New Shotgun- Bug-A-Salt

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, December-29-17 10:12

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This is the first "range report" .  It shows the power on a reactive target from 8" to 2'.  At 2' it will poke holes in aluminum foil.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


I bought one of those when they had a fund raiser to get started.  I bought two and gave one to my best friend at the time who lives close to St Louis.  I love mine and often go to the back yard to hunt flies and mosquitos and blow them out of the air.

I keep mine in my kitchen filled with salt so if something manages to get in I can blast it.  Nice stuff OandG!
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein



I have one.  Load it with fine sand to take out wasps, asian beetles, and other harder shelled creepy-crawlies.  Love it! 


Swolf, may need to give that a try.  My house seems to be Wasp Central, I find their mud nests all over the place.  I don't know why they love my place but I try to remove the nests and get rid of them as often as I find them.  I have needed to try something other than spray so I will get myself some fine sand and try to shoot them.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: swolf on December-29-17 15:12
I have one.  Load it with fine sand to take out wasps, asian beetles, and other harder shelled creepy-crawlies.  Love it!

Thanks!  look for washed play box sand. It comes is bright colors. Would make it easy to track the shot.

How about #12 shot like in the .22 shot shells?

I think it is air powered not a spring. This opens up a whole new world of options. A .22 airgun felt cleaning wad will fit down the bore. Add a long pin and you get a dart gun? :o  "Mice"?

Add a straw to the barrel for more reach?   Like a choke to keep it from spreading?

Death before Decaf !!!!!

smokeless joe

Thanks fie the range report O&G

top dog

Other than the fun factor shooting the mud wasps with you bug-a-salt,try  getting the bug spray called  "Shoofly".

Not only will it kill them but they won't come back to that area.

Shoofly is available at most hardware stores. Has been out for years.

Or you can try by spreading some Buhach powder on the nests. It is totally non-poisonous and safe to use around pets.

                                                                                                       Top Dog


i saw this two years ago and the guys were spraying salt all over their home and on the food on the picinic table yogi. i just have a problem with shooting corrosive stuff and salt on certain foods all over the place. that is just me i guess. ya gotta be creative like other members are about ammo i guess. my two, kevin


I wouldn't like shooting sand on food either.  To me it seems like something for only outdoors away from food.


I will check that out Top Dog, thank you!  Maybe that would make them go somewhere else and stop putting their mud nests under everything on my house like the eaves and over the doors and under the awnings.

Shooting salt hasn't caused any corrosion to anything indoors or out for me so far.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Velocity isn't going to take out anything bigger than a wasp at 4 feet.  You can shoot your own hand at close range (but you won't do it twice!)  Beetles on the window at 2 feet with salt is my usual target and load.  Fine decorative sand will tatoo a glass window or mirror (or car finish...., Don't ask....)  I'm sure there is a boobtube video showing how to upgrade asnd increase power.  You definately want to disable the safety latch.

There is another tactical bug device available that you attach to a CO2 pistol barrel that has much more power, but harder to use and fewer shots.  It can fire farther with a smaller shot pattern.  I think I posted a comparson range report a couple years ago.

I don't thing #12 shot would go far.  "Dust shot" (smaller than #12, or bottom-of-the-bag stuff) would possibly work, but I can't imagine it being better velocity than sand.  Courser salt should be an easy alternative, and a little work with a morter/pestal would give a mixed shot combo that covers the spectrum.  Shooting a mouse with anything less than rat shot will only make him mad................