Truth about Guns sidewinder review

Started by seaotter, February-12-18 07:02

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Last week (I think) someone posted a rather negative post about his new sidewinder. Several of the things he was concerned about are simply inherent to the design. Jeremy at Truth About Guns has what I consider to be the best review of the sidewinder to date. The gun he reviewed is the 4 inch combo version, but most of his observations apply to the versions as well. If anyone is considering buying a sidewinder, I would encourage them to read/watch the review first. Jeremy's review is very positive, but he does discuss some of its idiosyncrasies:


 I just picked up my third Sidewinder Saturday, a 1.5" convertible model. I also own the standard 1.5" and the 2.5" models. I am very happy with this design so far. I was interested in the 4" model but I think I'll go with a Mini-Master instead due to the better sights. I carry the Sidewinders and my Black Widow but the Mini-Master would be a plinker so the better sights would definitely be an upgrade.


Quote from: franco22 on February-12-18 10:02
I just picked up my third Sidewinder Saturday, a 1.5" convertible model. I also own the standard 1.5" and the 2.5" models. I am very happy with this design so far. I was interested in the 4" model but I think I'll go with a Mini-Master instead due to the better sights. I carry the Sidewinders and my Black Widow but the Mini-Master would be a plinker so the better sights would definitely be an upgrade.

How do your group sizes compare between your 2.5" sidewinder and your Black Widow? Do your sidewinders shoot true to where the fixed sights are set?      Thanks,  Bill


Watched this SW video before and didn't notice--watching again,when shooting from the log his left hand fingers  are scary close to the cylinder gap---easy way to get a hell of a burn--or lose fingers with certain firearms!!!!!!