My Mossberg,, Ranger 1 and Ranger II.. And Fewer Ranger Threads?

Started by Lemon, January-12-18 09:01

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I have a Mossberg shotgun that has not giving me any trouble at all, none in the last 31 years. But I need to provide this information, I have not shot it in 31 years. For the most part I think the majority of Ranger 1 are like my Mossberg. Not giving any problems because they, like my Mossberg, are not being shot. The Ranger II are seeing some use and there is more than one who are having problems. I question would the same problems be found with the Ranger 1 if they saw use? I have a sidewinder and first shots after a good cleaning the casing will eject, usually, the first cylinder. The second cylinder's worth of shots may or may not see any sticking. But I can be assured by the third time and thereafter I will be using a rod to push the rounds out. I do not know but I imagine the Ranger 1 and the newer Ranger II will have just as much trouble ejecting spent casing after a few shots fired. I have not had any safety concerns such as material hitting my face and fingers or loosing any blood. I love my Sidewinder. I can not say enough how much I enjoy it!!! Until these issues are corrected with the Ranger II we may not see any production models. That goes without saying I would think. And I am sure everyone will jump on me here for saying this, a few will agree but may stay silent,,,,,, But how about having one thread for each topic rather than new threads covering the same thing such as "Got mine" "Got my Email" How about one thread for everyone who has gotten a email saying theirs has shipped and let those who want to share that information post it in that one thread and not keep starting new threads. I am just using that "Got my Email" as an example. But the same protocol could be used on a large portion of these new threads coming out. There is more to life, and also other excellent NAA guns, besides just the Ranger II. If some of these threads were about a Black Widow, Pug or any other model I think people would be pointing out that a thread already existed for the topic. Now I will await and take my lashing from anyone wanting to be upset with me for mentioning this. Take care and may God bless!


The problem with negative reports is that they seem to be more common than they are, because the people who don't have issues may not post their experiences. Its the old squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease story. I can't really say, though, because I've only fondled mine, not shot it, so in all fairness, i can't really comment on its reliability yet.

For the most part, I think we've been pretty good with commenting on existing threads for "me too" posts, but I agree, it gets a little annoying when we create new threads just to post "Me too!". But you also gotta realize that the Ranger II has been greatly anticipated for years at this point, so there is bound to be some excitement here for them. Now that they are finally starting to flow out to new owners, I'm betting the activity will increase for awhile, before it dies back down.

It's easy enough to just leave a thread unread. I occasionally do that when I lose interest in the discussion. It really is hard to read every post here nowadays.


At times I will make as read and start a new day with a clean slat. Then I will pick a choose what post to read. It can become overwelming with all this as post lol


thats not how this forum operates or has operated. Its like a stream of consciousness center. There are plenty of over restricted, over regulated, strict gun forums out there. Most people like it here just the way it is. If you dont like all the different threads dont read them.

Quote from: Lemon on January-12-18 09:01
I have a Mossberg shotgun that has not giving me any trouble at all, none in the last 31 years. But I need to provide this information, I have not shot it in 31 years. For the most part I think the majority of Ranger 1 are like my Mossberg. Not giving any problems because they, like my Mossberg, are not being shot. The Ranger II are seeing some use and there is more than one who are having problems. I question would the same problems be found with the Ranger 1 if they saw use? I have a sidewinder and first shots after a good cleaning the casing will eject, usually, the first cylinder. The second cylinder's worth of shots may or may not see any sticking. But I can be assured by the third time and thereafter I will be using a rod to push the rounds out. I do not know but I imagine the Ranger 1 and the newer Ranger II will have just as much trouble ejecting spent casing after a few shots fired. I have not had any safety concerns such as material hitting my face and fingers or loosing any blood. I love my Sidewinder. I can not say enough how much I enjoy it!!! Until these issues are corrected with the Ranger II we may not see any production models. That goes without saying I would think. And I am sure everyone will jump on me here for saying this, a few will agree but may stay silent,,,,,, But how about having one thread for each topic rather than new threads covering the same thing such as "Got mine" "Got my Email" How about one thread for everyone who has gotten a email saying theirs has shipped and let those who want to share that information post it in that one thread and not keep starting new threads. I am just using that "Got my Email" as an example. But the same protocol could be used on a large portion of these new threads coming out. There is more to life, and also other excellent NAA guns, besides just the Ranger II. If some of these threads were about a Black Widow, Pug or any other model I think people would be pointing out that a thread already existed for the topic. Now I will await and take my lashing from anyone wanting to be upset with me for mentioning this. Take care and may God bless!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I really never saw the point of the Ranger, the Ranger II or the Sidewinder.  No need to add complexity to a proven design, IMO.  For a novelty or a collectors item, sure, get a breaktop.  I understand.  I still have plenty of ponies on display from my Brony phase. 


Quote from: bleak_window on January-12-18 11:01
I really never saw the point of the Ranger, the Ranger II or the Sidewinder.  No need to add complexity to a proven design, IMO.  For a novelty or a collectors item, sure, get a breaktop.  I understand.  I still have plenty of ponies on display from my Brony phase. 

ROFL. My son would love your collection. So would my daughter, though.


It seems I once said you guys would determine the success or fail, or the eh factor for the Ranger 11. Well that now seems like prophecy, you complaimed while waited for it to come out (well OK impatiently waited) posting all the time. That caused  pressure on NAA to 'get r done' . That pressure caused them to work too fast for their process to get it right. and now you are reaping what you sowed. I am not complaining, or criticising, I know how hard it is to wait (now nearing two months in a boot, and had a shoulder take 7 months). Just looking at the whole picture... and yes NAA should have waited until it was perfect, not just close, before releasing the Ranger II, as the less than perfect record to date indicates; and it will effect the perception of the gun and the company. Just an observation. Maybe NAA should not even have mentioned the new model until all the design and corrections were made.

That is the way I introduce new models: I do the paper design (no not CAD) and I set up the forms, tweaking the forms until they are right. Only then, build a prototype tweaking that as I go. Until I am sure the new paper design is what I want, I do not make forms- until the forms are right, I do not build a prototype- until the design is perfected and tested, I do not offer it. No hype until there is one in the shop that I like.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Honestly, I think the Ranger II's that have problems are in the minority. I really do. And I'm pretty sure the great people down at NAA have been about as anxious as us to get the Ranger II into full production and into the hands of customers like us. We have been greatly excited to get them and have considerable expectations, but for the NAA employees, it's their livelihood. For me, it's not providing for my family. I don't HAVE to have one, but I'm glad I do. :D

Really, though, I don't think they've been rushed. I mean, almost one year ago (January 21, 2016), I held a Ranger II in my hands at the SHOT Show in Vegas. (See ). NAA has taken their time to get this right and, with anything new, there are teething pains. I just feel lucky to be one of the first people in the world to own a Ranger II. If it hurts a little bit to be the first,, that's OK.

Let's come 'em some slack. If we have issues, we know they'll fix 'em. Don't they always? It's time to rejoice, not lament! :D


(BTW, for readability, it really helps to break up your text into smaller paragraphs. It's too easy to get lost in huge blocks of text.)


Yeah, take that, Lemon!  ;)

Incidentally, the irony of your post was not lost on me ...  You could have easily found one of the other existing threads to post your missive--since you were essentially postulating about issues with original Rangers versus Ranger IIs.  But, noooooo ...  You decided to start yet another new Ranger thread.  You're part of the problem ...  ::)

But as heyjoe covered in his response below ... that's how this forum works.  So, you're welcome!  ;D
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


After the disappointment and frustration that Sandy had after ultimately not being able to manufacture the original Ranger at a price point that he needed to make a profit and to maximize sales after numerous disappointments by outside vendor parts makers, I seriously doubt that the Ranger II was rushed in any shape or form and i seriously doubt that we pushed him to release it before it was ready. Your "guesses" are way off the mark. I think the problems that are cropping up are a result of the execution of the design by inhouse  and outside vendors, not the design itself.   

Quote from: Canoeal on January-12-18 12:01
It seems I once said you guys would determine the success or fail, or the eh factor for the Ranger 11. Well that now seems like prophecy, you complaimed while waited for it to come out (well OK impatiently waited) posting all the time. That caused  pressure on NAA to 'get r done' . That pressure caused them to work too fast for their process to get it right. and now you are reaping what you sowed. I am not complaining, or criticising, I know how hard it is to wait (now nearing two months in a boot, and had a shoulder take 7 months). Just looking at the whole picture... and yes NAA should have waited until it was perfect, not just close, before releasing the Ranger II, as the less than perfect record to date indicates; and it will effect the perception of the gun and the company. Just an observation. Maybe NAA should not even have mentioned the new model until all the design and corrections were made.
That is the way I introduce new models: I do the paper design (no not CAD) and I set up the forms, tweaking the forms until they are right. Only then build a prototype tweaking that as I go, Until I am sure the new paper design is what I want, I do not make forms- until the forms are right, I do not build a prototype- until the design is perfected and tested, I do not offer it.No hype until there is one in the shop that I like.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I will take your advice Mr. MR_22 and break up the text.

First let me say I appreciate the input and respect on the majority of the replies. I have read these replies today and waited until now to add another comment. I expected more input from others and I know some input may possibly be negative towards me. Just be respectful I ask.

I also want to say that I do not know who has started the threads and I have absolutely no gripe with anyone on the forum. I intentionally did NOT take note as to who was posting what and as I said previously I only used the "examples" as examples only.

Heyjoe I agree about things being to regulated and I dislike forums that do regulate heavily. Truth is the forum is regulated either by NAA, peer pressure or lastly, self regulated. All I was asking for is a little self regulating.

Ranger Jim I take your post as a direct attack on me. If that makes you feel good so be it. I prefer to act in a proper manner so I will not say anything negative in response.  It is kind of like I told my granddaughter as I tried to steer her in a productive life. I said "Look around you. All of these successful people in our community that is millionaires and business owners, do you see them on social media acting immature and saying childish things."  Some on here could vouch for me in terms of me not bad mouthing members or companies on the forum. Take care and may God bless!

Mr. Bleak_Window,,,, How many do you have?  :) That table is packed full!

Lastly let me say this. I agree with Canoeal in terms of people demanding. Go back and read Sandy's December 2016 Soapbox. Read other months comments on the Soapbox. Some members were getting demanding and, in my opinion, disrespectful over there demanding of Sandy about the Ranger II Back in March 2017 I posted this on Sandy Soapbox comments.
,,,,, "I personally would love to have a Ranger as much as anyone on here but unfortunately I can not afford one. I just bought the Sidewinder back in December of 2016. With that said let's be respectful and stop demanding answers about the Ranger II. If you read the December 2016 soapbox you will find this statement from Sandy,,,,,Quote.... "I'd be willing to wager that I'm more tired of having to deflect/defer your interest in the continuing saga of the development of The Ranger II, than you are to be on the receiving end. I will tell you only that we continue to make progress. I will not speculate on the timing of such an introduction if, in fact, it ever occurs. I have heard loudly and clearly the disappointment that many have felt when companies (including NAA, inadvertently) make premature new product announcements; we are determined not to do so.",,,,,end quote....Sandy will reveal the Ranger II in an appropriate timely manner if and when it is ready I feel certain. Let me take this time to say thank you to all the hard working employees at NAA for their hard work and for making a quality product. Thank you."
I posted the above in the March 2017 Soapbox comments.  Anyways keep smiling everyone and get some shooting time in!


Quote from: Lemon on January-12-18 16:01

Ranger Jim I take your post as a direct attack on me. If that makes you feel good so be it. I prefer to act in a proper manner so I will not say anything negative in response.  It is kind of like I told my granddaughter as I tried to steer her in a productive life. I said "Look around you. All of these successful people in our community that is millionaires and business owners, do you see them on social media acting immature and saying childish things."  Some on here could vouch for me in terms of me not bad mouthing members or companies on the forum. Take care and may God bless!

Just ...  Wow. 

I thought the winky/smiley faces clearly indicated that I was being sarcastic ... just tongue in cheek, like we often do on this board.  But in no way did I intend to attack you, Lemon.  I've never said anything even remotely negative to (or about) anyone in any post ... ever.  And I don't intend to start now ... or ever.  So, I apologize for any offense you may have taken ... but none was intended.
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


LOL.  That's not actually me with the ponies, Lemon. 

I always wondered why Sandy didn't just jack the price of the Ranger to where he could make a profit.  Sell it for $800 if he has to.  It seems the market was there and people didn't mind paying big money for them.  I think the latch on the Ranger II looks like an afterthought and ruins the aesthetic.


Ranger Jim if I misread your post I apologize and I harbor no bad feelings. I saw the wink, yes,  but as I read where you stated I was "part of the problem" I took that to be in a demeaning way and the "tone" did not feel very friendly. Anyways no hard feelings. I hope you get a Ranger and I also hope it is problem free and that you get to enjoy it as much as I enjoy my Sidewinder. Take care!   :)


Thanks very much, Lemon.  And no hard feelings at all.  Again, I'm sorry that my intended humor came across the wrong way.  Believe it or not, "You're part of the problem" was actually a silly quote from a Seinfeld episode.  My wife always tells me that my constant TV and movie references are lost on virtually everyone.  Once again, she was right.  ::)

And I actually do have a couple of Rangers heading my way next week, so fingers crossed that they're problem free.  But if not, I have full confidence that NAA will take care of me.   :D
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


"This aggression will not stand, man."
Source, the Dude.


Quote from: ikoiko on January-12-18 18:01
"This aggression will not stand, man."
Source, the Dude.
Nice, iko!
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


I will have to check that movie out. I have never seen it. I do like Jeff Bridges's movies though. Maybe this aggression won't stand.   ;D


Quote from: Lemon on January-12-18 18:01
I will have to check that movie out. I have never seen it. I do like Jeff Bridges's movies though. Maybe this aggression won't stand.   ;D

Jeff Bridges has become one of my favorites over the years. The Big Lebowski is a real trip. Many great quotes, mainly from "His Dudeness", though "The Cowboy" (Sam Elliott) has some really good ones as well.

The remake of "True Grit" was AMAZING. (And I'm as big of a John Wayne fan as you'll ever find). Bridges was perfect and the young girl in the remake was much more sympathetic (and cute) than the little snot girl in the original.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."



Quote from: MR_22 on January-12-18 20:01

What is it about that woman that makes me want to slap her? I'm a non-violent type but she's just plain annoying!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


To anyone i havent offended patient your turn is coming.....too many tender feelings on this board lately
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Quote from: MR_22 on January-12-18 13:01
(BTW, for readability, it really helps to break up your text into smaller paragraphs. It's too easy to get lost in huge blocks of text.)
If you look it is two paragraphs....just no indents.
OK, I added a line...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I never had a dog in the fight so to speak. I did not order one. I have just been sitting back watching on the RangerII. Those were my observations that is all.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I may be wrong, but I agree with Lemon's opening statement that comparing the Ranger I to Ranger II performance is off track, because what I have read on this forum gives me the idea that most Ranger I's have never been fired, so how do you know how they perform.


I see that I am not the only one that feels the frustration that has built up in the last two years.

Go ahead, bark, bite, snap, & pull and get it out of your system. It would be best done on a tough steak.

If you look for fault in one another you will find it, bring it out, pass it around, stomp on it. That may make you feel good in the short term but when you remember who it was you smashed, you won't feel so good.

Wow, stomp on Ranger Jim. He was just trying to stick a little fun in the situation.
Probably the person with the least aggression on this forum.
Getting on him is like a pit bull chewing up a 2 week old kitten.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


How you doing Uncle lee? Was thinking yesterday I hadn't seen you much lately.


Quote from: uncle_lee on January-13-18 04:01

Wow, stomp on Ranger Jim. He was just trying to stick a little fun in the situation.
Probably the person with the least aggression on this forum.
Getting on him is like a pit bull chewing up a 2 week old kitten.

Thanks, Unc!  The kitten and I both found that hilarious!
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Quote from: Lemon on January-12-18 16:01

Ranger Jim I take your post as a direct attack on me. If that makes you feel good so be it. I prefer to act in a proper manner so I will not say anything negative in response.  It is kind of like I told my granddaughter as I tried to steer her in a productive life. I said "Look around you. All of these successful people in our community that is millionaires and business owners, do you see them on social media acting immature and saying childish things."  Some on here could vouch for me in terms of me not bad mouthing members or companies on the forum. Take care and may God bless!

Lemon, don't let your granddaughter watch the news or read twitter as the Don does not fit into your analogy very well. ;D
In fact Trump flies in the face of your analogy...and many other things.  :o
;D ;D ;D ;D :o ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ranger Jim is one of the nicest members here so I believe you missed his point.



Quote from: MtGoat on January-13-18 07:01

Ranger Jim is one of the nicest members here so I believe you missed his point.


Thanks very much, Pat ...  I really do appreciate your and Uncle Lee's kind words.  Lemon and I just got our wires crossed a bit in the sometimes difficult medium of texting.  We're all good now!   :D

And great point about Trump!   ;D
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


Quote from: ikoiko on January-13-18 05:01
How you doing Uncle lee? Was thinking yesterday I hadn't seen you much lately.

I too am caught up in frustration.
I have found it best to stay off the keyboard when I am frustrated.
I tend to say the wrong things to the wrong people.
I guess I am normal.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Maybe I'm the exception ( don't know) as with anything mechanical new or used stuff breaks. Problems arise and I find myself doing a quick google search to see if others, have experienced the same issue. From that point I either repair it myself or reach out to manufacturer for a resolution.

If the problem seems well  documented online I don't typically post; especially if I know the manufacturer of a particular product is resolving the issue.

NAA is one particular company that has proven itself in customer service and dealing with repairs beyond the normal. This is why I think many do not even post issues they may have.

I give every company a fair shake before going to the keyboard with a problem.
Maybe there would be more reported issues with original Rangers if more were not safe queens, doesn't change the fact that the issues would be delt with.

I get what your saying, however who has  not been taken care of by NAA on a warranty issue or a manufacturing problem. 

I wish I could get the level of service outta Colt or S&W


All I was trying to say is how is the impatience effecting the product, and how does the critique of the first few look to the newbie, or worse yet some guy checking out NAAs? I don't think it helps the cause...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke