Found a nice compact cleaning kit!

Started by linux_author, February-16-18 09:02

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hey foks,

while i wait for my Guardian to return from repair at the mother ship, i thought i'd share a pic of a little cleaning kit i found at Ruger's shop - this one fits in the range bag easily, along with a charged oiler pen filled with CLP:

i added a slotted .22 jag and some patches, along with a .32-cal mop and bore brush

anyone here put together their own tiny cleaning kits to match their mini?

on the sunny Gulf of Mexico

David Culp

Thanks for sharing I'll have to look into one

smokeless joe

Now I'm gonna have to get one. Thanks for helping me spend my money 😄


Quote from: smokeless joe on February-16-18 18:02
Now I'm gonna have to get one. Thanks for helping me spend my money 😄

well, there are certainly cheaper alternatives - but i look at it from the viewpoint that i'm getting too old and have too little time for scavenger hunting - i'm certain that a number of the clever folks here could put together a much nicer kit with items on hand... i've even found some compact cleaning kits on the Bay of Evil - but i like Ruger (and have a nice stainless Mk III target pistol), so i buy some of its stuff

i wish NAA had some custom 'mini' cleaning kits to match its minis!

on the Gulf of Mexico

smokeless joe

Quote from: linux_author on February-16-18 18:02
i wish NAA had some custom 'mini' cleaning kits to match its minis!

on the Gulf of Mexico
Not a bad idea willie


Nice. I may have to look into one of those.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Yes, I was tempted to buy one also - but no cleaning fluids, so still have to carry a bigger package.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


and doggone it! after looking for months at the local Wally World for a compact cleaning kit, all of a sudden there are numerous kits! here's one i found for less than $8:


on the 'day late, dollar short' Gulf of Mexico


I have the Wally's "Winchester" kit identical to the Gunmaster set above.  Very compact, but plenty of space inside for .22, .38, and .45 jags.  But I do like the oiler in the Ruger kit!! I checked EekBay and found the kits for $15 shipped (same kit but Kleenbore brand), but couldn't find just the oiler anyplace.  Anybody got a source?  I want a small refillable one and not a bulkier plastic one that would take up lots of space in the tiny kit.  I'm tempted to buy a kit just for the oiler.


Quote from: swolf on February-23-18 08:02
I want a small refillable one and not a bulkier plastic one that would take up lots of space in the tiny kit.  I'm tempted to buy a kit just for the oiler.

i bought one similar to this:

(not bad with free shipping?)

on the Gulf of Mexico

David Culp

Like that little oiler too

Thanks for sharing


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on February-26-18 10:02
i use this

that's nice! i snagged a 4oz can of eezox on closeout recently, but haven't used it... any tips?

on the Gulf of Mexico


Quote from: linux_author on February-27-18 10:02
Quote from: heyjoe on February-26-18 10:02
i use this

that's nice! i snagged a 4oz can of eezox on closeout recently, but haven't used it... any tips?

on the Gulf of Mexico

it cleans and lubricates
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on February-27-18 21:02
Quote from: linux_author on February-27-18 10:02
Quote from: heyjoe on February-26-18 10:02
i use this

that's nice! i snagged a 4oz can of eezox on closeout recently, but haven't used it... any tips?

on the Gulf of Mexico

it cleans and lubricates


on the Gulf of Mexico


  Dang Unc Linux stole your backdrop cloth . Don't you have a patent on that color cloth ? :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .