior citizen couple, we may be on page one of the predators menu of easy marks. So we both carry all the time, unless flying, and that is rare. We do drive to the Washington D.C. area and Mission Viejo California to visit family and friends a few times a year, and we travel armed. Highway rest stops can be deserted lonely places, and I had one run in just west of Ft. Hancock Texas last May. The mini .22 put them to flight and that was good enough for me.

I'd rather carry two mini .22 revolvers than one bigger gun for the convenience. Yes, I know the old saying that 'if I know I'm going to be in a gun fight, I'll take my .45". But if I know I'm gong to be in a gun fight, I'll be on the next plane to Key West for some tarpon fishing two thousand miles away. I find for the quiet retired life we are now living, a small .22 or two in the pockets is good.


Glock 26 with a flush mount magazine with one reload.

The reload is a Glock 32 round magazine with a plus 5 base pad  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Actually it is a G19 with the Taran Tactical plus 5 base pad with G17 magazine with TT plus 5's for reloads.
Under stress I don't figure that I will be a very good shot but can shoot until the threat is over the hill. ;D
I typically only carry while out running the dogs in the foothills and the G19 is to scare wolves and coyotes away from the dogs.



cbl51, the last time I was running around near Georgetown I remember a good supply of diamondbacks.  They seem to be a good reason to be ready.


Quote from: zburkett on December-10-17 10:12
cbl51, the last time I was running around near Georgetown I remember a good supply of diamondbacks.  They seem to be a good reason to be ready.

Yes, we're run into a few. There's a walk we do that goes over the Lake Georgetown Dam. There's rocks on either side of the paved road, and in the late evening when it's cooling off, they come out for the warmth of the asphalt. Same thing with trail along the San Gabriel river below the dam. That's when I carry a second mini loaded completely with CCI snake shot, or my S&W 63 with the first three chambers loaded with the shot. And always a hiking stick/staff. Good for fending off as well as a third leg on the real rocky parts of the trail.

There's also a problem in this part of Texas with feral hogs. There's 24 miles of hiking trails around Lake Georgetown, and Katy and I both carry openly on them.


May carries change.  KelTec P32,  COP Derringer, Cold lightwgt Cobra cir 1960,  and my Taurus Total Titanium 450 45Colt in OTB holsters. I have had my  concealed carry permit  for over 45 years. I collect the NAAs.  Used to carry my NAA with folding grip when non-reciprocating CCW between states did not exist. It was easy to hide. If any of my pistol peek as I bend over it has never been noticed. Not a problem in my state as we have open carry too.



I carry mt Black Widow on my belt in a pancake holster.
WHY? Light weight ,  easy to conceal, very accurate, and packs a pretty good punch with cci tnt mags. ;D


Depends on where I am or going...
Para lightweight commander .45
Taurus 85 UL 38+P
Ruger LCP custom
NAA Bugout,,well when I get the Mag cylinder
Mossberg 500 Cruiser 12g 20" 8rnd...In the truck at all times..


Good choice on ammo Bigbird48.  They are in my mag 1 5/8" for social purposes and in my Earl when walking in the back pasture.


I carry a Kahr CM9 if I'm going out at night. I too am retired and prefer to spend my evenings at home so I don't go out a lot after dark. I usually carry a Remington RM380 or Beretta Pico if I'm out running errands. My Sidewinder or Black Widow always come along for the ride either in a front coat pocket during colder weather or front pants pocket during warmer times.


Quote from: zburkett on December-10-17 15:12
Good choice on ammo Bigbird48.  They are in my mag 1 5/8" for social purposes and in my Earl when walking in the back pasture.
Wait, what?!!  I thought we all decided that Speer Gold Dots and Hornady Critical Defense were the only choices for our minis!   ;) :D
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Always my 22 mini, every day for many years, and whatever else I might want to carry, when I want to, or feel the need.  I don't do it much, but sometimes  a Pug in a belt holster fits the time and place, or a holstered older 60 Smith. Not much crime where I live, but sometimes in the summer on motorcycle rides I end up in no no land.  I have had a couple of close calls, but show no fear, might have saved me. One of my sons painted a picture of me a few years ago, that my wife makes me leave on the wall. All you see is the glare he painted in my eyes. I knew that helped when I was young, but nothing is forever.


Ranger Jim, CCI TNT test out high and I could find it.


I started daily-carrying in the late 70's with a Freedom Arms 22LR mini revolver, no safety notches so it was a "4-shot". Then the .22mag  which was a "3-shot" for the same reason.  Why?  I worked in an ER and saw for myself what could happen if a person was not able to defend themself.
Around 1984 or 85 I saw a Spanish Fork NAA 5-shot with safety notches in 22LR and it immediately became my daily carry, with oversize wood grips sanded smaller and thinner to my liking. (I sold the Freedom Arms minis, darn.) I carried it for around 20 years.
I currently carry a 1 5/8" .22mag with Black Widow grips in a pocket holster whenever I'm dressed. I like the CCI MaxiMag 30grain pointed plastic tip ammo.  I bought a Black Widow but didn't like the extra size, and mostly I like the pushbutton-style center-pin-release on the regular magnum frame a lot better than the type on the BW, so the BW was sold.
When hiking in the hills I wear a 4" Earl model on my belt, same 30grain ammo. But when I head into the back country it's a 6 1/2" .357 Blackhawk with HSM or Buffalo Bore 180grain Bear Loads. That's what I do.
Boise Steve

Doc Holliday

I carry my Black Widow and now my Ranger II along with it. The BW is in a Mernickle holster on my belt and so far the Ranger II is in a Ragsdale Pocket Holster. I've got a lot of big caliber handguns, but just like my NAAs better! Go figure! Also...I know a lot of you like the folding grip...but I just don't care fot it! Just personal preference!
Doc Holliday
All would be well and all would be well and all manner of things would be well.


Agreed they have good penetration and better expansion them most

Quote from: zburkett on December-11-17 11:12
Ranger Jim, CCI TNT test out high and I could find it.


pug, modified cvang grip, magnum cylinder, front right pocket,madhat holster. why, because i can put my hand on her anytime and no one pays any attention to my movements. try it sometime, people just take it as a normal thing that we all do.  kevin.


My Black Widow always plus usually something else but always the BW. It is like a Swiss Army Knife, in that it has more than one use. It can be used for SD if needed but also for varmint control and just fun. As I said in another thread a Ranger II is in my future.



I carry a CA .44 Bull Dog DA revolver during the Winter (heavy clothing), and a .380 Browning Model 1955 in Summer (light clothing) - and my .22Mag NAA Black Widow at all times (in a shirt breast packet, as a secondary/backup).



Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

Uncle Fatso

Today, my 1 5/8" Magnum in a jim-dandy recently acquired Desert Gunleather pocket holster.  At times a S&W 638 J Frame, Colt Cobra, or Ruger LCP.  I'd like to find a pocket holster for my 4" Earl.  (I have big pockets on my old man jeans)


Quote from: boone123 on December-10-17 19:12
Always my 22 mini, every day for many years, and whatever else I might want to carry, when I want to, or feel the need.  I don't do it much, but sometimes  a Pug in a belt holster fits the time and place, or a holstered older 60 Smith. Not much crime where I live, but sometimes in the summer on motorcycle rides I end up in no no land.  I have had a couple of close calls, but show no fear, might have saved me. One of my sons painted a picture of me a few years ago, that my wife makes me leave on the wall. All you see is the glare he painted in my eyes. I knew that helped when I was young, but nothing is forever.
Please post a pic of that painting! Sounds really cool.


Depends on when, where, and with whom.

I prefer different guns for different things.

Glock 29 10mm with 15-round extended mag for things that go bump-in-the-night.

.380 Kimber in my pocket holster on weekends with the family. Sometimes tuck the .22 mag in folding grip behind my right hip to keep my Kimber company.

.22 mag in folding grip in my pocket every day. The folding grip gives me a lot more confidence for some reason.

Sometimes I carry a .32acp derringer when I'm not carrying.  ;)

If I run a late-night errand I might carry my 9mm KelTec PF9 or Doubletap 9mm derringer.

I like options...  ;)


Lign, I agree, the folding grip Mag is with me every time I leave the farm.  On my place it might be anything from a short to Earl.  I tore up my shooting shoulder a few months ago so I don't shoot anything with more oomph than the mag now.


zburkett,  I hope the shoulder heals quickly. Both of mine seemed like they took forever. Prayers for healing.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I carry a host of different guns and knives. Here is just one photo taken at the office one afternoon when we were discussing this some time in the past.

SA Custom 1911 in .45 acp; Taurus 450ti in .45 Colt and a Ruger LCP in .380 acp

Why? Because it makes me feel more comfortable.

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


When I carry a NAA, it is usually my Black Widow because it is the most shootable yet still very easy to carry and conceal. The holster is currently a nylon Galco pocket holster.
Before I got the BW, I carried my Magnum 1-5/8" in the same holster.
Black Widow convertible
Magnum 1-5/8"
Super Companion 1-5/8"
LR 1-1/8"


Now that is colder out, I wear a jacket.  So I carry something heavier than my Mini Black Widow.  It is usually my SP101 357 mag but sometimes it is my EAA 357 mag snubbie.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein

Uncle Fatso

So many of you guys carry a BW.  I guess I better look at one.  The bigger sights are kind of appealing. 


Here is another day ............... a little bit more heavily armed:  ::)

Suppressed Colt 635 smg 9mm; a CZ SP 01 Tactical in 9mm and a Taurus Curve in .380 acp

Why you ask? Let's just say a sneaking suspicion.  8)

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.