Replacing my Ranger ll with a Black Widow

Started by Gobbletn, March-07-18 06:03

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Guy, thanks for the input... I sold my Ranger ll and ordered a new Black Widow conversion from KY guns this morning. $285 included shipping...

I needed a reliable side piece to carry in the Turkey woods for "pests" that might need removing! Let's be politically correct here!!!

Been carrying a Ruger Bearcat Shopkeeper at 22 oz, in 22LR. The BW is much lighter and a better choice with 22Mag rat shot... I'll compare the two loads after I receive it from KY guns.

To recap, thanks for the input and I hope the Black Widow arrives without the problems that the Ranger ll's have shown. I am wondering if the older built guns are better than the new guns???. NAA seems to be having some quality issues of the late, but hope the BW is a tried and true setup for them and manufacturing problems are not in the BW line....
Not sure why, but Dad always said "Shoot Straight" before every hunt


Good luck! I think you'll love the BW!


Good choice! The BW is tried and true. I'm sure the others on here who own one will agree.
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Yep. The BW is the best NAA sells so far, although the bug out looks pretty close.

smokeless joe


Just received the 3rd B-W I have owned over the years.  Probably have owned maybe a half dozen other NAA's.  The only NAA's I really felt comfortable with was my B-W's and a Pug.  If I was more flexible, I would probably be kicking myself for selling the Pug, a mistake I will rememdy in the near future.   Maybe take a while as I will order it with the convertible  LR cylinder.  The Sidewinder looks great, just still not sure.  Doubt I will ever own a Ranger ii.  Hope I never have need to a faster reload then my B-W, or a real need for any fast reload for that matter just as I consider a 22 mag enough gun.  No criminal wants to get shot with anything.  He would have to go to the hospital and get arrested.  Most criminals are stupid by nature, but they know that much.


Gobbletn - I hope the Black Widow proves more satisfactory than did your Ranger. I have always been satisfied with the performance of my Black Widow, hopefully you will be also. I cannot say that I think that shooting snakes is at all needful, but to each his own.


"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


You will enjoy your BW. I have carried mine everyday for the last 4 years. It is a useful size and with the 22mag cylinder loaded with Hornady CD it packs a useful wallop.