Jan Soap Box is Up

Started by Bigbird48, January-02-18 08:01

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Sticky brass yep I know about that


Good Soap Box. Sandy is gracious, as always. We are certainly anxious, but we also want a reliable product. I'm hoping the wait isn't much longer. :D


I've heard that a company takes on the character of the owner. I believe that's true. Sandy sets a high bar of expectations yet realizes that humans sometimes fail to meet the bar despite their best efforts and intentions.

None of us can do more than strive to "do/be better".

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


How does brass stick in a stainless cylinder? I understand aluminum but not this.


I have worked for many CEOs and it is surprising how the character of the person at the top seems to infuse the entire company.  NAA in good hands!

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on January-02-18 09:01
Good Soap Box. Sandy is gracious, as always. We are certainly anxious, but we also want a reliable product. I'm hoping the wait isn't much longer. :D
I agree 100%


Was kind of a bummer I wrote Sandy a long reply to his soapbox and hit send and there was some kind of error. Didn't feel like writing all over again :(
But one thing I said was they should talk to fedex as there paying for express service and not getting it. When I checked tracking this morning it said its there at the fedex place 4 miles from NAA but NOT SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY  said so right on there website. Now why the hell would they not schedule it for delivery when its there.? >:( >:(


As always, a great message from Sandy.  Man, I love this company!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


So this means shipments delayed?


I don't think so
they sent out guns last week so I think they will send out more this week

Quote from: rogertc1 on January-02-18 11:01
So this means shipments delayed?


Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-02-18 12:01
I don't think so

Is this actually confirmed? Because of Christmas, last week was a short week, and I haven't seen anybody report that they got a shipping notice or received shipment from last week. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that I don't see any evidence of it yet. (Please correct me if I missed it.)  I still have no charge and no shipping notice, but i'm content to keep waiting.


im not positive but IK thought I saw someplace were someone picked up there guns last week


Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-02-18 12:01
im not positive but IK thought I saw someplace were someone picked up there guns last week

Yes, that is true. I saw that. But they did not mention if they were shipped last week or if the shipment was from a previous week. They didn't say how long they had been in possession of their local dealer, just that they picked them up. So, it was not confirmation that Rangers were shipped last week.


The more I experience with NAA, the more I like NAA!

Couldn't get to post on soapbox.


I will say that if the Ranger has to be delayed, for me at least, this is the best time of year for that to happen.  I don't shoot at an indoor range and it is very cold this time of year in Michigan.  I don't shoot normally with snow on the ground.


Quote from: Bj on January-02-18 14:01
The more I experience with NAA, the more I like NAA!

Wait until you have 20 years experience with NAA, like I do. :) Like some cheeses and wine, it just gets better with time.


Quote from: MR_22 on January-02-18 13:01
Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-02-18 12:01
im not positive but IK thought I saw someplace were someone picked up there guns last week

Yes, that is true. I saw that. But they did not mention if they were shipped last week or if the shipment was from a previous week. They didn't say how long they had been in possession of their local dealer, just that they picked them up. So, it was not confirmation that Rangers were shipped last week.

There are too many threads to go back through to find the information, but there was definitely one person on the forum who reported a Ranger being shipped last week, there may have been more to others who don't post here, but it seems with the various problems, production is way below what was intended. Having waited this long, I'd rather wait a bit longer to get a Ranger II with no issues. The part of the Soapbox that I liked was where Sandy states that we have a right to feel disappointed, too many companies I've dealt with won't acknowledge your problem and try to minimize it, that really irritates me, if someone will validate your problem and how you feel about it, it makes a big difference  to how you feel.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: redhawk4 on January-02-18 15:01
There are too many threads to go back through to find the information, but there was definitely one person on the forum who reported a Ranger being shipped last week...

These are the ones I saw:

Reply #14 from gofisher on December 28: http://naaminis.com/smf/index.php?topic=14369.0

Reply #85 from David Culp on December 28: http://naaminis.com/smf/index.php?topic=14337.70

Neither mentioned the ship date, but they were picked up Thursday, December 28. Jessica posted on December 27 for us to post our real names, so they could ship active board members theirs first. I don't think it would have arrived the very next day.

I stand by my previous assessment: we have no evidence of more shipments after Christmas. That's not to say they aren't in transit. And I'm not complaining, either. I think NAA was probably busy and many people were probably out for the holidays. I'm just trying to post facts--as fleeting as they are.


Where is this January soap box hidden?


Soap box in naa website, not in the forum.  Hope that helps.


So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Glad to hear some news. I'm really hoping none of the "sticky brass" guns made it out into the wild as part of the 125 EB's to distributors. I think I and everyone on this forum will have plenty of patience, but I worry about the public... Don't want anything to interfere with this awesome gun's success. I did get an email from Jessica today in response to the email she requested in her post last week. No indication of ship date though.

Sandy, thanks for talking to us and thanks for taking the time to get it right.


After everyone gets their Rangers this forum will turn into a ghost town.

David Culp

Mine arrived Thursday before Christmas and my lgs  was supposed to let me know when he was ready  for me to to pick up. When he had not contacted me by the thursday after Christmas I contacted him to ask if he knew when they would be ready and I picked them up that day. I am bummed I did not get consecutive numbers especially after seeing  others that did not receive consecutive got numbers before and after mine showing that those numbers had been available. Very happy to have early birds however.


Quote from: rogertc1 on January-03-18 02:01
After everyone gets their Rangers this forum will turn into a ghost town.

Haha, maybe for a few days while board members admire their new Rangers and go out shooting. Then it will continue to be active well into the future, like it has for the past 2 decades and more.


Quote from: rogertc1 on January-03-18 02:01
After everyone gets their Rangers this forum will turn into a ghost town.

Nope; this forum is active all the time. Some who only showed up recently for the Ranger II may fall by the wayside but the regulars around here will check in daily as they always have.  ;D
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Yep remember before the Ranger there were about 25 maybe 30 who checked in , more then a couple times a week.

Quote from: RogueTS1 on January-03-18 11:01
Quote from: rogertc1 on January-03-18 02:01
After everyone gets their Rangers this forum will turn into a ghost town.

Nope; this forum is active all the time. Some who only showed up recently for the Ranger II may fall by the wayside but the regulars around here will check in daily as they always have.  ;D

smokeless joe

Well I haven't been around as long as most but I enjoy the interaction and knowledge and the pics so like it or not I'm sticking around even after the Ranger delivers. Besides where else am I gonna post pics of it. Jeez  ::)


Quote from: smokeless joe on January-03-18 14:01
Well I haven't been around as long as most but I enjoy the interaction and knowledge and the pics so like it or not I'm sticking around even after the Ranger delivers. Besides where else am I gonna post pics of it. Jeez  ::)

Heck, Joe, with 1143 posts, you're one of the old guys. :)


6 months ago I would read every post every morning.
Now I read maybe a third of them. Too many.
Time is limited.
From the time I get up until the wife gets up and I start getting her coffee and stuff ready for the day.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


It's been longer than 6 months for me, Unc....

smokeless joe

Quote from: MR_22 on January-03-18 14:01
Quote from: smokeless joe on January-03-18 14:01
Well I haven't been around as long as most but I enjoy the interaction and knowledge and the pics so like it or not I'm sticking around even after the Ranger delivers. Besides where else am I gonna post pics of it. Jeez  ::)

Heck, Joe, with 1143 posts, you're one of the old guys. :)
Well I'm not that old  ;)


Quote from: smokeless joe on January-03-18 16:01
Well I'm not that old  ;)

June 25, 2017. Pretty close! :D

smokeless joe

Heck I'm not even potty trained yet 😄


Quote from: Jobrando on January-02-18 09:01
How does brass stick in a stainless cylinder? I understand aluminum but not this.
When the cylinders are machined to accept cartridges (I hesitate to say drilled), the bits get hot (ok more than warm). The heat causes uneven hardening in the cylinder and ridges and micro ridges form. They are east to take out with individual polishing, but that doesn't happen to the extent it needs to. Polish too much and the size of the chamber is affected. In most cases, the gun owner could finish (very carefully) polishing them out, but you have to be careful not to do too much, and you need to ream in and out while doing so or you end up with polished ridges. At least that is my understanding of it. I use stone polishing powder on a bore mop and clean the cylinders when I get any revolver...I am not a gunsmith however and there are others here more knowledgeable...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke