Will RII get issued with a 2.5" barrel

Started by MtGoat, March-09-18 07:03

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What are your thoughts?
Do you think the RII will get issued with a 2" or 2.5" barrel?

My thoughts are that the accuracy issue would improve with a longer sight radius.

I am thinking that it might give the BW a run for it's money assuming that all of the start-up opportunities have been resolved.



It was stated that they would make other barrel lengths in due time. They did it with the Sidewinder so I think they will in time.

Regarding accuracy, there are several factors that contribute to the accuracy of a gun. The increased sighting radius of a longer barrel will normally make the shooter more accurate. As long as a barrel can stabilise the bullet the barrel length does not contribute significantly to the accuracy of the gun until you get out to longer distances where the higher velocity of the longer barrel improves the trajectory. There are however other things at play, with a very short barrel the bullet can be disrupted by the blast of unburned powder etc. exiting the barre l right behind it.

My main concern for longer barreled Ranger II's would be the leverage transferred to the frame and pivot by the extra length. A longer barrel would also exaggerate the play between the barrel and frame in as much as for a given amount of play, the barrel end would move further, which could give more variance between individual shots.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Regarding accuracy.  I actually got a call from Chuck at NAA that my RII was ready to ship back to me.  I asked about my concerns and received good answers.  Then I asked about accuracy being checked.  NAA normally just shoots into water and does not check accuracy.  But my lucky day, I was told someone was taking some RIIs to a range to check accuracy due to multiple complaints.  At my request mine was included in the accuracy testing.  Now I understand that my RII won't be returned for a few weeks until a different sight is available, a higher sight I expect.  I am back to agreeing that NAA has great customer srrvice.


BJ I'm glad you posted as I got a email today and all it said was that  they were checking it for accuracy but it would be a few more weeks. I was kinda frustrated because they have had my gun since the 15th of Feb and there just getting around to checking it. :( and they didn't tell me what the delay was just that its gonna be a few weeks.


Personally I think a 2 inch barrel is the perfect combination for concealment and accuracy. Over 2 inches its not really good for pocket carry. Since I carry my minis I'll probably never buy anything over 2" 
Quote from: redhawk4 on March-09-18 10:03
It was stated that they would make other barrel lengths in due time. They did it with the Sidewinder so I think they will in time.

Regarding accuracy, there are several factors that contribute to the accuracy of a gun. The increased sighting radius of a longer barrel will normally make the shooter more accurate. As long as a barrel can stabilise the bullet the barrel length does not contribute significantly to the accuracy of the gun until you get out to longer distances where the higher velocity of the longer barrel improves the trajectory. There are however other things at play, with a very short barrel the bullet can be disrupted by the blast of unburned powder etc. exiting the barre l right behind it.

My main concern for longer barreled Ranger II's would be the leverage transferred to the frame and pivot by the extra length. A longer barrel would also exaggerate the play between the barrel and frame in as much as for a given amount of play, the barrel end would move further, which could give more variance between individual shots.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-09-18 19:03
BJ I'm glad you posted as I got a email today and all it said was that  they were checking it for accuracy but it would be a few more weeks. I was kinda frustrated because they have had my gun since the 15th of Feb and there just getting around to checking it. :( and they didn't tell me what the delay was just that its gonna be a few weeks.

My Rangers have been back at NAA since 6th of Feb. I'm sure they are just being VERY sure they are operating as well as they possibly can. New sight? I don't know - haven't asked anyone what they are doing. I'm just being patient.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


I'll be interested to see how the accuracy/front sight pans out as I'm certain mine still shoots way off POA, although I need to go back to the range as last time I was focused on torture testing it's function rather than carefully aiming. It's certainly much better than it was originally after having a new barrel fitted. With the original barrel I couldn't even hit a letter sized target at 7 yards.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

smokeless joe

I'll be anxious to see what variations of the Ranger come down the line.


Good thing we all have other guns to shoot while we wait :D other wise we'd be going nuts.

smokeless joe

Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-10-18 06:03
Good thing we all have other guns to shoot while we wait :D other wise we'd be going nuts.
Got that right buddy


I took a RII out and put it on paper at 10 yards.

The center of the group was 8" high and 6" right.

The group was 11" top to bottom and 14" wide.
As said before the center of that 11x14 pattern was 8" high and 6" right.

I used two different loads, Hornady Critical Defense and Federal 50 gr.

I had three first shot failures to fire and the hammer locked up once.  Opening the action, manipulating the hammer cleared this issue.
Two of the FTF were from the hammer resting in a safety notch to start the shooting round.
All FTF fired when struck a second time (6 pulls of the trigger to fire all 5 rounds).

I would not consider a 10 yard 11x14 grouping exceptionally good nor would I consider 8" high and 6" right that good either.

What are others getting out of their RII's?



I'm still high and left, didn't really attempt accuracy on my last range visit it was more of a torture test on the mechanical capabilities. But based on my groups at 5 yards or so while blasting away, I suspect my 10 yd group would be similar. I need to go back and give it another try. With the original barrel I couldn't even hit a letter sized target at 7 yards, so it's certainly much better than it was, but I suspect it will still fall short of what I'd like.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card