Ranger ll delivery, Hammer Cocking problems..

Started by Gobbletn, January-16-18 19:01

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Hey guys, just received my Ranger ll. Sooooooooo excited but it was short lived. I was seated ready to do a cleaning, but prior to cleaning I tried cycling the cylinder. On the 3rd hammer pull, the hammer would not move. It repeated every 4-8 cycles. I took a video and posted on YouTube. Also, the hammer is very hard to pull vs my PUG... Please use the link to see my problem.

I understand I have an EB so I will contact Jessica and arrange shipping back tomorrow. Sad day here. Thoughts???


Thanks, Gobbletn

Just got my EB back from NAA.... With the Cocking problems I was having I expected more of a detailed fix... All that was done was replacing the main spring...Does that sound like a possible fix after watching my video? it is Cocking now but sounds a little different on a few cylinders while it’s being cocked... do they do more at the factory than is disclosed on the repair order??? I have not fired it yet. I won’t get to the range for 5 days... WORK get in my way!!! ..
Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


Hmm, it almost looks like the latch isn't completely closed. Can you check that first?


Is your trigger resetting? Mine had no oil on it when I got it, a good lube made a big difference, prior to that the hammer was hard to cock and the trigger was a little sticky meaning it would sometimes stick out of position as opposed to returning.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: redhawk4 on January-16-18 19:01
Is your trigger resetting? Mine had no oil on it when I got it, a good lube made a big difference, prior to that the hammer was hard to cock and the trigger was a little sticky meaning it would sometimes stick out of position as opposed to returning.

Yeah, that's a good point. I've seen problems like this when screws are tightened too tightly. Lube might help, good suggestion.

Uncle Fatso

When it binds up, try rotating the cylinder just a little. It appears thar it may be consistrntly happening on the same chamber every time. There may be a burr on the star on the back kf the cylinder that is jamming the hand sometimes. You might try putting a drop of oil on it to see if itvhelps.


From Gobbletn,

  I have written Sandy and Jessica and copied a ink to my video. To make clear, the latching mechanism is completely seated properly. The barrel has been opened now 4-5 times with the same result after moving and trying to "seat" and align everting properly...

  This seems more than an oiling problem guys. It has a different sound while Cocking the hammer back. I don't want to do anything to the gun. (I don't want to mask a production problem). This is an EB and whith that has growing pains, but also production guns are being sent as well. I would be upset if I cycled the hammer prior to purchase or at home after purchase. This thing should run as smoothly as other NAAs from the factory out of the box. I'm all for a good clean and lube prior to my first shot, actually that's what I was going to do, but this is more than that. There is a distinct sound and much harder pull while Cocking this hammer than from any other NAA I have ever cycled.

Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


Keep us informed.  I, too, have had a similar problem, but I thought it was just me fiddlin' with the cylinder right after breaking it open.  If I don't pull the trigger and close the top and rotate the cylinder in the right order it does a similar thing, in that it will not allow me to cock the hammer all the way back.  Hope this isn't too common of a problem.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


no problem with mine--can't get it to do that---cleaned mine as soon as I got it and oiled---used the yellow wall anchors as snap caps and dry fired the heck out of it---no problems--pistol is much stiffer to cock than other naa pistols,but I see no problem with that----people were complaining of some misfires so wondering if naa started putting a stiffer spring in maybe???-----
  Try using the yellow wall anchors and actually "fire"the pistol as opposed the letting the hammer down easy---might be upsetting the "synchronization " somehow----


I have a Rossi Circuit Judge in .22LR/.22-Magnum that does this in double action. I'm not sure what's causing it. It's a little different, in that cocking in single-action works, but it looks like it's a similar problem. I haven't seen others have this problem with the Rangers. Hope we can get the problem solved.


Picked up 153 and 154 from my FFL yesterday evening, and have not shot either of them.  They have not been cleaned and oiled.  While fondling them at  the dealers, 153 seems to be as nice as could be wanted, except for what seems to be a heavy trigger pull, and heavy hammer spring.  154 is stiff to open,  hammer pull seems even heavier, trigger is very heavy, and while lowering the hammer from full cock, using the thumb to hold the hammer, about every 4th time, it locks up, but can be freed up by re-cocking the hammer.  Just handling it, I have the impression that there are some burrs somewhere that need to be worn/smoothed off.


That's interesting that you have similar problems with #154...hummmm thanks...
I sent it back already.
Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


From Gobbletn

I emailed Sandy and Jessica linking them to the YouTube link. They want it back, so, It's going back to them today... I left it on the last cocking attempt and it will not move. I did not put any more pressure on it after it locked up...

I bet it is no coincidence that number 154 has similar problems. I will reply back to this thread once I receive it back...

Thanks guys,
Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


Please do. I just sent mine back for the second time. Had the same problems as when I sent it in for repair.


Quote from: 38sp on January-17-18 15:01
Please do. I just sent mine back for the second time. Had the same problems as when I sent it in for repair.

What did it say they fixed or replaced on the paperwork it came back with?

If it still isn't right call them and send it back. Make sure you list what's wrong and if it's misfiring the type of ammunition used.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: 38sp on January-17-18 15:01
Please do. I just sent mine back for the second time. Had the same problems as when I sent it in for repair.

That is hard to believe... I pray they take the proper time to correct the problem. That is simply not acceptable... If it goes back a second time I hope they destroy it. Reissue another. Some mechanical items are just lemons...
Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


Mine did it before I oiled it. I put some 22L CBs thru it in my garage. Worked every time. 
One thing about my Ranger {136} I have found one really has to RACK the hammer back hard all the way. Very heavy.
Kind of like a SSA  you must cock it fully back and release all the way forward. ..IT should break in.
I love being a Beta tester, I predict the release to the public will be 3rd quarter at the earliest.
Kind of like racking my KelTec KSG or Standard DT12  shot guns too. Do it like you own it.    All in all I am happy.
I put some Black Widow grips i had  on it...


After putting some 50 year old Hoppe's gun oil on 154, everything seems to have loosened up.  Some one mentioned in a post that their's was hanging up on the dis-connector, and after oiling, it freed up.  If I lower the hammer slowly on both guns, they make lock up, but dropping the hammer full stroke does not lock up.  Right now, I think I would trust them to work if needed, but have yet to fire them.


i bet that the next new model produced will be in testing and development quite awhile before it announced to us early again. just my thought.


Quote from: rogertc1 on January-17-18 19:01
Mine did it before I oiled it. I put some 22L CBs thru it in my garage. Worked every time. 
One thing about my Ranger {136} I have found one really has to RACK the hammer back hard all the way. Very heavy.
Kind of like a SSA  you must cock it fully back and release all the way forward. ..IT should break in.
I love being a Beta tester, I predict the release to the public will be 3rd quarter at the earliest.
Kind of like racking my KelTec KSG or Standard DT12  shot guns too. Do it like you own it.    All in all I am happy.
I put some Black Widow grips i had  on it...
Hmmm. I wondered about doing that with my Ranger #53, but it is already so stiff to cock that I am afraid I will break it. I have fairly strong hands and those little parts look awfully small, especially the hand that cocks the cylinder. I wondered if it was the cylinder hanging up against the top latch, but that's not it.

The more I played with it, the less frequently it malfunctioned. It is still doing it though.


If it breaks doing normal things, NAA will fix it. If you have to treat it in some sort of strange extra-special manor in order to use it, do you really want it? 

I'm not saying try to break it or force it, just that if it isn't functioning properly, NAA should and will deal with it. Shouldn't have to do the "hokey-pokey" in order to use your gun. New or otherwise.

Having said this, it will likely be summer before I give mine a real work out, and yes, I will want to try to remedy problems myself . . . .and won't be happy if there is a problem, but will be happy that NAA stands behind their firearms and will fix it.

Hopping off my soap box. Do appreciate your report, thanks.