alternative projectiles for super companion and companion?

Started by SirLSD, February-25-18 01:02

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i bought a super companion to play with and want to know who else has experimented with other projectiles other than the 30gr lead NAA ones. first off when i shot it with a scoop of 3F black powder and the projectile stuck nose deep in a 1.75" pine wood board i thought it was a joke. since loading with 2gr bullseye smokeless i have been much more impressed.
i have played with 20gr 22 airgun pellets, 30gr lead naa projectiles, copper jacketed 30gr hp pulled from 22mag CCI maxi-mag HP+V shells, 30gr hp pulled from CCI's 22mag TNT rounds, 30gr pulled from hornady V-max, 21gr coppre/polymer mix from CCI 22lr lead free
so far i can only find 30gr or less that fit. 40 grain is all too long and i dont want to load any pointed 40gr backwards as a dont want to enter the powder area since im shooting smokeless it can cause pressure spikes. even the 30gr Vmax type ones with the plastic point are too long and needed the tip cut down.
hardly scientific testing but what i found with my wifes uncooked roast beef in the fridge was:
10" penetration form the 30gr V-max and 30gr maximag with no expansion.
the TNT made about 5.5" but expanded to a nice .30 cal star formation (perfect for head shots?)
naa's lead still needs testing on meat as does the 21gr copper/polymer.

all projectiles made it through the pine board with 2gr bullseye. 1gr bullseye was little better than 4gr 3F blackpowder.
compairing to a beretta 21a in 22lr with 2.5" barrel with a 29gr "700fps" CB was about the same as blackpowder
40gr CCI quiet "700fps) sunk so base was 4mm below surface.
40gr subsonics just made it through in the beretta. however pulling the projectile and pouring the powder into the super companion and then loading the proji with heal trimmed showed poor results similar the 40gr CCI quiet "700fps"

more testing to come.
anyone else do this sort of testing?
btw the "700"fps is what the box says so would be from rifle length barrel. not a NAA

also 2gr bullseye is quite a load. 25acp takes 1.3gr bullseye in handloads and 32acp takes 2.2gr

off topic i am looking at buying the standard companion but with only 2.5gr blackpowder or 1gr bullseye i am worried that it will be nothing more than a toy. 1gr bullseye could only get nose deep into a pine board. anyone load hotter loads into the standard companion?



Companion is not a toy but if you want power buy a cartridge gun.  Using the phone book method   I find that Super Companion loaded per NAA specs is more powerful than a LR cartridge but a little less than a WinMag cartridge.  They are what they are. There is no turning them into a .44 mag. But we can try ;D.

The only bullets that work well are the NAA ones. Save the work and just order in bulk from NAA.

Air gun pellets are just a little too loose. Why mess up cartridges to scrounge bullets.   If you cast , #4 buck works well but you need soft lead. Factory buck is way too hard to seat.

I posted a page on how and way our"little black pain in the ass"works. Why the bullet and chambers are the shape they are. If I am not too lazy I will look for it. Or one of the other "smokers"  might remember what topic it was in.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


What would be the purpose of turning a BP gun, and raising the pressures involved to make it that much more powerful? Irt is still a mini gun.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Don't be. No reason to be. I never even considered a companion until I read your post. You made the idea of a BP mini sound quite interesting. I had not thought of trying different kinds of powders and projectiles before. I probably wouldn't experiment with bullet types (although a soft lead round ball like they used in the old days would be interesting). It would be entertaining to get a chrono and see what impact minor changes might have. I probably won't actually buy a companion (unless  fire arm laws get totally out of hand), but I appreciate the ideas that you shared.

Oops. Responded to the wrong post. I need to get new bifocals or something!


About smokeless ---  Don't.  Again they are not and never have been a hand cannon.  Yes I know about the loads from back in the dark ages.   Or just shoot with your off hand and keep your other fingers for------- what ever you use them for.
Death before Decaf !!!!!



Use the search up top for   Companion--  Black powder,  loading tools  or a combo of terms.  Lots of good info. 
Death before Decaf !!!!!


First, Welcome
I applaud your willingness to take the time, and expense to experiment with ballistics. You don't state a goal, but it seems for improved performance over black powder. That is how we acquired smokeless powder. I suspect you are aware of the pressure smokeless powder generates. The fact the mini has stayed together is a testament to the strength of the mini. I have never conducted the type you have, so the best I can offer is this:

If you continue with the smokeless powder, I urge you to do so with utmost caution. We prefer our board members healthy.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

lefty dude

I will note, you indicated using 3F black powder, try 4F, I believe you will be most impressed with the out come.

four f black is recommended, by NAA. For smokeless, review the Freedom Arms Cap & ball instructions, may be found by Googling same.
We who have the Companions know about shooting Smokeless, however for Personal liability issues we refrain from the discussion of the subject or posting information on the subject. This is my personal opinion, others may agree, or not.
And I will say, Yes, I have experimented  with Smokeless in my Super-Companion. However my preference is Goex 4F black.