affordable 22 LR ammo

Started by grayelky, February-08-18 09:02

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Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Yes but then add $10 shipping and you can buy it locally for under $25 anywhere. That shipping gets ya everytime :(


Buy a bunch and the shipping percentage goes down. :)


I have been buying Federal 550 packs from Walmart for $19.95, plus tax. Federal got so far ahead  over a year ago that they laid off 160 people. Not sure why their  ammo has been held back.  There is Remington bulk packs at Walmart that are $10.00 higher just sitting there. Just over a year ago I walked into a gas station, hunting fishing, with  every thing  but guns, store, and they had just got in 250 cases of FEDERAL 22s. I think it has been the distributors holding 22 ammo back to keep the price up.
I talked to a guy in a farm store that said his brother was in a ware house in North Carolina back when there was no 22 ammo, and the building was packed to the ceiling with 22 ammo. THIS WAS WHEN THERE WAS NOT much for sale.
Worked for silver once, why not 22 ammo. Making a shortage last as long as they could?


Hold on, it will get better,,,,,


Quote from: boone123 on February-08-18 10:02
I have been buying Federal 550 packs from Walmart for $19.95, plus tax. Federal got so far ahead  over a year ago that they laid off 160 people. Not sure why their  ammo has been held back.  There is Remington bulk packs at Walmart that are $10.00 higher just sitting there. Just over a year ago I walked into a gas station, hunting fishing, with  every thing  but guns, store, and they had just got in 250 cases of FEDERAL 22s. I think it has been the distributors holding 22 ammo back to keep the price up.
I talked to a guy in a farm store that said his brother was in a ware house in North Carolina back when there was no 22 ammo, and the building was packed to the ceiling with 22 ammo. THIS WAS WHEN THERE WAS NOT much for sale.
Worked for silver once, why not 22 ammo. Making a shortage last as long as they could?

Greed is an ugly thing. Even uglier when it affects my shooting!