NAA Customer Service.

Started by KnD Ken, March-01-18 11:03

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KnD Ken

I seen in a gun group I am in that the Ranger 2 is having issues. I did not know that. I did not get my two yet as I decided to wait a bit as I had other guns I also wanted. (every other gun for example, we all want one of each, or two).

I do not knw R2 issues,,,, nor do I care that much so I did not read through the million posts of friends fighting.

I just want to say this. NAA could TEACH customer service. If there are issues, they will be fixed.

I have had my dealings with NAA and I have been treated wonderfully. Like I mattered.

I in fact told Jessica that I would marry her whenever she wanted if my wife would allow it. Jessica has treated me like I am the only customer NAA has and like it is her only job to make me happy. She has in fact made me feel important and like I do matter. Like she personally and truly cares for her customers. THAT is work pride.

I am confident that NAA will work through this and that when I do order and get my R2's,,,,,, I will be in love. Almost as much as my love for NAA and their staff (Jessica is my fave).

I will be patient. As I know other are. Many have never commented on this situation. Do not get me wrong,,, ANY gun with issues I would send back the day I get them,,,,, but I would do it with respect. The same respect NAA shows me.

NAA is the best still. NAA will remain the best.

Ken Jones.
ps... My wife said that some days she will ship ME to Jessica. And that her return protocol is NOTHING like NAA's. It doe not exist.